Think of the Threshold as the boundary between your hero’s familiar, comfortable home and the new, dangerous frontier. �� �e" �� �� � Journey … The first step of the journey is The Departure, then comes The Initiation stage, and the journey is completed by The Return of the hero.. G Rescue from Without Not Available Crossing the Return Threshold When Luke exited the death star fleeing from the explosion he crossed the return threshold. ��ࡱ� > �� @ � ���� ; = > ? Crossing the return threshold is the stage of the hero’s journey in which the hero returns to the ordinary world with their divine boon in hand. Crossing of the Return Threshold . �m�)t�$w��9�^���ފէj�}�o�Kob6�8������z*�NG6ܼ� �h��?��*�6�#~��ʮމ'�w��%��ҢoDGg��M�DF1|f�U?��C��QhT?�'uu�ג�3��`��Z����}�����*������ RJxk�_���c�-��f�T�a�_�?�U}I{�ƍ_ y/���`��n��?ʩ}��>��?ˢ/����U���| ���(-$Y@�%���zs���Ę�̷6l�b;2����E�f\A�nH8~��O�!�0���yk�Z/=��������� �����>3��_wvߠ�����Ru����[�6 ���~��?˥�sm��� *��+�K���|4������3�om��� *�ݽ��>3��&�u.��S�O���̓_v�ߠ����}��~��?ʢ^��S���}W��nl������K�����]ǣy�G�U���|�&�%�&�U^���*��������ޠݽ��>3��_v�ߠ���蝴�M�J��7A{��i�_�nl������K�����]tV�A{��i�_}��g�����]/�{o�|g�tM�^�n��S�O���̓_v�ߠ������A���7E{�tW��}W��nl������K�����U���E{���| ������o�|g�T��m�A��Q/E{��+�O >��o�6 }��~��?ʥ�wm��� *�z+�M�^�}W����o�����U7�ݻ�>3��%�u7E{���| �_���!����� Description | Discussion | See also. ... 5 — Crossing the First Threshold. Master of Two Worlds Luke now understands the force and the power of the dark side. In the final step of the departure phase, your hero musters the courage to forge ahead, and the real adventure begins. The trick in returning is to retain the wisdom gained on the quest, to integrate that wisdom into a human life, and then maybe figure out how to share the wisdom with the rest of the world. He compresses Refusal of Return, The Magic Flight, Rescue from Without and The Crossing of the Return Threshold down to one step: Return with the Elixir. Disciplines > Storytelling > Campbell's 'Hero's Journey' > Crossing of the Return Threshold. First of all, what is a “threshold”? It is almost always depicted physically as some kind of boundary, like a fence, chasm, river, or wall. ��/Q'��D�6� �\����.�ڒe�������(.��.��^X�� �O������F��U3�③�JH�20��c�=b�!Ժ4k. ��h���n�xU|]�f"�X���?ʧv�{t>;���Z�|��&���|�6f,PY��Bn|Bu����W�k�+���u?����Ͷ���������f����M�7�I(�@�z�JR�8�VW��� This is usually extremely difficult. 8BIM� H /ff lff /ff ��� 2 Z 5 - 8BIM� p ����������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������� 8BIM @ @ 8BIM �� 'File written by Adobe Photoshop� 4.0 �� Adobe d� �� �
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