Visit our elections home page for local elections coverage. Sample Ballot . P.O. Thank you for visiting our sample ballot web page. Click on the link below for a Sample Ballot. Last updated on October 22, 2020 Sample Ballots School Districts Election Results Campaign Finance Democratic Central Committee Republican Central Committee Candidates and Issues Ohio Secretary of State Homepage Ohio Elections Commission. The 2020 election is drawing near and early voting is underway across Georgia. In This Section . Page: 6 OFFICIAL BALLOT CITY OF HENRY HENRY COUNTY… Box 5616 Montgomery, AL 36103-5616; Phone: (334) 242-7200; Fax: (334) 242-4993 grtewyew. HENRY COUNTY, TN NOVEMBER 3, 2020 MAYOR CITY OF COTTAGE GROVE Vote For One (1) 0 selected, incomplete GARY A McCAIG Independent Candidate WRITE-IN ALDERMAN CITY OF COTTAGE GROVE Vote For Four (4) 0 selected, incomplete DAVID ALAN JACKSON Independent Candidate JOHN WEIHER III Independent Candidate WRITE-IN WRITE-IN WRITE-IN WRITE-IN. To provide the best information tailored to your home address, we are encouraging voters to access their sample ballots through the Georgia Secretary of State’s My Voter Page. Here’s a county-by-county breakdown of what you will find on your ballot.
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