“He needs to go to sleep but he’s fighting it,” she says. The Wall has also been placed on UNESCO's list of outstanding twentieth century buildings. No, no I wouldn’t. “But this could be worse you know | I could be a Jehova,” I say. He tells me he really likes Judo, he’s won one gold and two bronze medals in national competitions. He sounds like a toddler Houdini, so I think I’ll write a poem about that…. Don’t slam the door, don’t be nervous, Pingback: Not The One Show – Door-to-Door Poetry, Pingback: Snakes and Boilers – Door-to-Door Poetry, Pingback: Benefits Street- Part 1 – Door-to-Door Poetry, Pingback: Buckingham Palace, Grosvenor Crescent, etc. – Door-to-Door Poetry, Places of Poetry- The Book | Rowan McCabe, Follow Door-to-Door Poetry on WordPress.com. So I tell him I’ll look up Tiddy and bring him a poem back about that…. The Byker Wall: A long block of 620 flats with a reputation for violence and general dodgy-ness. If you live in a Muslim country you never really go anywhere. It’s interesting but, again, after showing that I would literally write a poem about anything, the conversation opens up a bit more. The block's Functionalist Romantic styling with textured, complex facades, colourful brick, wood and plastic panels, attention to context and relatively low-rise construction represented a major break with the Brutalist high-rise architectural orthodoxy of the time. I can see the Wall looming in the distance, the nerves are kicking in now. The area was landscaped with trees and gardens. Would I go door-to-door there and ask if anyone wanted a poem? He’s walking along the windowsill when Carl’s dog suddenly leaps up barking at the open window, trying to catch Gemma’s cat. But the Byker Wall is an estate. Michelin Travel Partner traitera votre adresse email afin de gérer votre abonnement à la newsletter Michelin Voyage. Today, Byker is best known for Erskine’s Byker Wall, an 1,800-home estate of 9,500 people, which is among the best regarded of Britain’s postwar council estates. I was trying to get a similar message to you across that people’s geographical address has nothing to do with their personalities & we should not be judgemental. The improvement works also included the installation of a new roof, a new digital aerial system and upgrading of the door entry and CCTV systems. Andrea recommends I try the block of bungalows across the courtyard. Inscrivez-vous à la Newsletter ViaMichelin! Halfway through the next stanza he says “Right so you’re doing your poetry but what are you after?” I skip to the stanza about why I’m here. – Him and Claire walk me over and I finally get to meet her. “I hate my dog,” says Stu. He looks calm but ready to strike, like a puma. You planning more work in schools or concentrating on other things for now? This project provided opportunities for employment and training including apprenticeships and jobs for people living in Byker, thus also helping to improve economic and social conditions within the estate. I ask her, if you could try and stop two religions going to war, what would you say? When I told people I was going, they all made the same noise: “Oh?” I asked my friend Pat what the noise meant, he said it was fear.he said it was fear. My aforementioned poem was read out on a local radio station years ago, a programme called night owls, I got a great response, best of luck. Byker Community centre offers activities for people of all ages, including a broad variety of groups and events. Zayne?” “Yeah why not”…, I’m just about to leave when I spot Carl. I start to wonder how much of a place’s reputation is based on ideas… and how many of them are wrong. This suddenly feels a lot more real- it’s harder to run away. I think what you are doing is great & as long as you inject humour into it, GEORDIES will love it. Great read Rowan. They recently failed to beat Sunderland AFC in another derby game- I decide not to mention that most of my family support Sunderland. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the. None of us noticed the cat was there. She’s called Gemma and she’s busy changing her son’s nappy. The move to the new development was also phased to help try to keep a sense of community alive. Byker Wall is the name given to a long unbroken block of 620 maisonettes in the Byker district of Newcastle upon Tyne, England. John strikes me as a reasonable man, but the kind of person you wouldn’t fuck with under any circumstances. Merci ! “So why don’t you like Precious?” “She’s a scruffy, rotten, horrible thing; she keeps escaping through the gate; she’s always begging me for food; when I take her out with the kids she runs away on the field with them, she loves playing with the kids.” I mention that the last one doesn’t sound so bad. Plus, I realised when I wrote my piece to do on people’s doorsteps* (bottom of page), I wasn’t writing it for someone who was a young professional; I was writing it for someone who was working-class, who had maybe never thought about poetry before. “So what are your interests?” I ask him. Go on give me a poem then.” I start doing my intro poem. At the minute I’m Catholic, I believe there is something bigger than us but not the way it’s written down. What kind of drugs are we talking?”, Something about this makes Carl change his mind, I’m not sure whether it’s the possibility of being incriminated or the fact that, once he knew I would literally write a poem about anything, he suddenly didn’t feel like it was a good idea. I remember that there is a lot of things about the Byker Wall that don’t fit the stereotype: It’s in UNESCO’s list of outstanding 20th century buildings; it’s got its own micro-climate. The door-to-door poet is at your service. Improvements have also been made to the communal stairwells, entrances, deck access walkways and a complete repaint in line with the original Ralph Erskine colour scheme. “I-phone 6! I ask him who the best judo-er is, is it judo-er? Fort romain, thermes et musée de Segedunum, Chaque mois, faites le plein d’idées et de bons plans ! “Write us a poem about the bloke on there.” I walk across to the table and there is some photos of a man in military uniform, along with an article from The Chronicle which has been framed: ‘Metro Hero’. Tell me about your life. But the Byker Wall is an estate. It covers an area of approximately 200 acres and is home to around 9,500 people. I’m sorry about your loss.” “Nar nar,” he says, “he was 92 he lived a good life.” Graham’s wife takes me to the door and sees me out…, Further along the block I meet a guy called Carl. “She’s there all the time, like when I need her.” I ask how long they’ve been together. Its innovative and visionary design has earned it many awards notably the Civic Trust Award, the Eternit Award, the Ambrose Congreve Award for Housing (in 1980) and the Veronica Rudge Green Prize for Urban Design from Harvard University. Some of the best girls I’ve met in my life are like that. “Well I used to like The Toon but not anymore.” (That’s Newcastle United for any non-Geordies). When I told people I was going, they all made the same noise: “Oh?” I asked my friend Pat what the noise meant, he said it was fear. Her personality. That night, Byker was probably the most cultured place in the region, maybe even in the country. Buckingham Palace, Grosvenor Crescent, etc. I wonder if the angle is the first date in Greggs and suggest that, Carl seems to like it so I decide I’ll give it a go…. The next person to answer is a lady with long black hair , “I think we’ve got a few minutes before the grandkids get here”. Yeah I’ll be carrying on for definite, I’ll keep you posted . “Hi, I was just about to knock on you.”, A very tall man is stood there called John. Boston: ‘The Most Divided Place in England’. I walk around for a long time with no takers. “OK, yeah, I’ll write you a poem about wanking,” I say, “although we need an angle here guys, I can’t just write ‘wanking’ on a piece of paper. I’ll put it in a poem I don’t know what one is!” It’s a tough start. The Byker Wall was also infamous as the home of "Ratboy" a juvenile delinquent who hid in its heating shafts when running from police during the 1990s.
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