To do so you must take many things into consideration, such as different views of racial problems and conflicting definitions of a social problem. The main stakeholder involved in the overpopulation in China issue is the government. There would be a shortage of food supply, which would increase the hunger and death rate in many Chinese people but mainly children. Empowering women is essential for controlling overpopulation. Causes, Effects, and Solutions: Overpopulation means an increase in the number of people in an area than the number, the resources of that particular area can sustain. The oceans would be affected and will not sustain quality sea life. With the increase in population of deer, many changes have occurred to the habitat of the deer which has caused changes to the habitat of other species, as well. These are the long-term of China overpopulation. This is why population growth should be a global concern that should be recognized, examined, and dealt with immediately. The first of these is the depletion of resources. When immigration occurs and that is not counted, then it causes Overpopulation. The Earth can only produce a limited amount of water and food, which is falling short of the current needs. 4. Improvement in medical technology/treatment reduces the mortality rate for many serious diseases. Oil and gas would probably reach its peak and cause prices to rise tremendously. Furthermore, when a country is overpopulated, there is a high rate of unemployment because there just aren’t enough jobs to support the population and in this kind of scenario the Government will suffer simply because the taxes that maybe collected by Government will be lesser and it will affect the economy. for these causes of overpopulation. A reporter from the Daily Mail UK wrote that each...... ...Adryen SEKA How the Over Population affect the economy of the Philippines? In many areas, there is simply not enough food to feed the growing populations. Science invents different vaccines and treatments for life threatening diseases. Deer are coming out of the woods for food and water which causes an increase in the number of deer in human populated areas and highways. The water storage would be insufficient, which would result in individuals getting improper water intake. They are cutting down forests, hunting wildlife in a reckless manner, causing pollution and creating a host of problems. Poverty leads to overpopulation as residents in these areas see their children as an... 1978 and implanted it in 1980. This issue is as serious as some other global issue, but for any problem, there is a solution. Hospitals in every state should provide cheap birth control medicines, aware of the poor people, and advertise the use of condoms. Child labor is still available in many countries. Environmental Science Technological Advancement in Fertility Treatment: Causes of Overpopulation. The issue is compounded by the difficulty in providing solutions for this problem and misunderstanding of the causes and effects of overpopulation. Here we will discuss the causes, effects, and solutions of overpopulation. Therefore, many species of animals are at risk. Pollution is an environmental problem whose magnitude is increased by overpopulation. Overpopulation Could Lead to Higher Levels of Pollution. This can contribute to a low GDP per Capita which is effect overpopulation has on the economy. The expense of vehicle repairs and, sometimes, medical bills, due to vehicle-deer collisions is very high. The government is the unit that creates and passes the laws that are needed to deal with the issue of over population. Overpopulation is defined as “excessive population of an area to the point of overcrowding, depletion of natural resources, or environmental deterioration”, (Answers). Conclusion: To live a better life every family needs to have proper family planning in a manner to provide their kids with complete nutritious food, proper shelter, the best education, and other important resources. A lot of chronic diseases or deadly viruses such as measles, smallpox are being treated with the improvement in medical services. The birth rate is consistently increasing resulting in a drain of resources as there is an increase in demand. Overpopulation is a state wherein the population density of an area has grown large enough to exceed what would be the natural sustainable inhabitant capacity of that area causing a significant reduction in the quality of life for those inhabiting the area (Hardin). Concern sorrounding the topic of overpopulation has been expressed since 200AD by philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, at a time when the world populace amounted to only 190 million. For example, water pollution caused nearly 20,000 beach closings in 2004 and fine particle air pollution resulted in the premature deaths of over 45,000 people in the U.S each year (retrieved from of overpopulation). To ensure population stability not only in the increasingly wealthy third-world areas but also in the industrialized areas, countries and individuals must work together to achieve zero population growth. For this cause of overpopulation, people have to face many issues. The very large population becomes a problem when there isn’t enough space to live and not enough food and supplies to live off of. Decline in death rate: With the overuse of coal, oil and natural gas, it has started producing some serious effects on our environment. Deer overpopulation is causing many concerns, including human health and safety concerns, ecological impacts, and economic losses. Therefore, it is very important to boost the. Growth must be checked to avoid this catastrophe. Deer-vehicle collisions is also one of the many economic losses that is associated with the overpopulation of deer. The photograph portrayed a massive building in Hong Kong that looked as if it was built to house thousands of people using the least amount of space possible. The causes of overpopulation are complex and influenced by many factors like economic, cultural, religious and individual issues.Overpopulation not good.. Overpopulation: Overpopulation is an unfortunate condition where the quantity of existing human population surpasses the conveying limit of Earth.. Overpopulation is caused by number of components. That’s why the major part of the world comes together to discuss about what are the causes and which impact they have on the life on earth. One of the unpredicted and undesired effects of this policy is called “the dying rooms”, where children, mostly girls, are sent to because they were abandoned and given to. All these effects have their own consequences and there are many reasons which explain this global warming. Developed countries are not facing the problem of overpopulation as people in develop countries are educated and they are aware of the consequences of having more kids. The effects of overpopulation are quite severe. Factors that lead to overpopulation that causes social problems are the increase in the number of single mothers in poor neighborhoods opposed to the decline in birth rates in the more efficient parts of the country, how the death rate is at a steady decline because of medical advances in rich and poor countries, the effects immigrants have on an environment and the population growth that occurs, the influence parents leave on children, and what is being d... ...Overpopulation has a definite effect on a country’s economy. The photograph I saw was called Architecture of Density and it was taken by photographer and artist Michael Wolf. It creates an imbalance in the city and a shortage of resources. Most of the environmental damage being seen in the last fifty odd years is because of the growing number of people on the planet. Climate changes are not new. Now many women are taking fertility... ...Manika Riley-James They face many difficulties like lack of water and food, a decrease of animals’ habitats, etc. They give birth to large number of child and do not provide them the basic needs of life. It causes more diseases to spread and makes them harder to control. This exponential population growth that our planet has experienced over the last 150 years has had some severe negative effects.
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