17, Bukbusunhwando-ro, Nam-gu, Ulsan, Republic of Korea This game covers Napoleon at Waterloo. As in reality, every choice made, from the vineyard to the sales, will be able to influence the wine produced both in quanityt and qualitay. The platform we are using is called Crowdin, here the link to Hundred Days project on Crowdin: In order to participate in the localization you need to sign up, but the website also uses Google and Facebook login. Played: 25 times Last played on: 2020-09-24 created on 2020-06-26 1q2w3. News; Stats Stats. Each scenario is based on historical facts regarding the battles of Waterloo or Tolentino, but is abstracted to an operational-level of play so that each player is fully engaged commanding either the French or Anti-French forces from turn to turn. The first little demo of Hundred Days Winemaking Simulator is playable now thanks to Steam Game Festival ^^, Some information about the vineyard works in Hundred Days- Winemaking Simulator, Hundred Days - Winemaking Simulator will be playable at Day of the Devs this Sunday ^^. First of all thank you again for the amazing support you are giving to Hundred Days. First choose which vines to grow, learn how to grow them and when to harvest. In Hundred Days you will have complete control of a new Winery. 44632, Cookies help us deliver our services. Steam Game DB. Adjusted difficulty level. Your beautiful journey into the winemaking tradition starts now. Or sign in with your social account: Super happy to be part of #thegdwc #weeklyvote on #strategygames, remember to vote for #HundredDaysVideogame T.co, This week we are part of the @TheGDWC weekly vote, check out Thegdwc.com page and discover amazing game… T.co, Autumn vibes...in the game and in reality ☺️ we have been silent lately, a lot of things going on, getting back… T.co, RT @Simmingbird: Hi, I'm now live playing the second demo of tonight: Hundred Days. Survival in the middle of a forest filled with zombies and marauders. You will also have to sell the wine produced to allow your company to expand. I really like the demo ! A quality wine will increase the reputation of your company worldwide, it may have come at a higher price and will allow you to grow better and faster. The tool is really easy to use, you select your language, you open the file you want to translate and on your left side you will see all the entries, in the center part you can see the word/phrase in english (english is the base language) and on the right side you can comment; you can also upvote/downvote other people translation. A hundred days is the lifespan of a vine leaf, silent witness of the ever repeating cycle of seasons and shifts in weather patterns. We are starting with different sets of words about winemaking but you can also find really common words. Survival mode unlocked! First choose which vines to grow, learn how to grow them and when to harvest. “TAKE CARE of your vineyard” - Cultivate different types of vine, analyse the soil to understand what grapes will grow better, protect your vines from diseases, unexpected shifts in weather patterns, and learn what’s the best season to prune, fertilise, and harvest. First choose which vines to grow, learn how to grow them and when to harvest. As in reality, every choice made, from the vineyard to the sales, will be able to influence the wine produced both in quantity and quality . 「Hundred Days - Winemaking Simulator」では,プレイヤーは若きブドウ農園経営者となり,何もない田舎の更地を利用してワイン作りをすることになる。 Your interest and your feedbacks are amazing. New items, stages and zombies! Games Upcoming New Releases Most Achievements Most Wishlists Random Game Compare Games Co-op Finder. Join us on a winemaking adventure: grow your vineyard, learn how to manage a winery, produce your own wine and sell it! Badges. A quality wine will increase the reputation of your company worldwide, it may have come at a higher price and will allow you to grow better and faster. You will also have to sell the wine produced to allow your company to expand. In Hundred Days you will have complete control of a new winery, you will have to choose which vines to grow and how to grow them and when to harvest, you will have to follow the entire winemaking process and make the choices that best suit the type of wine you want to produce or that market requires. Or sign in with your social account: Super happy to be part of #thegdwc #weeklyvote on #strategygames, remember to vote for #HundredDaysVideogame T.co, This week we are part of the @TheGDWC weekly vote, check out Thegdwc.com page and discover amazing game… T.co, Autumn vibes...in the game and in reality ☺️ A quality wine will increase the reputation of your company worldwide, it may have come at a higher price and will allow you to grow better and faster. No articles were found matching the criteria specified. Thank you so much for notify us Mostafa12890, are you trying to download the windows version of the mac version? Played: 266 times Last played on: 2020-09-24 created on 2019-03-27 Memotest tejiendo vinculos. As in reality, every choice made, from the vineyard to the sales, will be able to influence the wine produced both in quantity and quality . Join the Indie DB community. A downloadable game for Windows and macOS. Groups; Badges Badges. we have been silent lately, a lot of things going on, getting back… T.co, RT @Simmingbird: Hi, I'm now live playing the second demo of tonight: Hundred Days. At the moment we are working on these languages: If you have some questions or problems about the localization project please join our Discord and feel free to write us. Game Overview. 100_Days_Game. The first little demo of Hundred Days Winemaking Simulator is playable now thanks to Steam Game Festival ^^, Some information about the vineyard works in Hundred Days- Winemaking Simulator, Hundred Days - Winemaking Simulator will be playable at Day of the Devs this Sunday ^^. Then following the entire winemaking process deciding on the type of wine you want to produce or the market requires. At the moment we are working on these languages: If you have some questions or problems about the localization project please join our Discord and feel free to write us. In Hundred Days 20, players decide which scenario variant they will play. Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments. Your comment will be anonymous unless you join the community. Your interest and your feedbacks are amazing. Then following the entire winemaking process deciding on the type of wine you want to produce or the market requires. We need your help to translate the different technical wine-related terms, we are not asking you to localize the whole game but to give us some help with all those words that only wine passionate as all of you will probably know. @brokenarmsgames First of all thank you again for the amazing support you are giving to Hundred Days. In Hundred Days you will have complete control of a new Winery. No articles were found matching the criteria specified. “AN ADVENTURE FOR ALL” - Test your ability to manage the winemaking business: Hundred Days is a tycoon game with a narrative twist, offering three different game modes to suit most palates. Wow, no comments yet... why not be the first? Hello guest! Then following the entire winemaking process deciding on the type of wine you want to produce or the market requires. A hundred days is the lifespan of a vine leaf, silent witness of the ever repeating cycle of seasons and shifts in weather patterns. 2020: Summer Road Trip 2020: The Debut Collection 2019: Winter Sale. The "Brand-New" Dizzy Game Is A Remake, And It's Included... Nintendo Reveals The Top 15 Most-Downloaded Switch Games ... Join 1,061,790 people following Nintendo Life: © 2020 Nlife Media, partner of Gamer Network. A wine simulator, cheers! Community Patron Community Contributor Spring Cleaning Event 2020. “LEARN all the secrets of the winemaking business” - Handle the winemaking process from start to finish: understand the importance of different yeasts and bacteria strains, experiment with fermentation and wine aging to enhance the characteristics of your product. What do I do? Thank you for so much for all the support you are providing to Hundred Days ^^. I seem to not be able to download the game. Hundred Days 20 features two complete games: Tolentino 20 and Waterloo 20, 3rd Edition! We suggest you try the article list with no filter applied, to browse all available. In Hundred Days you will have complete control of a new Winery. Jack Gill’s Tolentino 20 focuses on the battle of May 2-3, 1815 which occurred in central Italy during the period of the “Hundred Days” of Napoleon’s brief restoration to the French throne.
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