A place where the family could settle; the children grow and play and explore. Patrick Bateman’s descent into madness, his graphic retelling of the gory murders he seems to revel in and his glorification of vapid consumerist culture all go hand-in-hand. Jack is a handsome lawyer who defends battered women, grace is an elegant homemaker and beautiful dinner hostess. Originally banned in America for its depraved depiction of sexuality, Henry Miller’s most famous work was finally published in 1961. Paperback A shocking – and petrifying – piece of fiction. Paul Tremblay will have a couple of offerings on this list. Tolkien. [CDATA[ Blurbs on books that suggest things like ‘those of a nervous disposition should not read this’, are more often than not marketing hokum designed to intrigue and inspire the potential reader to part with their hard-earned cash. The novel that inspired the horror films of the same name, the premise is well-known: anyone who watches a mysterious videotape of creepy images is informed that they will die in seven days—and then they die. var timer_313201_end_at = 158596 + new Date().getTime()/1000; Horror often pivots on the corruption or warping of societal norms and rules; once you feel like you can’t rely on the natural social order, literally anything is possible. Yes, that's the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. Trevor McGee had a rough childhood, you could say — when he was just five years old, he woke up one morning to find that his father had murdered his mother and his younger brother, and then hanged himself. Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? Her parents allowed a TV film crew to document their daughter’s scary transformation, and her recently converted catholic father wanted her exorcism to be filmed. Let us know in the comments. Trying to describe anything as linear as a plot is a thankless task and only adds to the dizzying sense that the novel exudes. Take a bit of historical fantasy, an infamous real-life murder, a bit of the Gothic supernatural, and a dose of Lovecraftian mythos and you end up with. What's more, famous modern writers including Neil Gaiman and Stephen King credit Jackson with inspiration for their horror and fantasy writing. Dawn, by Octavia Butler Hell House, by Richard Matheson | $16.99. time_left += days_left + ":"; The best Star Wars characters in the galaxy - and without a Jar Jar Binks in sight…. It won the Horror Writers Association’s Bram Stoker Award for Novel in 2019. Enter now for a chance to win a free Kindle copy of The Demons and The Last Fairy, in which Five Demons enter the Forest of Light, to hunt the Last Fairy. Having no power or control over your fate and wellbeing is perhaps the disturbing thing you can experience. Hardcover A gripping book that details four individuals' sorry descent into drug addiction as they seek their own slice of the American Dream. With adventure, scrappy underdog heroes, reformed villains and giant albino bats, what’s not to love? Brite’s most famous novel follows two serial killers who initially aim to kill each other but, upon discovering a fellow traveler, instead engage in a spree of horrific sex and murder. $14.99 The characters that Stoker brings to life are vivid, memorable, unsettling… not least Count Dracula and his nemesis Abraham Van Helsing. Deemed a dangerous monster who will never be accepted anywhere, they exile him to an institution where he suffers alone. Gruesomely goblin-like in appearance, insatiably hungry, abnormally strong, and incredibly violent, Ben is not your typical infant not by a long shot. A detective tale turned horror story, “The Call of Cthulhu” follows an investigator who is unwittingly pulled into an underworld of forbidden cults, madness, and horrors at sea. Now, here’s ten spine-tingling horrors you’ll want to read with the lights on! And the questions posed in the novel and the lies that prop up a supposedly perfect marriage keep on haunting the reader to the bitter end. Eleven expeditions have gone into Area X, which has been a restricted zone for three decades. 35 copies available, It’s been in the family for four generations which should make it a place of solace and protection for its owner. var days_left = Math.floor(hours_left / 24); The lady uses her penis to rape and mutilate her alcoholic husband, while in Bull, the fey gentleman with the knee vagina is raped by his doctor. after your first read. 10 Historic Events That Are Creepier Than A Horror Movie. When one of their puppets murders someone, the person with The Ability is invigorated and strengthened. You thought Jonathan Demme’s Oscar-winning adaptation was scary? Arctor is also an undercover cop reporting on the activities of these seditious individuals. The story goes back and forth between past and present as we see the family torn apart and Merry confused and frightened by the chaos surrounding her. var timer_314161_updater = setInterval(timer_314161_updateTimer, 100); House of Leaves, by Mark Z. Danielewski $14.50 by H.P. updated Sep 06, 2011 01:21PM — Much like The Stranger, Slaughterhouse-Five explores the random nature of life and questions the idea of free will. LaValle brings a piece of classic Western European folklore to the modern day, a cautionary fairy tale and a stunningly creepy horror story all in one. Hex begins with some shiver-inducing imagery of that witch, with her eyes and mouth sewn shut, just randomly appearing in people’s houses in the middle of the night. The investigation into the tape and how to avoid this grim fate leads to what remains an incredibly shocking backstory involving rape, smallpox, and a forgotten well. Several of King’s books could be on this list, but he frequently blunts the terror of his stories with the richness and humanity of his characterizations and the sprawl of his narratives. The story unfolds through various retellings, from one boy, letters and transcripts including scenes from an animal laboratory that may cause some readers to lose their lunch. What horror list would be complete without. Their descent into the depths of horror is too close for comfort as a result—for everyone reading the book knows all too well that they have weaknesses, and secret shames, as well. Told in alternating chapters that depict a group of aspiring writers voluntarily secluded in an unusual writer’s retreat and the stories they’re writing, Haunted not only contains one of the most disturbing short stories ever published (“Guts,” which caused several people to faint when Palahniuk read it in public) it’s also a deep dive into madness as the reality-TV obsessed characters start sabotaging their experiment in a quest for fame. It concerns a future police state where all citizens are known by a number. Simmons doesn’t shy away from the implications of this power on history and the future, and the book will destroy any sense of security you have in the world around you, revealed to possibly be simply a worldwide board game for those who can control us all like pawns. Paperback The Stranger is not scary like a Stephen King novel, but the themes it explores will haunt the mind long after the final page is closed. Rape, sexual abuse, serial murder, incest, corruption… if aliens were to be transported to Earth and given The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo as a first book they would form a thoroughly bleak view of the human condition. Pessl’s story about a mysterious underground filmmaker whose movies may or may not contain hints of dark power and horrific events and the journalist who becomes obsessed with him asks the reader how you can be certain there’s a clear line between fact and fiction, then, once that wedge of doubt is established, presents a terrifying fiction to fill that space. $15.45 Are they telling the truth, or are they just crazy? time_left += Math.floor(minutes_left%10) + ":"; Lord of the Flies, by William Golding The novel comes to life though through its multiple point of view characters, each one dealing with this horrific new world and the evil that still pervades it. The story takes us from England, to France and finally a desert in the United States, where we learn the cult spent their last days trying to conjure something that has been long dead. var minutes_left = secs_left / 60; Sociopath Dr Hannibal Lecter is even more terrifying on page – his torturous, playful and gripping mind games with FBI trainee Clarice Starling are a master class in suspense and drama. time_left += Math.floor(hours_left%24)%10 + ":"; Hubert Selby Jr. doesn’t do jauntiness, or whimsy, or anything that you might find adapted in a Richard Curtis film. The last known team died of cancer after returning, the team before them turned on each other, and one team committed suicide. Arguably one of the most important novels in horror. time_left += Math.floor(secs_left%60/10); You’ve probably heard of Annihilation because of the movie, but … Now Father is missing, and Carolyn recruits her friend Steve to help her in her quest to find him. Add in monstrously hungry creatures lurking just beyond the firelight, and you’ve got an absolutely gripping tale. Drawing on werewolf tales, Wendigo folklore, and more, Katsu manages to create a sense of strangling claustrophobia in the doomed wagon train, even as it crosses expansive prairies. Merry’s sister Marjorie began to exhibit strange demonic symptoms when they were children. Not you? Horror novels don’t always get the respect they deserve; just because something is scary doesn’t mean it’s not “literary” or well-crafted art, but if the core purpose of a story is perceived to be “making you soil yourself in fear” for some reason that story won’t get much respect. At the Mountains of Madness. $25.00. You’ll find no sparkles or soul here, and trust us when we say that the book is much better than the movie. $10.00. The power of a novel can be seen in its longevity. time_left += Math.floor(secs_left%60/10); Find out something new about the King of horror. We don’t mean solely stories devoted to the evisceration of helpless maidens or the gouging of innards for the sadistic pleasure of unhinged sociopaths – although they do make things go bump in the night. Please try again later. Paperback Back home he becomes an optometrist but he’s also a time-traveller, visiting events in his life at haphazard moments. But the longer she stays trapped within those walls, the more desperate she becomes to get out, and the deeper into madness she descends. Hired to investigate the existence of an afterlife by exploring the notoriously haunted Belasco House, a team moves in and slowly succumbs to the influence of the entity within—an entity that only uses their own weaknesses and secret shames against them. $14.49 } When 12-year-old girl Regan MacNeil starts to behave irrationally her mother soon realises that she has been possessed by evil spirits and turns to the church for help.
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