Your sudden Change shall be consistent with the will of God. I have some keypoints to share with us this morning and the first keypoint says;When God want to remember a man he will keep every system under pressure. Suddenly, God changed things. He is the true King of the North.”. It is a fundamental positional change that will bring forth the reality of the kingdom of God to completely restore this earth. In the church age much emphasis has been put on us possessing the Lord, “My beloved is mine and I am his.” Song of Solomon 2:16. It will bring us to a place of true oneness and intimacy with the Lord as Jesus prayed in John 17 That we would behold His glory, “That as He is one with the Father, and the Father in him, that they (us) and them will be one!”. Deuteronomy 2:8 says “Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.”. In … Your home group can’t answer that knock because it is a personal one. God knows how to move the wrong people out of your life and bring the right people in. 60:2-3. Gainesville Sun ~ 2700 SW 13th St., Gainesville, FL 32608 ~ Do Not Sell My Personal Information ~ Cookie Policy ~ Do Not Sell My Personal Information ~ Privacy Policy ~ Terms Of Service ~ Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. }); The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe. 6:33 "Jesus wept, Amen!" Jesus has come to sup with us to change the reality of Kingdom life from “at hand to being “in hand.” That means it will now be worked in us in living reality until we are the full possession of the Father through Jesus Christ, Beloved’s, We are now being positioned to walk in our Kingdom dominion and authority as Priests and Kings to our God to rule and reign with him forever and ever. For the full article Go Here: Designed by PRONETS, Inc. | © 2020 -, HE WHO SITS IN THE HEAVENS LAUGHS! There will never be a divine shift in the victory of your Seattle ministry. © 2020 Living Glory International Chapel. That is a personal call only each one of us can answer. Original content available for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons license, except where noted. Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Brethren Christianity doesn’t make a man poor but confusion as a Christian made most men poor. In Deuteronomy 2:2, Moses stated that the LORD spoke to him and said, “You have skirted this mountain long enough; turn northward.” In other words, God had watched them in the wilderness moving along or around the border of the promise, and he was getting ready to have them turn northward to go and inherit the promise, which was Canaan., THE GOD OF DIVINE SHIFTING IS STILL ALIVE, Mega Evidence by Bishop Okwudili Eze Audio, Introducing the Church Members Business Advert. The Kingdom of God is “at hand” in her as it was in Paul. Authentic worship (our approach in devotion and corporate worship) 7. He will take us up through the door of Heaven to see the throne as John did which represents God’s full governmental authority over the Earth. All right reserved. For shifting occur power needs to come. Are you hearing that knock at the door of your heart today? The Lord is making this changing work available now to those who will hear what the Spirit of God is speaking presently. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Choose the plan that’s right for you. © Gannett Co., Inc. 2020. If shifting must take place, people need to be focused. Moses was up in the mountain with God. A divine shift is a supernatural move from one place to another; a slight change in position or direction; the supernatural act of putting one thing in the place of another or changing the place of a person or thing. A divine shift will cause a supernatural advancement and/or upgrade in your spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, financial, career, character and conduct status. 60:2-3. Something new has been birthed in the Spirit in this last month that we are beginning to sense and feel in our hearts. “And my desires are towards him… means now I live only for His plans and purposes. Because it is conditional and has to be chosen by us to open that door a new to the Lord’s fullness as He desires to be in our life. Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). In the first testimony, she is possessing Jesus and as an after thought, “he is mine” in possessing me., This website uses cookies to improve service and provide tailored ads. Did you notice the divine shift in testimony. I charge you, do not abuse the privilege given you by God. TOPIC: POWER FOR DIVINE SHIFTING The Lord’s desires for us to fully participate with him in His governmental reign as over-comers and full grown sons and daughters now upon the Earth as He establishes the fullness of His Kingdom on Planet Earth. Your current ministry can’t answer that knock? With no real reverence, hunger, or expectation, but rather a "There God, I prayed" kind of prayer. Many Marriages are confused. It is the place of God’s celestial dwelling (Isaiah 14:13) and from which His glory descends (Job 37:22) with blessings or judgments (Ezeikiel. In his absence, Aaron is at the helm. Syncretism is mixing gods! So another knock is required. KEY POINT. Here first priority is still see the Lord for her needs first. Shifting is not possible until something is pull to something. It is to those who want the higher reality of true Kingdom life as their own and to be manifested on Earth as it is Heaven. flag. TOPIC: POWER FOR DIVINE SHIFTING MINISTER: Pastor Odinaka Innocent TEXT: Judges 16:20-21, Ex 23:14-16, Is. – By Ron McGatlin, SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD – By Ron McGatlin, I CAN FINALLY TELL YOU THE ASTOUNDING TRUTH.
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