The goal of CTLS Parent is to make it easier for Cobb families to partner with Cobb teachers and schools whether during digital learning or when students return to face-to-face learning. Cobb Schools Announces New CTLS Technical Support Posted By: Eric Rauch August 21, 2020 In response to parental questions about where to direct support concerns regarding CTLS and where they can submit ideas for future improvements to CTLS, Cobb Schools is providing parents with direct access to the Cobb Help Desk. “This year will not be a normal school year,” he said… Welcome to Cobb Schools! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The Cobb Teaching and Learning System is designed to give students better resources, parents more information, and teachers more time. As the 2020-21 school year heads into the second semester, Cobb Schools is making preparations to continue teaching and learning in a safe and healthy environment. “This year will not be a normal school year,” he said…, Copyright 2020 | MH Newsdesk by MH Themes, Owens campaign issues statement on his win in the Cobb sheriff’s race, Cobb & Douglas Public Health hosts drive-thru flu shot clinic November 10, Campbell falls to Pebblebrook, looks to bounce back against East Coweta, 700 remaining absentee ballots to be counted in Cobb, With 16,000 absentee ballots remaining to be counted, Democrats lead in Cobb countywide races plus narrow lead in BOC District 2, Technology-centric year for Cobb schools. CTLS is better than any other resource I’ve seen in any other school district.”, “Thank you [Cobb Schools] for an awesome week of CTLS training! Set up push notifications, select language preferences, and indicate the frequency in which to receive messages. Parents can answer the question, “What is my child learning in the classroom?” by having access to the Cobb County School District’s standards and expectations for core content mastery. Cobb Schools Foundation Boosts Social Workers Support of Students, Cobb Schools Announces New CTLS Technical Support, District Provides Over $10M in Digital Devices. Forbes ranks Cobb Schools as “Best Place to Work” for Second Year in a Row! One Team, One Goal, Student Success!”, “I am enjoying building my digital lessons on CTLS. As a teacher, I feel much more confident and as a parent, I am excited about the digital learning opportunities our kids will have.”. Can’t wait to see it in action.”, “Our superintendent is right! Access a directory of teachers and important contact information for the school. Education September 19, 2020. ), “Cobb parents, you need to know this: The Cobb Schools central office folks have assembled an incredible professional development program around online teaching, and teachers have been given three solid weeks to immerse themselves in it.”, “I’m so thankful to teach in Cobb! September 19, 2020 | Technology-centric year for Cobb schools; September 19, 2020 ... Home CTLS CTLS. Cobb superintendent Chris Ragsdale is seeking $8.1 million for the CCSD to complete development of its Cobb Teaching and Learning System, an online resource that became more heavily utilized than usual when district schools closed to in-person learning in March. Over 700,000 Cobb vetted learning resources, Equip parents with tools to support their child’s academic strengths and challenges at home. ... CTLS Learn Login CTLS Parent Login CTLS Support Office 365 Sign-in Office 365 Support ParentVUE Login Page StudentVUE Login Page. Stay informed with what students know, and the progress they have made. Access to items that can help them support students in social-emotional areas such as relationship skills, social awareness, responsible decision making, etc. Just as in the Fall, families will have the opportunity to choose the environment that works best for them: face-to-face or remote learning. Students are more successful in the classroom when parents are actively engaged in their student’s learning. Cobb Schools is proud of the system, but more importantly, CTLS Learn was designed and created based on input from the end-users: students, parents, and teachers. ), Cobb Teaching and Learning Standards (Coming Soon! The goal of CTLS Parent is to make it easier for Cobb families to partner with Cobb teachers and schools whether during digital learning or when students return to face-to-face learning. What Teachers Have To Say Using CTLS Assess has really changed the way my team and I analyze data to assess student learning. ... Cobb County School District (CCSD) Superintendent Chris Ragsdale said schools in the county are in for a technology-centric year. Thanks to the CTLS Parent portal, parents will have access to some of the same information that teachers use in CTLS to determine what students know. Parents will know more about their students and will be able to use the instructional resources in CTLS to help students at home. I’m excited to create engaging lessons that will get my chorus students singing again!”, “Thank you to [Cobb Schools] and any other amazing Cobb employee who worked hard for the last 4 months to create this amazing CTLS digital platform to help us all be the best we can be! In response to parental questions about where to direct support concerns regarding CTLS and where they can submit ideas for future improvements to CTLS, Cobb Schools is providing parents with direct access to the Cobb Help Desk. View End of Grade (EOG) and End of Course (EOC) assessments, Reading Inventory, and PSAT results. Email (only):, Copyright 2020 | MH Newsdesk lite by MH Themes, Cobb Schools Updating Website to Improve Customer Service, Cobb Churches Generously Give to Help Students and Families, Magnet Focus: The Center for Advanced Studies in Science, Mathematics, & Technology at Wheeler HS. Stay connected with schools and teachers. Standardized Assessment Data (Coming Soon! Parents will also be able to communicate more effectively with teachers and administrators using the communication tools available in the portal. The online platform they have created for students to learn from is fantastic. Cobb County School District (CCSD) Superintendent Chris Ragsdale said schools in the county are in for a technology-centric year. Parents and students can submit their technical support questions using the contact information below and can also submit suggestions for the platform through the email address and phone numbers provided below. ... Cobb County School District 514 Glover Street | Marietta, Ga. 30060 (770) 426-3300 Send your comments to the Webmaster In accordance with guidance from the Georgia Department of Public Health, every Friday for the rest of the 2020-2021 school year, Cobb Schools will provide you with the number of COVID-19 cases which have been confirmed by the Cobb & Douglas Public Health Department.
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