Usage of raw construction products that are identified as environmentally friendly or promoting sustainable production methods (including material selection, energy and water efficient products). Great Barrier Reef Like other reefs throughout the world, our Great Barrier Reef is under pressure. The following guidelines may apply to older conditions of title. ABC Group is proud to be a part of the local community of Brisbane Metro, and in extension to this a part of Queensland, and feel it is important to play a role in the fabric of this great Nation. will use all reasonable endeavors to minimise materials and energy use, prevent air, water, and other pollution, and dispose of waste safely and responsibly. Usage of suppliers who meet our environmental policy of sustainable waste management, such as ‘green’ skip bins (, is an important process to ensure our wastage disposal and environmental footprint is minimized. will use all reasonable endeavors to meet or exceed all applicable government requirements and voluntary requirements generally observed in its field, and will, in addition, adhere to the more stringent requirements of its own environmental policy. (KI�ΕgW�s���$���4'B���D0f��T��cl��̙��eD(!�3ښm�b�n�)� 7e�pF4 1���`Q"1..0�i��$,u�p�JVp������0/2���W�`�a��)7��^�j��Ƶ�Ҩ5, Ipl]��A�zy��U.�ހ,:D���f�� ���
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Guidelines relating to exploration, mining and petroleum production, rehabilitation and environmental reporting. It shall be the responsibility of the CEO to ensure implementation of these policies and procedures. All applications are to be lodged in accordance with the requirements outlined on the relevant form. 2iIAy��As�;g�4$d�oc�n���� The template includes a number of categories and subcategories which make it appear neat. [Name of Organisation] will develop guidelines for staff, volunteers and users to adopt sound environmental work practices, and adequate training will be provided to ensure these practices are carried out. Using, in our own operations, processes that do not adversely affect the environment; The earth’s environment is under severe stress from uncontrolled human activity, threatening the survival of our society and the performance of [Name of Organisation]’s mission. Print on recycled paper where possible. We are a committed business that continually raises the bar, setting the benchmark for other businesses across the globe. ABC Group is proud to be a part of the local community of Brisbane Metro, and in extension to this a part of Queensland, and feel it is important to play a role in the fabric of this great Nation. No responsibility can be accepted by the author(s) or Our Community or its partners for any known or unknown consequences that may result from reliance on any information provided in this publication. Turn off lights when not in use; use energy efficient light fixtures, Opt for fresh air instead of air condition if possible, Reduction in electrical and heating bills, Demolition Waste: dispose of thoughtfully and aligned to Australian legislations, Asbestos Demolition Waste: dispose of under Australian legislation requirements. The policy is an important document for any company to publicly highlight the measures taken to uphold their corporate social responsibility. �����{YiZɄD��!���aڦ��r�7�m^I�~Žaݺ��Ϫ̄����6��l;|�$�*���i��"�~�tZ�ܥ�vO����8�,:��ݖsq+��/|�n+����r�q Work health and safety policy
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