A proponent may request the Minister to continue such assessment as an impact assessment under the IAA. Impact Statement and Impact Assessment Phase 2.1 Guidance: Gender-based Analysis Plus in Impact Assessment; 2.2 Guidance: Considering the Extent to which a Project Contributes to Sustainability; 2.3 Framework: Implementation of the Sustainability Guidance The Information and Management of Time Limits Regulations, which also come into force on August 28, set out detailed information requirements for the initial project description, requiring proponents to undertake extensive planning and investigations well in advance of initiating the IAA Planning Phase. Screening is done to see whether a project requires environmental clearance as per the statutory notifications. The Joint Review Panel would meet the process requirements of both jurisdictions. Sound science and Indigenous knowledge inform the Impact Statement. This document provides the proponent, and other participants, with a summary of the comments received by the Agency in relation to the Initial Project Description and allows participants to see how their comments and concerns have been characterized. those effects were justified in the circumstances. This is open to administrative or judicial review based on procedural aspects. The public and Indigenous groups have an opportunity to comment on these draft conditions. It begins when the Agency posts a notice on the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry (the Registry) that it is satisfied that the proponent has provided the required information and studies. Public Hearing 8. Review (EIA Report) 9. The work of the Secretariat staff is separated from the rest of the Government by an ethical wall. Under the IAA, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency will be continued as the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the “Agency”) and will now be the single agency responsible for the management and coordination of impact assessments (in contrast to CEAA 2012, under which three different agencies had responsibility for conducting environmental assessments). Scoping means the scope or range of the EIA report. General hearing sessions: Provides an opportunity for participants and the Proponent to make presentations to the Review Panel on both the technical and non-technical subjects that are within the scope of the review. Cooperation Agreements: An agreement between the Government of Canada and a jurisdiction to provide a framework for cooperation when the federal assessment process and that of the other jurisdiction apply to the same project. Delegation: The Agency can delegate all or a part of the federal assessment process to another jurisdiction. The Agency also has discretion to consider “any other factor that the Agency 21 - Consultation and Cooperation with Certain Jurisdictions; 22 - Factors To Be Considered; 23 - Federal Authority’s Obligation; 24 - Impact Assessment by Agency This module will provide you with information on the Impact Statement phase, including steps, responsibilities, and … They also allow for scrutiny of the designated projects by participants who have conducted a technical review of the project. The Impact Assessment Report produced by the other jurisdiction, the Consultation Report and the recommended potential conditions are provided to the Minister. Screening 3. This is done with the idea of lessening the negative effects and improving the scope for project benefits. Duration of the impact is equally important to understand. Document prepared by the Impact Assessment Agency to summarize issues raised through the initial engagement processes during the Planning phase. ensuring Indigenous knowledge and community knowledge are taken into account. The Agency continues to engage the public and implement the Public Engagement Plan developed in the planning phase. The Minister may extend the time limit by 90 days only, but the Governor in Council may extend the time limit any number of times. This is in contrast to CEAA 2012, in which the Minister (or other responsible authority) decided whether a project was likely to result in significant adverse environmental effects, and if so, the Governor in Council decided whether Environment, Conservation, Tools, Environmental Impact Assessment, Terms of Service Privacy Policy Contact Us.
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