I. A simple graphic organizer to help students map out the hero's journey. Ten Minutes Max. For visual learners, colors are, Each teacher of the common narrative structure known as the monomyth uses language they have developed over time to explain each facet of the Hero’s Journey in a manner that allows their students to experience success. DEPARTURE FROM THE ORDINARY WORLD EXPLANATION Ordinary World: What is the ordinary world of the character? (Language 30), University of South Florida • LANGUAGE 1101, University of South Florida • LANGUAGE GER 1120, University of South Florida • LANGUAGE 30, SB 1.2 Hero's Journey Chart Big Hero 6 - for merge.docx. If you need extra space, attach another sheet of notebook paper. £" ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ¤ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ Ì Ô" Ô" Ô" Ô" $ ø" 4 Ì İY 8# 8# 8# 8# 8# 8# 8# 8# \Y ^Y ^Y ^Y ^Y ^Y ^Y $ ß[ h G^ j ‚Y ¸ 8# 8# 8# 8# 8# ‚Y ¸ ¸ 8# 8# —Y P$ P$ P$ 8# It’s the pattern of life, growth and experience – for all of us. Students note each step of Odysseus' journey through writing and drawing with this EDITABLE Graphic Organizer for 'During Reading' notes. Early in our lives, our parents function as our threshold guardians Helpers and Mentors At the threshold and later in the journey helpers provide assistance or direction. The hero has absorbed the changes caused by the journey and he is fully “reborn.” The imbalance which sent him on the journey has been corrected the initiate is now truly a “hero” as he is content at last. In mythology, heroes take great journeys: to slay Medusa, to kill the minotaur, to find the golden fleece, to rescue the sun. If for any reason you are not satisfied or have an issue with a file, please contact me and I will help make it right. This presentation will lay out the rules of that journey, but the student must study the particulars and relate them to specific examples The examples provided on the website are there so that students can learn specifics. The Hero’s Journey Title of Text: _____ Phases & Steps of the Hero’s Journey Evidence of Characteristics in Text E Call to Adventure The future hero is first given notice that his or her life is going to change. Map a hero’s journey experienced by characters from a film of your choosing. It can also function as a companion chart for reference. Why learn a pattern that dates back to before recorded history? This has been mostly used to track & analyze Odysseus' jo. The journey’s challenges always seem to strike the heroes greatest weakness: his poorest skill, his shakiest knowledge, his most vulnerable emotions. As the journey progresses the challenges become more difficult forcing change and growth. Also included in: Teaching the Hero's Journey Bundle, Also included in: Hero's Journey Presentation, Writing Prompts & Graphic Organizers Bundle, Also included in: Mythology Bundle Unit Distance Learning, Also included in: The Odyssey Unit: 17 Day CC Plans + Myth Research + Odyssey Projects & Essays. Threshold guardians These are called the Threshold guardians have two functions: First, protect the hero by keeping them from taking journeys before they are ready, second, once ready, to step aside and point the way. for students to fill in as they read a given text or watch a movie. THE HERO'S GUIDEBOOK (SALE ITEM) Humorously illustrated with over 40 cartoons by the author, this book takes readers through the stages of the Hero's Journey using examples from books, films, and even video games. This Heroes Journey bundle includes a full lesson with Joseph Campbell's heros journey archetype outline. Just fill in the story's title, and you're ready to, The Hero's Journey Graphic Organizer can be adapted to any story or movie! The Revelation usually occurs during or after the Abyss, but sometimes may lead the initiate into the Abyss. Atonement After the hero has been transformed, he goes on to achieve Atonement, that he is “at-one” with his new self and life. Matrix: In essence, it is our story. The would-be hero wants to save or restore honor. The Threshold Once called to the adventure, the would-be hero must pass over the threshold, the “jumping off point” once past the threshold the hero enters the unknown a different world of dangers and challenges. Here is where he must “slay the dragon,” which is often the shape of something he dreads or needs to resolve. Track his travels and 'Hero's Journey'. There is always the possibility that the hero is not ready or has a flaw in his character, and the challenge beats him. These twelve Stages compose the Hero's Journey. The hero is introduced sympathetically so the audience can identify with the situation or dilemma. Performance -- Four Minutes Min. This is a simple graphic organizer designed to be used for analyzing a narrative in terms of Joseph Campbell's classic "Hero's Journey" archetypal structure. ¸ 8# ¸ 8# \Y P$ 8# \Y P$ P$ Š ÔF ¸ ¸ ,J 8# ,# @T)ÏóË Ô" B# Ignorance must die for the birth of enlighten.
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