The Plan addresses health, education, women’s empowerment, energy, quality infrastructure, disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change, and marine plastic debris. Philippines: Humanitarians respond as millions caught in wake of devastating... First Person: supporting migrants on the COVID-19 frontline in Myanmar, Millions affected as devastating typhoon strikes Viet Nam, UN chief hails Republic of Korea’s vow to achieve carbon neutrality, Pakistan: Schools ‘must never be targeted’, UNICEF says after deadly blast. The Earth’s climate is changing, with severe consequences for our daily lives and the resilience of our countries. Globally averaged temperatures in 2017 were 0.90 degrees Celsius warmer than the 1951 to 1980 mean, according to NASA. available at: Speech by Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio + 20) ), In cooperation with neighboring municipalities, Kumamoto City has maintained groundwater recharge levels and protected watershed forests. In order for applicants to efficiently obtain patents worldwide, the JPO has been promoting work sharing among developed nations in the area of patent examination and promoting the provision of patent examination result...[more], International trade plays an important role in the promotion of economic development and poverty reduction. It aimed to give visitors first-hand experience in cutting edge technologies, new social systems and future lifestyles that can offer solutions to the many challenges facing the world. Japan commits to provide $ 5 billion in five years from 2011 focus on maternal, newborn and child health. Also by the participation of ADEA (Association for the Development of Education in Africa), recommended by BEGIN (Basic Education for Growth Initiative) which introduced by Japanese Government. Under the framework of NOWPAP, we take actions such as marine litter management and ocean monitoring by the use of remote sensing technologies for marine environment protection through cooperation among four member states. Such services directly support safety of navigation, safety of life at sea, efficient sea transportation and the wider use of the seas and oceans in a sustainable way, including the protection of the marine environment, coastal zone management, fishing, marine resource exploration and exploitation, maritime boundary delimitation, maritime defence and security, and o...[more]. Source: The Japan Patent Office The PCIIP recommended the establishment of a new IP system for promoting innovation that keeps pace with globalization and technological development. Global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) have increased by almost 50% since 1990 with emissions increasing more quickly between 2000 and 2010 than in each of the three previous decades. 0000002695 00000 n In collaboration with the...[more], Japan’s efforts toward achieving the SDGs through PPAP, 0000002846 00000 n The key objectives are: Race To Zero Dialogues are scheduled to take place from 9-19 November to provide input to the UNFCCC Climate Change Dialogues from 23 November to 4 December, which will bring countries and stakeholders together to accelerate progress towards meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. 21 June 2019: Japan has presented its ‘Expanded SDGs Action Plan 2019’ as part of its Group of 20 (G20) presidency. Leading a meeting of Japan’s SDGs Promotion Headquarters, which is composed of the Prime Minister and all ministers, on 21 June 2019, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Japan has decided on three initiatives as the country’s detailed contributions to the SDGs: In addition, Abe said Japan will advance initiatives on women’s empowerment (SDG 5), quality infrastructure (SDG 9), climate change (SDG 13) and marine plastic litter (SDG 14). Source: The Japan Paper Association The two main objectives in this program were to reduce fossil fuel consumption per unit of production by 10 percent from 1990 levels and increase forest plantation area by 550,000 hectares by 2010. The list includes 376 universities from 70 countries. Sustainable development of Small Island Developing StatesThe objective of this partnership is to enhance resilience to climate change and extreme weather events- This platform will serve as a repository for regional climate change information and data and will help in sound decision making.- It will help build strategic partnerships with key regional institutions promoting sharing of knowledge, lessons learnt and best practices between states and other regions as well as ensuring maximum synergies with existing initiatives. 0000000796 00000 n This table on SDG 13 – climate action measures universities’ research on climate change, their use of energy and their preparations for dealing with the consequences of climate change. IRENA has developed the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative to support the strategic deployment of renewable energy in SIDS, to bring clarity to policy makers regarding the required steps, and to enable targeted action. “We need all of you, through your [nationally determined contributions (NDCs)] and Net Zero plans, to send a clear and unambiguous signal to markets that the decarbonization of the global economy is inevitable”, he said. Full list:, Indian Ocean Commission, Japan International Cooperation Agency, United Nations Development Programme, WIOCC, Relevant Ministries and Departments from member states of Indian Ocean Commission and Eastern Africa, and relevant research institutions, University of the South Pacific (Academic Institution) , the Pacific countries (Governments), Member governments: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, France, European Community, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Japan, Korea (Rep. of), Mexico, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Panama, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Spain, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, United S...[more], United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) On 2 October 2016 India formally ratified the historic Paris Agreement. The forum consists of central governments, international agencies, aid agencies, private sector entities, research bodies, NGOs and other relevant parties. Source: The ICLEI Case Study series In response to the results of a questionnaire survey with 10,000 citizens, symposiums, public comments, and reports from experts in a one-year study, the Yokoham...[more], The Learning and Knowledge Development Facility (LKDF) is a platform that promotes industrial skills development among young people in emerging economies.
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