Construction and skilled trades are highly regulated. Apply for a business number. From acquiring funding, to creating a business plan\proposal, to initial registration, to formulating marketing ideas, we want to help you succeed! Depending on your location and the type of products or services being offered, federal, provincial and/or municipal business taxes may apply. The Ontario Ministry of Revenue issues a vendor license allowing you to charge tax on the goods and services you provide. The service is generally aimed at those who cannot afford a lawyer. For example, you can request the assistance of an experienced business consultant with the Small Business Enterprise Centre, which has chapters throughout Ontario. When working with electricity, consult the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA), a not-for-profit organization responsible for public electrical safety in Ontario. Business names can be registered or renewed online, by going to your local ServiceOntario Centre or by filling out and mailing the registration form. You must have all underground utilities located and marked prior to starting any excavation work. Send press releases to publications like "Canadian Business Magazine," "CanadaOne" and "Northern Ontario Business" announcing your business launch. He specializes in personal development, travel and language study. Some common regulations that could apply to your business include: In order to legally work in certain skilled trades in Ontario, you must have a Certificate of Qualification, which certifies that you have completed the necessary apprenticeship and/or on-site training requirements for your trade. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Your new construction project and your workers are required to meet the regulations and standards outlined by The Ontario Building Code. In addition, the location of your retail business will be a determining factor of your success. Contact WSIB:1-800-387-0750WSIB - mandatory coverage in the construction industry. Step 1: Conduct Market Research The main objective of market research is to understand the customer and determine whether enough demand exists for a successful business venture. Contact JPO:1-888-998-9959Jobs Protection Office. Selling tobacco requires a permit, as does the sale of lottery tickets. Your business will need to meet standards such as safety, fire prevention, environmental and technical standards for any construction in Ontario. Decide whether you want to start your own business, purchase an existing business that is for sale, or sign up with a franchise. Your construction work must comply with the regulations and standards set out by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA). With the highest provincial population and retail sales, starting a retail business in Ontario can be extremely rewarding.
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