Tomoko stands at the inn in Fukushima prefecture that has been in her family for generations. More than seven years after the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear crisis, radioactive water is continuing to flow into the Pacific Ocean from the crippled No. "Under the motto, 'out of sight, out of mind,' the dumping of nuclear waste was the easiest way to get rid of it," says Horst Hamm. According to the plant operator, the concentration of tritium in the collection tanks is sometimes much higher than that of conventional cooling water from nuclear power stations. Tritium is a radioactive element produced as a by-product by nuclear reactors under normal operation, and is present everywhere in the fabric of the reactor buildings, so water used for cooling them is bound to be contaminated by it. EIN #26-0388604, © 2016 - 2020 Children's Health Defense® • All rights Reserved. hide caption. Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Wednesday that his government is working on the final details of a plan to release massive amounts of radioactive water being stored at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant a decision that has been delayed by protests. It is located directly on the coast and "legally discharges 33 million liters of radioactive liquid into the sea each year," says Rousselet. "It's a very small risk that I consider negligible," Buesseler told Live Science. In the meantime, researchers will continue to monitor these levels, especially because it teaches them how these molecules move around the planet, he said. There was a problem. You can find more information in our data protection declaration. It brought back a lot, she says. Energiewende (Transition to renewable power sources), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The U.S. and Canadian coastal waters in the Pacific are contaminated, analyses show, but radiation levels are still well below federal standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency, said Ken Buesseler, a senior scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Models predicted that these levels should have already peaked, "but it looks like this may take another year or more [before] these levels decline along the beaches," Buesseler said. One of the original citizen data operations in Fukushima is called Safecast. TEPCO will abide by whatever the government decides. So the fish are swimming in plenty of natural radioactive material anyway, more than this Fukushima water could ever provide. What happens if a president loses an election but won't leave the White House? Part of the reason people want to collect data themselves and compare it is because even after more information became available, it was often contradictory. To cool radioactive fuel cores at the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant, Japan had pumped 1.2 million tons of water through the rods and this water became contaminated with radioactive … Image: By IAEA Imagebank, via Wikimedia Commons. "Radiation is a bit similar to the virus," she says sitting at the kitchen table of her inn. The maps, one part of their work, were created by a team of volunteers who took air measurements. You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. an extremely weak beta particle to become helium-3, two protons and one neutron. Published with permission from Climate News Network. But these limits were just taken out of thin air. But many are quick to point out that the government raised the legal limit of radiation exposure in this part of Fukushima prefecture after the disaster — meaning that many of these areas wouldn't necessarily be considered safe in other parts of Japan or the world. Watch a 'Godzilla' wasp dominate Mothra in this eerie lab video, Jousting yard where Henry VIII nearly died just discovered 5 feet under, NASA finally makes contact with Voyager 2 after longest radio silence in 30 years, Possible cause of COVID-19 blood clots found. Its mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and to establish safeguards so this never happens again. (11.03.2019). Because tritium is three times heavier than normal hydrogen because of two neutrons in its nucleus, tritium tends to replace normal hydrogen in water molecules, rapidly diluting any tritium in our bodies and in the environment. He went so far as to say it is “the only option”. There's even one hanging in the Kobayashis' inn. CHD is implementing many strategies, including legal, in an effort to defend the health of our children and obtain justice for those already injured. Each dot shows where surface water was tested for cesium-137 between 2011 and 2017. And still today, radioactive substances can be detected off the coast of Japan and in other parts of the Pacific. These graphs show the levels of cesium-137 found in U.S. coastal waters. The meltdown was the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl in 1986. The authorities have tried to ease concerns, testing food in supermarkets and setting up radiation monitors in public parks, outside train stations or flashing along highways, but trust in the government is still extremely low. He said careful monitoring of the water samples is crucial to gain public understanding. Fukushima nuclear disaster: Japan to unveil plan to release radioactive waste water Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga says his government is … [Fukushima Radiation Leak: 5 Things You Should Know - Live Science], As for cesium-134, which has a half-life of 2.1 years, "it appeared for a few weeks after the event, but nowadays it's not there," Thakur said. Meaning none of these levels, or a hundred times these levels, are harmful. Kat Lonsdorf (@lilkat_bigworld) is NPR's Above the Fray fellow. Tritium emits an incredibly weak beta particle that is easily stopped by our dead skin layer. And even Greenpeace activist Yannick Rousselet says he sees "no safe way to lift the rusted barrels" to the surface. He says: “Barring a miraculous technical discovery which is unlikely, I think Tokyo Electric Power Company [owner of the Fukushima Daiichi plant] /Japanese government, will have to buy more land and keep on building more holding tanks to allow for tritium decay to take place. Typical cosmogenic tritium concentrations in seawater are about 700 Bq/m3 (19 pCi/L). Most young people decided to start lives elsewhere rather than return, not wanting to take the risks with radiation. "Other people will say, 'Oh, you know, it's not as bad as I feared, maybe I'll stay.' It builds and distributes radiation monitors in Fukushima, and puts all the data online for public use. Researchers focused on cesium when testing ocean contamination "because it was one of the most abundant radioactive contaminants released, and some forms of it can remain in the environment for decades," Buesseler and his colleagues wrote on We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Which is actually true. Seven years since radioactive materials from the plant poured into the air and the ocean and began making its way toward the West Coast of the United States. "It's gone because the amount was so small." Government officials said they need more time to discuss ways to mitigate reputational damage to the local industries and gain public understanding. As ever with the nuclear industry, there are two widely different views on tritium. Japan is still dealing with the consequences of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdowns in the wake of an offshore 9.1 earthquake and tsunami. Tomoko says she is, of course, aware that the two are very different, but the parallels have been striking to her. They just don’t have any room left to store it. radioactive tritium, and which can be slowly released to the ocean with no environmental harm. What normal person would expect this?" Want an ad-free experience?Subscribe to Independent Premium. says Tomoko with a chuckle. In recent years, La Hague has also been the scene of several incidents involving increased radioactivity levels. "There aren't any real problems on the security side, but it's difficult, because there are also social implications. She says a lot of the anxiety everyone is feeling now reminds her of how she felt back in 2011. It might be an appropriate method, but it's never easy to release radioactive substances into the environment. And in our new world of anti-science, such a wrong idea might rule over what is the right thing to do, wasting precious resources and time. Tepco admitted last year that the water in its tanks still contained contaminants beside tritium. Several nuclear submarines, including nuclear ammunition, were also sunk during this time. In the end, it is impossible to get a significant radiation dose from tritium, unlike any other radionuclide. Today, they're testing soil from a nearby farm. Other organizations, like Greenpeace, dispute those findings. Radiation levels in the sea off Fukushima were millions of times higher than the government's limit of 100 becquerels. But now that data is more readily available, as scientists like Buesseler, Thakur and their colleagues publish their research, perhaps people will be less fearful, she said. Contact Hydrogen has only a proton but its chemistry and that of tritium are the same. The research found that "even the smallest possible dose, a photon passing through a cell nucleus, carries a cancer risk. That includes the initial release of very radioactive water. The Nuclear Information and Resource Service believes tritium is far more dangerous and increases the likelihood of cancers, birth defects and genetic disorders. Rukam's residents thought selling their land to a palm oil company would bring wealth, but the environment has suffered. Tests on salmon in 2016 show that the maximum contamination of cesium-137 found in a fish was more than 1,700 times lower than the Health Canada Action Level, and "is not known to be a health risk for either humans or the environment," InFORM wrote on its website. The report say a link to health effects "cannot be ruled out" even if there is no clear evidence to date of a link between illness and radioactive discharges from nuclear facilities. Unfortunately, the idea of releasing radioactivity of any sort makes most people cringe. Other countries including Belgium, France, Switzerland and the Netherlands also disposed of tons of radioactive waste in the North Atlantic in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. In a briefing for the Nuclear Free Local Authorities (NFLA), a UK based organisation, another independent analyst, Tim Deere-Jones, discusses research that shows that tritium binds with organic material in plants and animals. Now, nearly a decade later, Safecast has hundreds of devices in the area around the Daiichi nuclear power plant, with dozens of local residents helping to take hundreds of readings a day. “Based on discussions and expertise we've had, we will further deepen our discussion and responsibly make a decision at an appropriate time.”. This week on Eco Africa: Building better housing in South Africa's Soweto township and putting hair clippings to use. Tomoko stands at the inn in Fukushima prefecture that has been in her family for generations. An actual release would be about two years away because TEPCO still has to set up a facility for a release and have it authorized by the Nuclear Regulation Authority, officials said. When the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant began spewing radioactive particles after it was clobbered by a tsunami in March 2011Kaori Sakuma … "The barrels are everywhere," says ecologist Yannick Rousselet of Greenpeace France. Critics, like Greenpeace, weighed in with the usual every-atom-is-dangerous and this water should be stored and treated forever. In 2013, two years after the meltdown, it was estimated that seawater containing 20 trillion becquerels of radioactive material had been released into the Pacific ocean.
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