The hiring manager is on the panel but at least two members of the panel have to be in different areas of the organization than the hiring manager. From past experience, the furlough Fridays for us at Caltrans forced everyone off 9/80s. A place for State of California Workers, Union Members, Prospective Employees, General Public, and other people interested in State employment to discuss news, events and other items of State interest. I take a voluntary 5% salary reduction in exchange for eight extra hours of vacation a month. I seriously dont remember I took any exam yet. First, here’s a bit about how California State government STILL performs interviews: All interviews are done by a panel. The panelists will have a cheat sheet of suggested answers to compare the applicants’ answers to. This was posted as an answer to someone. Get the names of all your interviewers and their email addresses. As far as I can tell, in the government I work for, no. Are you interested in knowing about what a job at the State of California is like? I think the only time that it is "bankable" or provide a leave credit is when you have to work that day, similar to CTO. Or would it moreso be a savings in that its a deferral of cost? In addition to the numerical scores given on the interview itself (which you will never be able to see, don’t even try asking), there are likely additional scores based on your resume and weighting factors like military service and prior experience with the government entity. SEIU 1000 reported the state proposed 2 PLP days per month through June 2021. I call these the e-harmony exams. I've been to three State interviews in the last two weeks. How important is this? You can always ask questions if you don't understand something. Welcome to the California State Controller’s Office (SCO) web page for state civil service and exempt, state court, and California State University employees. Show up at least 30 minutes before the time they give you. Do you work for the State of California? Press J to jump to the feed. Is it true that with this change 9/80s are out? If you’re interviewing with a government entity, odds are pretty good that some version of this is what’s going to happen. Thank you for also opining. If everyone else seems to be picking up what you’re putting down, but you’re only getting angry stares from the hiring manager, you could end up in a position where your future boss was forced to hire you when she didn’t want to. Sounds like some Dept did cancel 9/8/80 so not sure how it will be handled this go around. Well, this is the place! Make sure you have all the documents required. Even though this is a highly formalized process, that does not mean that you should leave without gathering the information YOU need to determine if the position is right for you. People at the time could have them on Mondays or Fridays. I'm going to be applying to the state soon, but I need to get through that rather brutal assessment first. Are you interested in knowing about what a job at the State of California is like? Exactly this. Send a thank you note within 24 hours, and if you promised to send them something make sure to do it. I’m just confused . I'm kidding, but in all seriousness you want to make sure you meet the minimum qualifications (MQ). Pay periods are 21 or 22 days, depending on the month. Seriously great job on the breakdown of the process. Scheduling meetings with furloughs added just wasn’t feasible so they moved everyone off of those alternate work schedules. However I think it will be useful to anyone coming into this sub reddit. I dont understand what a PLP day is and if it's actually something I should be OK with or how it compares to other types of leave. Sometimes departments will receive only a few applications, and other times they'll get over 300 for one job. A place for State of California Workers, Union Members, Prospective Employees, General Public, and other people interested in State employment to discuss news, events and other items of State interest. I'm putting them together because I think they're interchangeable. I will be gone from February until late August. 10/10. Some Departments do others do first initial.last. I have been working for the DMV for 5 years and I just enlisted into the Ca army national guard. A place for State of California Workers, Union Members, Prospective Employees, General Public, and other people interested in State employment to discuss news, events and other items of State interest. Hi firstly great thank you for posting this!!! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Some departments want you to already be working for them, so be sure and read the bulletin. Do your best to maintain the pleasant, professional demeanor you would in any other interview. There's a link to CalCareers but no how to. Apply for jobs using your CalCareer account or by mailing the application in. Do not try to guess how it went or whether you got the job based on the interview. Does anyone actually think this process is good? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Do you work for the State of California? A place for State of California Workers, Union Members, Prospective Employees, General Public, and other people interested in State employment to discuss news, events and other items of State interest. If the question is “Do you have experience in Microsoft Excel?” tell us how you’ve used Excel extensively for three years and can do pivot tables, but ALSO tell us about how you used Excel to analyze a massive amount of data and solve a critical problem at your current job. I'm not a mod so I can't add it to the side bar or sticky it. Send a thank you note to the HR rep. Don’t shut down! However the website says to look for jobs first. LETS BE HONEST HERE: THIS SYSTEM SUCKS, BUT ITS NECESSARY FOR REASONS. You can look by county, department, job classification, part-time, full-time, it's a big ole party. So, if these leave days were to be bankable, how would that save the state money? Are you interested in knowing about what a job at the State of California is like? See what looks interesting to you. Well, this is the place! Or if they were all on the org charts you can probably guess their email from and email on the job announcement (hiring contact or EEO or Reasonable Accommodation). Well, this is the place! Kick ass and take names. Old timers in my Dept mentioned they got to keep their alternate work schedules and basically took all the Fridays off. Each applicant for a position has to be asked the same questions, and the panelists must rank each answer on the same numerical scale. You will walk out of that State building mulling over the over-analysis of comments made during or after an interview and I cannot stress that enough in these situations. If we changed pay periods then the entire pay day schedule would change. From what I read on another post, furloughs would get rid of 9/80s but PLPs won’t. Hopefully, you passed most, if not all, of your exams. If you can get in other comments about your relevant experience, say it aloud. Do you work for the State of California? Again, you will receive your results usually within a month or two. How does the VPLP show on your pay warrant? Wait. Now that you know you meet the MQ's it's time to take the exam(s)!!!! Appreciate your help! Do you work for the State of California? Interview. I wish people would stop saying they will be ba liable 100%. Ask for an organizational chart so that you can get an idea of who's interviewing you and what their position is. If they don't tell you when they are looking to hire (usually 1-4 weeks), ASK!!! BECAUSE I SAID SO!!! When you are introduced to the panel, remember who the hiring manager is and pay the most attention to the vibes you’re getting from that person.
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