The city grew from about 5,500 in 1840 to some 77,000 by 1900 and attracted immigrants from Ireland, England, and Germany. 1923 - Cecile Steele begins Delaware's broiler chicken industry. Ownership of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal transferred to federal government. Men in the Delaware colony work on growing crops while the women usually did housework like cooking and cleaning.The Delaware colony made money by selling crops like tobacco, trading furs, and building ships. 1788-89 - Abolition societies established in Dover and Wilmington. 1761 - James Adams sets up first printing press in Delaware at Wilmington. The Delaware legislature votes against the amendment. federal Constitution, Delaware occupies a small niche in the Boston-Washington, D.C., urban corridor along the Middle Atlantic seaboard. 1609 - Henry Hudson, an Englishman sailing for the Dutch East India Company, discovers Delaware Bay and River. 1876 - Indian River Lifesaving Station is built, the nation's oldest station still on its original site. A lot of these products were exported to England. Development of Delaware was slow but saw some growth when a small group of fisherman established the Zwaanendael Colony to take advantage of the whaling industry. Legislature approves use of slot machines at Dover Downs, Harrington, and Delaware Park. time, the Leni-Lenape (Delaware) Indians occupied northern Delaware, while several tribes, including the Nanticoke and Assateague, inhabited southern Dover replaces New Castle as state capital. Frank Stephens purchases 163 acres near Grubbs Corner to found single tax community of Arden. Rehoboth Beach holds what some claim is the first beauty contest in the nation. 1855 - State-wide prohibition law enacted; repealed, 1857. The Settling of the Delaware Colony The Delaware Colony was classified to be as one of the Middle Colonies, and was founded in 1664 by Peter Minuit and the New Sweden Company. 1704 - Delaware's first assembly of the Three This page tells about the history of the Delaware Colony. It changes, grows, becomes richer, and more complex when any individual Although officially known as "The First State," a moniker it earned by when it became the first to ratify the Constitution on December 7, 1787, Delaware is also know as the Diamond State, a nickname that many believe was coined by Thomas Jefferson, who once called Delaware a "jewel among the states" due to its seaport location and its value as a trading port to the young country. In 1600, the Minquas (named after the Lenape 1878 - First telephone line installed in Wilmington. 1887 - Volunteer, a steel-hulled racing yacht, built in Wilmington, defeats Thistle to win America's Cup. The southern boundary is swampland with over 30,000 acres of swamp. A permanent settlement was not established until 1638—by Swedes at Fort Christina (now Wilmington) as part of their colony of New Sweden; they reputedly erected America’s first log cabins there. Peace convention at Dover favors peaceable recognition of Confederacy. Second span of the Delaware Memorial Bridge dedicated. 1868 - The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees equal protection for all races under the law. Due to the constant change, Delaware became an eclectic society with various religious beliefs and cultures. There were only two battles that took place in Delaware during the war and neither had much influence on the outcome. Another group of newcomers were the Scotch-Irish, who brought with them their Presbyterian religion and an emphasis on education. Major towns in the Delaware Colony included Georgetown and Wilmington. Louis McLane appointed Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. The Dutch tried to settle the area again with 50 more settlers, but the colony did not last and the Dutch West India Company moved the settlers from Delaware to New Amsterdam. The first inhabitants of the area now known as Delaware include the Nanticoke tribe, whose name means people of the tidewaters, and the Lenape tribe. In 1743 Francis Alison, a Presbyterian minister, established a school that became the foundation for the later University of Delaware. Steam-powered transportation also provided the key to Wilmington’s rapid industrialization in the mid-19th century. 1899 - The Delaware Corporation Law is passed. Textiles, tobacco, and the first continuous-roll paper mill in the country were also established in the area. 1950 - Delaware Court of Chancery orders University of Delaware to end segregation. Nicolls selected Sir Robert Carr to subdue the Dutch on the South (Delaware) River. James A. Bayard is one of American signers of the Treaty of Ghent, ending War of 1812. Original Name: The original name of the colony was the Delaware Colony (before 1776, the Lower Counties on Delaware), later Delaware. Delaware was often referred to as a breadbasket colony because it grew so many crops, especially wheat. Copyright © 2020 The History Junkie | Bamboo on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, ratification of the Declaration of Independence, History Junkie’s Guide to the 13 Original Colonies, History Junkie’s Guide to Famous Explorers, Eight Reasons The Americans Won The Revolutionary War, Middle Colonies Facts, Economy, and Influence. The Delaware Colony article provides important information and interesting facts at a glance via the fast Facts File about the Delaware Colony including the date the colony were established, geography, history, the system of government, religion, trade and the economic activities in the Delaware Colony. The wheat was ground into flour in flour mills then shipped to England. 1945 - Women's College merges with University of Delaware. The English took control of the colony and it remained in their control until declaring their independence from Great Britain in 1776. AUMP is the first denomination in the nation controlled entirely Slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction. 1818 - Construction begins on the mile-long Delaware Breakwater, completed in 1835. European settlements began to spring up in Delaware in 1631. 1763 - The French and Indian War ends in 1763 and Great Britain gains controls of all lands previously held by France. (See Reference 2) One of Delaware's many nicknames includes the Blue Hen State, in honor of the Blue Hen Chicken, which officially became the state bird in 1939, and was the mascot of Delaware's soldiers in the Revolutionary War. The colony of Delaware received its name from the Delaware Bay which, in turn, received its name from explorer, Captain General and Lord Governor of Virginia named Lord De La Warr, who died while on an expedition exploring the bay. Founding of the Delaware ColonyWhen was the colony of Delaware founded? Wilmington’s merchants and millers encouraged improvements in transportation, beginning with turnpikes into the hinterland and culminating in the establishment of a railroad connecting Wilmington with Baltimore and Philadelphia in 1838. 1929 - Louis L. Redding becomes first African-American lawyer in state. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Dutch founded the first European settlement in Delaware at Lewes (then called Zwaanendael) in 1631. 1844 - The Bangor, America's first iron-hulled propeller steamship, launched in Wilmington. The Duke of York era was from 1664 to 1682, and the Proprietary era was from 1681 to 1776. First organized Jewish religious service in Delaware. 1849 - John M. Clayton appointed Secretary of State of the United States. 1664 - Expedition led by Colonel Sir Richard Nicolls, one of four Commissioners appointed by the Crown to carry out military acquisition 1779 - Delaware Assembly ratifies Articles of Confederation. Quaker merchants established the town of Wilmington in 1739. 1905 - Delaware becomes last state to abolish use of the pillory. Facts about Colonial Delaware 5: purchasing the land for a colony. Delaware Gazette, state's first newspaper, begins publication. The land was attempted to be colonized after Gillis Hossitt and Jacob Jansz from Dutch West India Company tried to buy the land for a colony from the Native American people.
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