Baixar Série Homeland - 8ª Temporada Legendada (2020) Torrent Download com qualidade 1080p / 720p / HD / WEB-DL e nos formatos MKV - A emissora Showtime volta com "Homeland" para a oitava temporada. O’Keefe looks like Steve Bannon, but hosts a show like Alex Jones of Infowars. His murder of the man who saved him last week is more consistent with the character now than it was then, that’s for sure. I’m @JMartOutkick. I responded by saying if Dar indeed was that guy, it would instantly be time to shut the garage on Homeland forever. Further, Bannon’s Breitbart website became a propaganda arm to the Trump campaign, a position that evolved after the death of Andrew Breitbart. Within last night’s episode, Javadi went off-script and betrayed Saul, Dar Adal reticently backed Brett O’Keefe’s smear job on the President-Elect’s son, Carrie and Saul came back together, Quinn and Astrid had an argument, a fight, then a reconciliation, Astrid was shot and killed, and Quinn was almost murdered, only saved by the underwater cover of a lake. Tasneem has problems. I suggest you do the same, otherwise you’re being bamboozled into following something that’s almost assuredly not going to have an adequate conclusion. Dar Adal and his shadowy cabal of freedom fighting, power hungry sociopaths are standing on one side. It’s so interesting to see someone being able to out con her and her normal methods aren’t going to work. November 4, 2020, 11:11 am, by Saulâs final words to Carrie are "go f*ck yourself." It was never intended to put me on one side of the issue. I’ve said a few times this season that all the international minutiae of Season 6 has been ineffectual to me as a viewer. When he emptied the gun clip in the rental car, it was clear the weapon would be needed later and wouldn’t be there. Sign up today to get a $1000 risk-free bet. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He did the only thing that made sense as a Russian agent. Yes, “Alt.Truth” as an episode title certainly fits here, as it does when Quinn doubts what he actually saw, while in actuality being totally right. She should’ve realised something was up during that “instinct vs plan” dialogue. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. And, obviously, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Betrayal doesn't necessarily demand death, and Carrieâs would be pointless now. 7 Comments Ace. So the battle lines are effectively drawn. More like Jenna burned herself. Everything else that’s taken place this season, including wildcard Quinn, who is the ghost of the Mathison-Berenson army, has been purposed to place characters on the proper square of the Homeland chessboard. F. Murray Abraham, Actor: The Grand Budapest Hotel. As it stands in season five, though, Dar Adal’s sudden function as CIA “heavy” leaves much to be desired. That he was able to climb the CIA ladder and survive in Washington, where Carrie never could, has always been attributable to his pragmatism. A agente da CIA … This is not by accident. You knew he had seen the man who set up shop across the street from Carrie Mathison’s home, and the man responsible for the bomb that killed Sekou Bah. Thus, we say goodbye to Nina Hoss, and put Peter into an even grander downward spiral than ever before. Clay Travis Carrie, Saul, Keane, Rob, and the rational thinkers are on the other side. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { I've seen a lot written about Carrie and Yevgeny being so similar. When Peter felt he made a mistake and came back to the house, the minute he called Astrid a friend and the two shared that moment, we knew doom was on the way. Javadi, in the most important moment we’ve seen from him all season, puts a proverbial knife in Saul’s back in the meeting with Keane, then steals the SUV after shoving Berenson to the ground. Unlike other shows, in which the good guy always gets the bad, Homeland made even those simple boundaries hard to draw. He really likes her. I think Russia's support of the Taliban over Pakistan is a given. He warned Ana that she'd been compromised and gave the anguished command that led her to die by suicide. Last night, she betrayed her boss and mentor Saul and effectively caused the suicide of Ana, the most significant Russian asset the CIA had ever developed. Reminded me of the Russian character in Armageddon lol. It still is, but now I realize why. That was cold-blooded, and it hurt worse than the fist to the gut. It’s not just meeting with Mossad, it’s not just opposing the Iran deal, it’s blatant deception and real evil. So, I’m going to continue not to care about that side of the story, and instead just focus on the people involved. Get the Daily Outkick and get smarter every day. The show's moral barometer, of course, is Mandy Patinkin's Saul: strategic and calculated, if also curiously avuncular. Russia is a key ally of India, while the US was a key ally of Pakistan. He asks her a question, she responds right away. In Carrie's mind, she became a traitor to prevent a potential nuclear conflict. Dismiss, Outkick’s College Gambling Picks For Week 7 2020, Take Off, Eh? major caveat (make that two): Yevgeny's legs. It wasn’t what I would call a great episode, but it was pretty good as a TV show. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-img'); It's very clear they are driven by the mission/cause. I still am not willing to make the leap, even after the heavy showed up at the house and took Astrid out. So, he’s a mixture of both boogeymen, and because we aren’t seeing a non-crazy conservative countering or smoothing out the points, what we’re left with is Alt-Right vs. It's hard to imagine she'll escape suspicion for long, but in another scene we see that Carrie's already developing a network bigger than herself. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. } Her penance, on the other hand, he can use. She offers up a piece of unsolicited Russian intelligence and the promise of more to come. His father, Frederick Abraham, was … Sam Amico Bannon produced videos that strained credulity, to be kind, and O’Keefe’s hit piece was straight out of Stephen K’s playbook. A nuclear attack might lose tens of thousands of lives, but there's no telling what a Russian intelligence blackout would cost. Is this their chance to give the US a black eye? They were ALMOST happy for a split second. This entire deal was a Trojan horse, used to shovel in the usual suspects and get them in the game. Carrie, Saul, Keane, Rob, and the rational thinkers are on the other side. Quinn and Astrid came together just in time for the bullet to scream through the window. But even if she did believe her, there was no reason to keep it secret from Mike; the safe house should've been on alert or she could've given the address closeby where the Americans could've picked carrie up. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); It has put Saul Berenson and Carrie Mathison back in the same orbit, on the same side, and back in that father-daughter relationship that exists behind the scenes at all times on this show. Carrie as an “unfit mother”…well that’s not entirely wrong. One thing I’ve heard in interviews with people who have at one point or another worked with Bannon is this, and if you apply it to Dar Adal, perhaps his movements will make much more sense to you. Sam Amico Hopefully, we'll get some flashbacks to see what happened in Russia. He's also a Russian agent and she's an American agent. Constitutionally incapable of following orders, she defined those interests for herself and pursued them regardless of consequence. But, I’ll admit watching Dar with Brett O’Keefe, viewing clearly doctored footage to cast aspersions on the character of Captain Andrew Keane, it’s obvious Adal is much more nefarious than at any point previously. She asks him a question, he stays silent or coy. As much as I can get down with the weirdness of him crouching behind standees in a shady grocery store and doing a solo stakeout at a seedy motel, Homeland telegraphed something big was coming with Quinn at the end of the hour.
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