Display/hide their locations on the map. This is online map of the address GROVETOWN,Columbia County,Georgia. Portions of 30813 are also located in Richmond County. Jump to a detailed profile, search site with google or try advanced search. Zip Code 30813 is located in the state of Georgia in the Augusta metro area. It is located about 129 miles east-southeast of GA's capital city of Atlanta. This is the 30813 full ZIP Code page list. Out of people who lived in different houses, 36% lived in this county. If you can't find the 30813 plus 4 zip code you need on this page, we recommend you to use the the feature of Quick Select. in GROVETOWN, GA), MARTIN MARIETTA AGGREGATES (5607 COLUMBIA RD in GROVETOWN, GA), PLANET SOLUTIONS, INC./CIRCLE ENVIRONMEN (782 HORIZON SOUTH PKWY in GROVETOWN, GA), JOHN DEERE COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS INCORPORATED (700 HORIZON S. PKWY in GROVETOWN, GA), ADVANCED AUTO PARTS #6127 (812 LEWISTON RD in GROVETOWN, GA), Occupation by median earnings in the past 12 months ($), J & B CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICE (3550 GORDON HWY; small business), FIAMENGO, STEVEN MD (12 KINGSBERRY COURT; small business), CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC (536 E ROBINSON AVE; small business), SCHABERL, SHIRLEY (1013 W WILLOWICK DR; small business), NORVELL FIXTURE AND EQUIPMENT (424 PARK WEST DRIVE; small business), EDLIN COMPANY INC (3550 GORDON HWY; small business), GEORGIA CAROLINA BULK EQUIPMEN (2278 WORTHAM LANE; small business), NIXON, CECIL JR (220 TAYLOR CIRCLE; small business), BEST WESTERN BELAIR INN (452 PARK WEST DR; small business). Display/hide their locations on the map, Churches in zip code 30813 include: Bethesda Church (A), Church of the Lord Jesus Christ (B), Jerusalem Church (C), Mount Pleasant Church (D), Philadelphia Church (E), Simonia Church (F), Smith Grove Church (G), Steiner Grove Church (H), Water Branch Church (I). 1.9% of residents speak other Indo-European language at home (88% very well, 12% well). Detailed information on every zip code in Grovetown This is the 30813 full ZIP Code page list. 2.1% of residents speak Asian or Pacific Island language at home (67% very well, 21% well, 12% not well). The people living in ZIP code 30813 … Country: U.S. - United States. The majority ethnicity residing in 30813 is White while the majority ethnicity attending 30813 public schools is White. 1.8% of residents speak other language at home (72% very well, 23% well, 3% not well, 2% not at all). This is the ZIP Code 30813 - Library page list. 6.7% of residents speak Spanish at home (69% very well, 11% well, 20% not well). Household received Food Stamps/SNAP in the past 12 months: 891 Out of people who lived in different houses, 30% moved from different county within same state. Its detail Museum Name, Street, City, State, ZIP Code, Phone is as below. 9-digit Postal Code: 30813-5356 5-digit ZIP: 30813 ZIP 4: 5356 County: COLUMBIA FIPS County Code: 13073 State: GA City: GROVETOWN Street: S OLD BELAIR RD Address Primary Number: 630 - 630 (Even) This is the ZIP Code 30813 - School page list. ZIP Code 5: 30813 - GROVETOWN, GA | Georgia United States ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 ️ Up to 2020-11-06 in GA(Georgia), there were 3,691,733 viral tests, 370,106 positive results, 3,321,627 negative results, 1,848 currently hospitalized patients, 8,608 deaths, 0 individuals who have recovered from COVID-19. 30813 Zip Code (Grovetown, Georgia) Profile - homes, apartments, schools, population, income, averages, housing, demographics, location, statistics, sex offenders, residents and real estate info. 87% of the 30813 zip code residents lived in the same house 1 year ago. Women who did not have a birth in the past 12 months: 10,032 (5,542 now married, 4,445 unmarried), Notable locations in zip code 30813: Fanglewood Camp (A), Tanglewood Camp (B), Dodge Racetrack (C), Martinez - Columbia Fire / Rescue Station 7 (D), Martinez - Columbia Fire / Rescue Station 9 (E), Grovetown Department of Public Safety Station 1 (F), Augusta Correctional Institution (G), Grovetown Public Safety Fire Station 2 (H), Grovetown City Hall (I). 86.9% of residents of 30813 zip code speak English at home. Grovetown, GA Stats and Demographics for the 30813 ZIP Code. 51% of the 30813 zip code residents lived in the same house 5 years ago. 30813. . Grovetown is a city of Columbia, Georgia in the Deep South region of the USA. Its detail Library Name, Address, City, State, ZIP Code, Phone is as below. Compared with yesterday, today there is a increase of 125,552 positive results and 1,186 deaths. Its detail City, State, Plus 4, Population is as below. Its detail City, State, Plus 4, Population is as below. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. Map the boundaries of this ZIP Code and others on any map platform. Discuss Grovetown, Georgia (GA) on our hugely popular. According to our research of Georgia and other state lists, there were 76 registered sex offenders living in 30813 zip code as of November 07, 2020. 30813 Zip Code (Grovetown, GA) Detailed Profile, Looking to move to Augusta Area within the year, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Aggregated Statistics For Year 2009, Private Mortgage Insurance Companies Aggregated Statistics For Year 2009, Most common first names in zip code 30813 among deceased individuals, Most common last names in zip code 30813 among deceased individuals, Bedrooms in owner-occupied houses and condos in Grovetown, GA (30813), Bedrooms in renter-occupied apartments in Grovetown, GA (30813), Cars and other vehicles available in Grovetown, GA (30813) in owner-occupied houses/condos, Cars and other vehicles available in Grovetown, GA (30813) in renter-occupied apartments, Year of entry for the foreign-born population, PUMPING STATION INCORPORATED (499 LEWISTON ROAD in GROVETOWN, GA), COLUMBIA COUNTY SCHOOL BUS SHOP (5998 COLUMBIA RD in GROVETOWN, GA), AUGUSTA READY MIX, INC. (5734 COLUMBIA ROAD in GROVETOWN, GA), LECO CORPORATION (701 OLD BELAIR ROAD in GROVETOWN, GA), COLUMBIA MIDDLE SCHOOL (6000 COLUMBIA ROAD in GROVETOWN, GA), BROOKWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (455 SOUTH OLD BELAIR ROAD in GROVETOWN, GA), COLUMBIA COUNTY CROSSROADS ACADEMY (5996 COLUMBIA ROAD in GROVETOWN, GA), EUCHEE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (795 LOUISVILLE ROAD in GROVETOWN, GA), METOKOTE CORP PLANT 14 (702 LEWISTON RD. According the 2010 US Census, the population of 30813 increased to 30415 from 16744 over the past 10 years. Percentage of zip code residents living and working in this county: 29.9%, Size of family households: 3,441 2-persons, 2,713 3-persons, 1,977 4-persons, 1,034 5-persons, 478 6-persons, 153 7-or-more-persons, Size of nonfamily households: 2,443 1-person, 303 2-persons, 196 3-persons, 22 4-persons. The map information is for reference only. 9,026 married couples with children. Population in 1990: 13,283. Map of All Georgia Congressional Districts, Map of All Georgia State House of Representatives Districts, Map of All Georgia State Senate Districts, Map of US Congressional Districts in Georgia, Map of the Wealthiest Zipcodes in Augusta-Aiken Area, Map of Unemployment Rates in Augusta-Aiken Area, 30813 Georgia State House of Representatives Districts. 43.8% of students in 30813 public schools receive or are eligible to participate in free or reduced lunch programs. GROVETOWN is a city in Columbia County, Richmond County counties of the U.S. state Georgia, United States. Out of people who lived in different houses, 12% moved from abroad. Zip Code 30813, Grovetown, GA. Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database. Use at your own risk. 800 (From 800 To 898 Even) WILLIFORD RUN DR , GROVETOWN, GA, 801 (From 801 To 899 Odd) WILLIFORD RUN DR , GROVETOWN, GA, 11 (From 11 To 16 ) PO BOX , GROVETOWN, GA, 1 (From 1 To 99 Odd) CORAL LN , GROVETOWN, GA, 1000 (From 1000 To 1098 Even) FAWN FOREST RD , GROVETOWN, GA, 1100 (From 1100 To 1198 Even) FAWN FOREST RD , GROVETOWN, GA, 1200 (From 1200 To 1298 Even) FAWN FOREST RD , GROVETOWN, GA, 21 (From 21 To 38 ) PO BOX , GROVETOWN, GA, 1201 (From 1201 To 1299 Odd) FAWN FOREST RD , GROVETOWN, GA. Its detail School Name, Address, City, State, ZIP Code is as below. City. City of Grovetown, GA - COLUMBIA County Georgia ZIP Codes. This is the ZIP Code 30813 - Museum page list. Household did not receive Food Stamps/SNAP in the past 12 months: 11,978, Women who had a birth in the past 12 months: 897 (709 now married, 192 unmarried) Its detail ZIP Code 5, ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 is as below. ZIP code 30813 is located in northeast Georgia and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. Zip code 30813 is primarily located in Columbia County. The ratio of registered sex offenders to all residents in this zip code is near the state average. Buy: Georgia ZIP Code Database @ United States ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 Database Supermarket. 1,980 single-parent households (487 men, 1,493 women). It also has a slightly less than average population density. Display/hide their locations on the map, Reservoirs: Berzelia Pond (A), Reynolds Pond (B), Crawford Lake (C), Bolgla Lake (D), Wells Lake (E), Baldwins Lake (F), Lower Hitts Lake (G), Upper Hitt Lake (H). City-data.com does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site. Compared with yesterday, today there is a increase of 1,738 positive results and 30 deaths.In USA , there were 154,040,81 viral tests, 9,666,700 positive results, 125,918,75 negative results, 54,824 currently hospitalized patients, 228,141 deaths, 3,810,791 individuals who have recovered from COVID-19.
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