City of Washington strives to provide up-to-date information on city services that enhance your quality of life here at our website. Please Note: We do not accept applications when there are no positions open but please check back often for new openings. List of current requests for bid and proposals on City projects. Auburn's Parks and Recreation department offers a full range of indoor facilities. Get Job Alerts. File an online police report or report concerns such as a pothole, homeless camps, graffiti, illegal dumping, street lighting, road signs, etc. Washington is a growing community next to the Missouri River in Franklin County. Washington Government Jobs in city, county, and state governments including jobs in city management, law enforcement, economic development, finance, code enforcement, and public works Training, tips, and alerts on local hazards and how to be ready. Download Printable Employment Application (pdf 500KB). The City of Auburn has many services available online to allow citizens to take care of business at any time of the day, or night. Please visit the King County District Court - South Division website for information about court dates, anti-harassment orders, scheduled hearings, cases, jury duty, probation, fees and fines. 2, P.O. Government Jobs in City, County & State, Washington School Information Processing Cooperative (WSIPC). Explore Auburn’s Public Art Collection - the thread that joins art, people, and place. Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Policy Statement (PDF), Listing of current employment opportunities with the City of Everett, Subscribe to categories so you don't miss out on future employment opportunities, A listing of City of Everett job descriptions, Learn about City of Everett's COVID-19 response. It is the policy of Washington City to comply with Equal Employment Opportunity standards in all phases of personnel administration: job structuring, recruitment, examination, selection, appointment, placement, training, upward mobility, discipline, discharge, etc, without unlawful regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, physical or mental disability, national origin or veteran status. The Salary Range is $4,181 – $5,378 in accordance with union specifications for step increases over time. Apply for a passport or request a copy of a police report or public record. Open year round, with fire pits, picnic tables, trails, river access, and disk golf nearby. To view our current full-time, part-time or volunteer postings, please visit our Job Openings page.
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