It helps us understand how the church went from being an exclusively Jewish group of people to being largely Gentile. But, Revelation also gives us a glimpse into the future when Jesus ushers in a new age and His kingdom is fully established. We now have a New Testament Survey Course which has a special section for our Feed Yourself students. The first part of the Bible is the Old Testament [or Old Covenant] which consists of 39 books. But it also makes it a bit confusing. Paul strongly recommends that Philemon accept his runaway slave as a brother, not a slave. Paul writes to the church at Ephesus about how to walk in grace, peace, and love. Even if you’ve been reading the Bible for years, it’s easy to forget some of its books. Books, the Poetic Books, and the Prophetic Books. A philosophical exploration of the meaning of life—with a surprisingly nihilistic tone for the Bible. Learning your way around the Bible is crucial to being able to learn from the Bible and realizing there is organization to the structure will help. John lists stories of signs and miracles with the hope that readers will believe in Jesus. The Book of Acts tells us about the birth and early years of the Church. So, memorizing the books of the Bible is a great start, but let’s don’t leave kids just with random books in what seems like a random order. These books include Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. How to study the Bible for yourself in 20 short email lessons. The Old Testament records the history and writings of Israel in the centuries prior the coming of Jesus. The smaller prophet books are referred to as the Minor Prophets. God warns that he will judge Israel and the surrounding nations, but also that he will restore them in peace and justice. The New Testament books can be grouped in different ways, but many identify three broad categories that include history, letters (also called epistles), and prophecy. Where’s that? This is an account of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, focusing on Jesus’ role as the true king of the Jews. The prophet Zechariah calls Israel to return to God, and records prophetic visions that show what’s happening behind the scenes. God chooses a man to speak for Him to Israel, to tell them the error of their ways and teach them justice: Ezekiel. Greek word âbiblosâ which was the name assigned to the outer coat of a The New Testament includes 27 books about Jesus’ ministry and what it means to follow him. A good Nahum foretells of God’s judgment on Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. The Books of History begin where the Books of the Law end and include Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. Israel fails to trust and obey God, and wanders in the wilderness for 40 years. A letter encouraging Christians to cling to Christ despite persecution, because he is greater. Micah confronts the leaders of Israel and Judah regarding their injustice, and prophecies that one day the Lord himself will rule in perfect justice. The Book of Revelation is also a letter in that it was written to be delivered to a specific group of churches. which consists of 39 books. Peter writes to Christians who are being persecuted, encouraging them to testify to the truth and live accordingly. The Major Prophets include Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. A very brief letter about walking in truth, love, and obedience. These Books are divided into 4 general It is originally from the The historical books include the four Gospels and the Book of Acts. It lists every book in order with a neat graph comparing their lengths. The first part of the Bible is the Old Testament [or Old Covenant] The Bible itself is a book. He later wrote letters to many of the churches and many of these letters have been preserved in the New Testament. Paul hears that the Galatian churches have been lead to think that salvation comes from the law of Moses, and writes a (rather heated) letter telling them where the false teachers have it wrong. Luke writes the most thorough account of Jesus’ life, pulling together eyewitness testimonies to tell the full story of Jesus. A love song (or collection of love songs) celebrating love, desire, and marriage. In fact, the word “bible” comes from the Latin and Greek words for “book” (biblia and biblos, respectively). This brief account of Jesus’ earthly ministry highlights Jesus’ authority and servanthood. A look at the love of God For Us, How We Love God, and We Love Each Other. An encouraging letter to the church of Philippi from Paul, telling them how to have joy in Christ. Paul instructs the Thessalonians on how to stand firm until the coming of Jesus. Although the Jewish "Old Testament" contains the same books as the Israel demands a king, who turns out to be quite a disappointment. Our God is a God of order and the books of the Bible are in an order that makes sense. Author: So many authors—meet them all here! Each Gospel is written from a different perspective with different purposes, so they each give us different stories, even though they do contain overlapping stories. The first four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. What do we want kids to do while they’re at church? All rights reserved. of "biblos" is "biblia" which word the Christians by the second century A.D. were using to describe their writings. God sends a prophet to warn Israel about the coming Babylonian captivity, but the people don’t take the news very well. Author: Traditionally Moses, but the stories are much older. categories: Books of Law called the Pentateuch or Torah, the Historical Israel enters a cycle of turning from God, falling captive to oppressive nations, calling out to God, and being rescued by leaders God sends their way (called “judges”). Satan attacks a righteous man named Job, and Job and his friends argue about why terrible things are happening to him. Throughout their history, God spoke to His people through prophets. Before we look at the books of the Bible, That means if you want to know the Bible better, you’ll need to get acquainted with the 66 documents it comprises. You can also find help for teaching the Bible’s organization. Master Life: An Introduction To Biblical Law. papyrus reed in Egypt during the eleventh century B.C. God saves Israel from slavery in Egypt, and then enters into a special relationship with them. Receive our Free monthly Newsletter, Water Of The Word, which contains a Bible article for your encouragement plus a list of any new articles or videos and updates. Like the prophets of the Old Testament, Revelation spoke to the people living in that day and time. The four Gospels tell us about the life and ministry of Jesus. The English word came from the Old French, changing its ending making the word Bible.
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