East Point, GA 30364 Street Address. The RAB is comprised of individuals who reflect and represent the residents assisted by the EPHA. East Point Housing Authority is a Public Housing Agency that participates in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), Public Housing, Family Self-Sufficiency, and Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) programs. What you think about your communities and how they can be improved is very East Point Housing Authority. 3056 Norman Berry Dr Michael Spann, Executive Director Passcode: 254075, Call option: +1 253 215 8782 Every Tuesday @ Resident Association Building from 5PM till 6PM. join us? Resident Advisory Board Meetings: Call Resident Services at (404) 768-0078 for meeting times and location. As a EPHA, you have the opportunity to serve on the EPHA Resident Advisory Board. Meetings are held on a quarterly basis. conditions involving public safety, more specifically, the public health issues created by the COVID-19 coronavirus, so that this meeting is being conducted via ZOOM (zoom.com). 404-768-007, Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher Wait Lists are Currently The October 27, 2020, Regularly Scheduled meeting location of the EPHA Board of Commissioners has been changed, due to circumstances necessitated by emergency Join Board Meeting: Tuesday, October 27, 2020, at 5:30 PM, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81644889248?pwd=bVkzeE11VE5XL2pwS1VXaGJxVENNZz09, Meeting ID: 816 4488 9248 The East Point Housing Authority is a federally funded agency, operating independently of the city government. We provide low and moderate income public housing for the city of East Point, GA and through partner programs that offer residents opportunities to improve their lives. will be held Thursday, September 19th, 2019 5:00 PM. EPHA Staff will be present to address some of residents’concerns! Won’t you Attention: Senior Bingo Tuesday, September 17, 2019 12 PM till 2:00 at the Resident Association Building, 3047 John Freeman Way. Closed, Public Housing Waitlist Web Application Access, East Point Housing Authority Fax: 404 669-0056 Email: Use our contact form. JOIN THE EAST POINT HOUSING AUTHORITY RESIDENT ADVISORY BOARD (EPHA RAB). Please contact the EPHA Resident Services if you are interested at (404) 768-0078. East Point Housing Authority 3056 Norman Berry Dr East Point, GA 30344 Phone: 404 768-0078. Join us as “WE” work together to make our communities a better place to live for our families. East Point Housing Authority serves East Point on behalf of Fairburn Housing Authority . Sunshine Book Club honoring Black History Month! Meeting ID: 816 4488 9248, Mary Anne Adams, Chairperson WE need your help! The Resident Advisory Board needs volunteers! East Point, GA 30344, 2020 Public Hearing Notice for Agency Plan, Draft Annual and 5-Yr Agency Action Plan 2020, will be held Thursday, September 19th, 2019, 2020 Public Hearing Notice for Agency Pl[...], Draft Annual and 5-Yr Agency Action Plan[...]. It has been said that “knowledge is power” and by working together, we can help each other and be as one in our efforts to improve our communities. important to us. Come have some fun and win some good prizes. MISSION STATEMENT.
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