Budgets for Chicago public schools are going up by 4%. The Civic Federation calls on the federal government to approve additional COVID-19 relief funding for State and local governments, including school districts, to use for general operating purposes and to cover revenue loss. Lightfoot said Wednesday in her address that, like many other municipalities, the city was under incredible financial pressure brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Chicago principals received individual school budgets Tuesday that boost total spending at the school level for next year by about 4%, for a total of $3.125 billion. Download PDF. With equity at its core, the FY2021 budget is fully aligned to the commitments established by our Five-Year Vision––academic progress, financial stability, and integrity. Nearly $306 million to address facility needs at the school buildings that need them most. At a state school board budget hearing Wednesday, Alex Parker, a fourth-grade teacher at Cossitt Avenue Elementary School in suburban LaGrange, told the story of a new teacher getting thrown into virtual learning this fall without proper training after her prep program was cut short by the coronavirus pandemic. Reporting from Chalkbeat Chicago and WBEZ helped pressure the school district to release a public accounting of that program, showing that the school district had agreed to pay for officer pensions and healthcare costs for 12 months of paychecks, even though officers only serve in schools for ten. “Workers and working families would be better served by the City Council rejecting this budget and forcing the mayor back to the drawing board,” said Stacy Davis Gates, the union’s vice president, in a statement. Included in that $44 million, it also gave $100,000 extra to 100 schools that serve the neediest students, according to something known as Chicago’s Economic Hardship Index developed by the University of Illinois at Chicago. The CEO said she could also see schools using this money to hire a reading specialist or other similar positions. Over the ten-year period, preschool enrollment has declined by 6,213, or 26.2%, K-8 enrollment has declined by 32,405, or 12.2%, and high school enrollment has declined by 8,907, or 7.8%. Jason Powell of ReadyNation, a workforce advocacy group that has begun lobbying around early childhood education, requested that the board invest $50 million in education for young learners. Dolton Mayor Riley Rogers said the video "exonerates" the officers, and he commended them for their restraint. the part that comes from central office — will be released this summer. The amount the school district receives varies each year. J.B. Pritzker announced new contact tracing data compiled across Illinois. Chalkbeat is a nonprofit newsroom dedicated to providing the information families and educators need, but this kind of work isn't possible without your help. ‘Tonight Show’ head writer from Chicago leaves after seven months. For example, schools will get one teacher position for seven elementary school students. Know about breaking news as it happens. We are also providing the largest-ever one-year increase in special education funding to ensure our diverse learners have the supports and resources they need to reach their full potential. To ensure schools and students have the resources and supports they need during this challenging times, we are investing $75 million to purchase additional computing devices for children who still need them, provide free meals for CPS families in need, and purchase face masks, cleaning supplies, and additional materials that schools will need if it is deemed safe for in-person learning to begin this year. Student enrollment has declined by 11.8%, or 47,525 over the past ten years, from 402,681 in FY2011 to 355,156 in FY2020. Chicago Public Schools’ budget for next fall includes more money for special education and schools in high-need areas, and extra funding for teacher pay raises. CPS officials said that includes allocating special education positions, such as teachers and classroom aides, based on a previous year’s needs so schools will no longer face staffing shortages at the start of the year because of enrollment drops. The increase is primarily due to a $262.6 million, or 9.9%, increase in salaries; a $114.1 million increase in contracts; and a $124.3 million, or 36.5%, increase in contingencies. Those dollars are surplus property tax funds the city uses to spur development and pay for public works projects in high-need neighborhoods. Essential education reporting in Chicago, Sign up for the Who Voted Against The Graduated Income Tax? Improved level of general operating reserves; The Board of Education livestreaming meetings and holding remote meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Student-based budgeting here to stay, Chicago schools chief says, Chicago rapper King Von killed in Atlanta shooting: police. Through efficiencies, reforms, tighter spending controls, and strong fiscal management, that shortfall is reduced by almost 85 percent and is closed in the 2019 budget proposal. Los funcionarios de salud están preocupados. Another problem: Though the school district may open many more special education teacher positions, it is doubtful it will be able to fill them. Chicago Public Schools’ budget for next fall includes more money for special education and schools in high-need areas, and extra funding for teacher pay raises. Budget Hearing Hearing time: 4:00PM – 6:00PM, Capital Plan HearingHearing time: 12:00PM – 2:00PM. Hundreds of schoolchildren in the southern Philippines have fallen sick after eating durian-flavoured sweets, the provincial governor said Saturday. The school district also is compelled by the Chicago Teachers Union contract, agreed upon after a lengthy strike last fall, to increase funding in some areas, including providing a 3% raise for staff. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. The others are not working since Chicago Public Schools is not conducting in-person learning, a budget department spokeswoman said. The stipends will be increasing by 3% to pay the promised staff raises. Jackson has worked to release school budgets in the spring since she came to the helm of the 355,000-student district, to allow principals more time to plan for the fall. Because the city’s budget year and the school district’s budget year don’t line up exactly, some tax surplus funds from the city’s 2021 budget will spill over into school budget for next year. The district cost of that program has since been revised down, to $12 million. $22 million to build and renovate spaces that will support new, high-quality academic programs. newsletter, Sign up for the Recently, the district had entered a period of greater financial stability and seen some improvement in its ratings from investment agencies, though it carries more than $8 billion in debt. Chicago says it will reform school budgeting. Chicago Public Schools’ budget for 2020-2021 factors in $343 million in additional federal relief money, a gamble that leaders defended in late summer. Home; About Us; Training Products; Consultancy; Facilitators “Will (CPS leadership and the school board) use them to address dire ventilation and capital upgrades needed to secure the health and wellbeing of students and workers who Lightfoot is forcing back into buildings ruled unsafe by an independent arbitrator? The FY2021 proposed total spending plan for all funds of $8.4 billion is an increase of 6.9%, or $544.4 million, from the FY2020 amended budget of $7.8 billion; roposed FY2021 appropriations for general operating purposes of $6.9 billion are an increase of 9.4%, or $596.7 million, above the FY2020 operating budget of $6.3 billion. Dan Cox, superintendent of Rochester CUSD 3A in central Illinois, prefaced his remarks by saying he has attended the Illinois board of education’s budget hearings for the past several years. With more than $4 billion designated for school budgets, and new investments of over $125 million from last school year, we are confident that the following investments will move us toward our goal of providing a high-quality education for every child, no matter their race, zip code, or country of origin. Becky Drysdale, a former Second City writer-performer, says it was a mutual decision. In addition to the uncertainties presented by the pandemic, the District has major budget issues to address: continued use of large amounts of short-term borrowing, underfunded teachers’ pensions, declining enrollment and associated building utilization imbalances, and increasing costs for personnel and debt service to cover capital spending. As part of a multi-year commitment from Chicago Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot and CPS leadership to give families and school communities platforms for providing feedback on improving equity within schools, the FY2021 budget was shaped by an extensive public engagement process that included a series of both school funding and capital investment meetings. The appellate court noted its opinion "may not be cited as precedent" except in limited circumstances, but veteran lawyer says "this decision is binding on all circuit courts in Illinois.". Those dollars are surplus property tax funds the city uses to spur development and pay for public works projects in high-need neighborhoods. A school funding formula first introduced under former Mayor Rahm Emanuel and since adjusted under new schools leadership is here to stay, the Chicago Public Schools CEO said Tuesday, despite calls for changes from the teachers union, activists and parents at six public meetings held this winter to discuss the issue. The Chicago South Driver Services facility, 9901 S. King Dr., will be closed until Nov. 16, the secretary of state’s office announced. $20 million to improve ADA accessibility in our schools, which is part of a multi-year, $100 million investment to make the first floor of every CPS school accessible to people with disabilities. In a 2021 city budget plan detailed Wednesday, which includes a property tax hike and job cuts, the mayor proposed shifting about $55 million in costs onto schools. Another pressing factor in the public school district’s financial health is whether a second stimulus effort comes through for schools. Chicago also just reported 14,500 fewer students than the year prior, a 4% drop that leaders said was driven in part by declines in pre-kindergarten students. newsletter, $33 million cost of staffing and overseeing the police program, helped pressure the school district to release a public accounting of that program. The budgeted interest cost for short-term borrowing in FY2021 is $19 million; The District’s long-term debt increased by 44.1% in the five years from FY2015 through FY2019, with $9.0 billion in long-term debt outstanding as of FY2019; CPS is required to contribute $885.9 million to the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund in FY2021. College and Career Planning (Grades 6-12), Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Managers, Janice K. Jackson, EdD, Chief Executive Officer, Reporting Harassment, Misconduct, or Abuse, Proposed Policies or Rule Changes Open for Public Comment, https://www.cps.edu/about/finance/capital-plan/capital-plan-fy2021/, Video - Resident's Guide to FY2021 Budget [. The Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund was 47.4% funded on an actuarial basis as of June 30, 2019, compared to 67.1% funded ten years prior. 10 N. Dearborn St., Suite 800, Chicago, Illinois 60602 Taking a recommendation from the working group, Jackson said the district used the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Economic Hardship Index to target those resources for schools in the 12 areas of greatest need. By the state’s own assessments, CPS is still only funded at 64% adequacy in a new state formula that was put in place two years ago to prioritize resources for the districts with the most needs. To ensure schools and students have the resources and supports they need during this challenging times, we are investing $75 million to purchase additional computing devices for children who still need them, provide free meals for CPS families in need, and purchase face masks, cleaning supplies, and additional materials that schools will need if it is deemed safe for in-person learning to begin this year.
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