Environmental Issues Facing Japan. In addition, Japan must take other steps to curb global climate change. Japan, often thought of as a "clean & green" country, has its share of environmental issues. Bio-indicators - a plant or animal species whose presence, abundance, and health reveal the general condition of its habitat. ( Log Out / The year 1989 was a turning point in Japan's environmental policy. Repeated floods occurred in the Watarase River basin, and 1,600 hectares of farmland and towns and villages in Tochigi and Gunmaprefectures were damaged by the floodwater, which contained excessive inorganic copper compounds from the Ashio mine. That is, the top environmental issues you feel should receive the greatest attention from your local leader? Japan is the world’s fifth biggest emission emitter. A Q&A guide to environment law in Japan. Their native religion, Shintoism, teaches people to have a deep … The total waste (municipal solid waste) generated in Japan in FY 2003 was approximately 51.61 million tons, an amount that would fill Tokyo Dome (volume 1,240 m3) about 139 times over. http://ezinearticles.com/?Environmental-Issues-in-Japan&id=3883122, http://www.env.go.jp/en/aboutus/pamph/html/00pan240.html, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/08/japan-nuclear-debate-idUSL3E7F70K320110408. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Should they look into geothermal energy? Japanese and the Environment. New, Everything you need to know about the industry development, Find studies from all around the internet. Soil degradation - damage to the land's productive capacity because of poor agricultural practices such as the excessive use of pesticides or fertilizers, soil compaction from heavy equipment, or erosion of topsoil, eventually resulting in reduced ability to produce agricultural products. Are you interested in testing our corporate solutions? Desertification - the spread of desert-like conditions in arid or semi-arid areas, due to overgrazing, loss of agriculturally productive soils, or climate change. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries Defoliants - chemicals which cause plants to lose their leaves artificially; often used in agricultural practices for weed control, and may have detrimental impacts on human and ecosystem health. As soon as this statistic is updated, you will immediately be notified via e-mail. Accessed November 07, 2020. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1000363/japan-leading-environmental-issue/, Ipsos. In my opinion if they decide to stick with nuclear power, they need to choose some safer versions of it. Leading environmental issues according to citizens in Japan as of March 2019 [Graph]. (April 19, 2019). Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC) - represents the roughly 150,000 Inuits of Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and Russia in international environmental issues; a General Assembly convenes every three years to determine the focus of the ICC; the most current concerns are long-range transport of pollutants, sustainable development, and climate change. Japan’s whaling for “research purposes” has also attracted a great deal of negative international attention. As a Premium user you get access to the detailed source references and background information about this statistic. In the Japanese diets, fish and its products are more prominent than other types of meat. By 2004, the number of adult Atlantic bluefin tuna capable of spawning had plummeted to roughly 19 percent of the 1975 level in the western half of the ocean. and over 1 Mio. Asbestos - a naturally occurring soft fibrous mineral commonly used in fireproofing materials and considered to be highly carcinogenic in particulate form. There are currently 63 nuclear power plants operating in Japan making it the second largest user of nuclear power in the world. In recent years, Japan has lost its place as a leader of the clean energy movement and is now the world's number one importer of exhaustible energy resources. Most concerning environmental issues in Japan 2019 Published by Statista Research Department, Oct 13, 2020 This statistic depicts the results of a survey conducted in March 2019 in Japan … This Q&A provides a high level overview of environment law in Japan and looks at key practical issues including emissions to air and water, environmental impact assessments, waste, contaminated land, and environmental issues in transactions. Please authenticate by going to "My account" → "Administration". Even though Japan is one of the countries that have taken a … Japan is the world’s leading importer of exhaustible energy resources and the world’s fifth largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. As an industrialized nation Japan must deal with tough environmental issues. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation - a portion of the electromagnetic energy emitted by the sun and naturally filtered in the upper atmosphere by the ozone layer; UV radiation can be harmful to living organisms and has been linked to increasing rates of skin cancer in humans. All El Nino and La Nina Ocean acidification Ocean Pollution Ocean Pollution Solutions Oil Spills Plastic Rising sea level Seafloor State Urges Officials Not To Postpone Planning For Sea-Level Rise More than 430,000 Kiwis live in tsunami evacuation zones Common Misconceptions about the Ocean This statistic is not included in your account. While Japan has become a cleaner and environmentally more responsible nation over the last several decades, the country’s business, agricultural and industrial activities still contribute to a broad range of environmental issues. Ipsos. Effluents - waste materials, such as smoke, sewage, or industrial waste which are released into the environment, subsequently polluting it. 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