My name is James Johnson from UK. Thank YOU Jesus for healing me and my family! You can be there right before the medium on your television, at the comfort of your home!!!”. My name is Rabiou Amadou from Ghana. The world is yet to see the best of Prophet TB Joshua and Emmanuel TV from what Jesus showed me! Prostate Enlargement & Heart Problem HEALING! As I came back from work today on 9th December 2019, I found out that there was a Living Water Service live on Emmanuel TV. I then started to watch Mass Prayer videos of TB Joshua sir and as I watched, I prayed for my healing. I had signs and symptoms of COVID-19, mostly heartburn, frequent urination and neck pain. Good morning Prophet TB Joshua and Emmanuel TV Team. I chanted Hanuman Chalisa and read many spiritual books. I’m delivered and blessed! “During the LIVE Service on Sunday 28th July 2091, when the man of God Prophet T.B. I encourage viewers to always follow what man of God tells us and to do it with faith! The following day, I forgot again! “Truly, as a Christian, we are just learning how to live in this world for it is not our real home, but with the Spirit’s help, all things are possible. I was put on antibiotics which I took for four days. Sometimes suicidal thoughts would pop up in my heart because I couldn’t help myself get free from these addictions. The headache, stomach cramps, and eye pain disappeared and that strong cough was no more! This problem really affected him so much that he was failing to go visit other relatives or even have sleepovers during school activities. When I regained consciousness, I saw myself lying on the floor! After some time, I went back to the hospital for a check-up. Thank You, Jesus!”. I am from Choma in Zambia and I am 25 years old. After checking her, they confirmed that my wife had fully recovered! Then in March 2013, my dad passed on and some of my Friends came to pay their condolences. As I am typing this testimony, I am completely and totally healed of that terrible chest pain. “My name is Nyasha Muchono from Zimbabwe. I am Emily Okundaye from Italy. I had a sore in my right ear and the pain extended to the right part of my head, down to my right shoulder and the whole upper part of my body. By God’s grace, he suddenly started breathing on his own and they removed the oxygen. There is no real known cure for SIBO. Thank You, Jesus!”. “During prayer, I repented from all of my sins and asked Jesus Christ for His forgiveness, healing and deliverance. To God be the Glory, after a day my son stopped bedwetting! “Good morning! Be smart and make Jesus your Lord and Saviour today. !”, “My name is Okafor Paul. He loves us so much that He came in human form to die for our sins, for our mistakes where we were supposed to die. Thank You, Jesus!!”. - English, 1, Segun Irefin Street, Ikotun, Lagos, Nigeria, Get the live “The grace of God is sufficient for us all. “After this wonderful miracle, I now feel so light and free. Emmanuel TV is a Christian TV Network. emmanuel tv live service today 2020. “When I got back to Abuja I prayed with my family I anointed everyone including my house and its surroundings. On Sunday 11th August 2019, I returned from my church service here in Botswana and my 13-year-old daughter (who loves watching Emmanuel TV) told me that she saw the lady whom I gave my photos receiving prayer from Prophetess Yinka. Whenever it starts, she would breathe heavily and I would have to wear her thick sweater and perform hot water inhalation. I would also dream of myself at either my primary or secondary school. I was even given the mock name JACK because of the gravity at which I was drinking Jack Daniels Whiskey! Delivered During The Emmanuel TV UK Revival!!! Healed From BLEEDING; Delivered From MASTURBATION!!! To be honest, I always thought that it was magic – but this experience has changed my narrative forever! “I was there lying down at the front for over 30 minutes until they started to pray for more deliverance during Mass Prayer. I returned to my country from visiting SCOAN on July 23rd. People of God, I want to testify about the goodness of Jesus Christ in the life of my husband! our I also used to drink, smoke, party and listen to worldly music – but all that stopped after my visit to The SCOAN. Jehovah has the final say. I am 28 years old from Borno State, Nigeria. “Good morning. “Emmanuel – God is with us! Forgot your username or But as I started fellowshipping with Emmanuel TV, I stopped smoking, drinking alcohol and clubbing. She then dialled the 9th number and it went through! This meant spending so many hours online, either on my phone or my computer. Above all, praise Jesus! I last saw my menstruation in early 2019. Roblox Football Universe Codes 2020, God ever lives to heal and save us, in Jesus’ name. By creating an account, you are indicating that you have read and agree to the, Emmanuel TV is a satellite television station from Lagos, Nigeria, providing Christian Education, News and Entertainment as a ministry of the TB Joshua Ministries and, i am a namibian student strugling with my study fees.and been blocked by family with witchcrafts to stop me not progress and they want to end my life.i humble request to put me in prayers and save me.they cursed me with badlucky..pray for me pastor and save me from this witchcraft..namibia ...08122, boa noite homen do Deus vivo YHWH, estou tentando juntar algum valor para visitar tb josua mas sem exito sempre que tento vem sempre algo a seguir peço porfavor me ajudem a orar para que o meu sonho se realize chamo me Nelsom m. dos santos nao peço so para mi mas tambem para o meu amigo chama se abe, tenico miguel que esta sofrendo muito e oror so para ajudalo peço a vossa ajuda falo de Angola luanda um grande abraço no nome que esta acima de todos nome yeshua amachia. It was as if the thing inside me knew that today was its last day in my life. They hard to insert a metal external frame because of the severity of the breakage and my leg was severely swollen and very painful. My name is Graham Yomena from Zambia. This affected my daily life as I could not got out and be with my friends; I was just staying home alone. I visited the local clinics and the doctors tried all they could but to no avail. I have known about the ministry of TB Joshua for a long time. “Good morning!
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