In the beginning there was the Darkness, and then God. However, Amara managed to mortally wound Chuck, causing a disruption in the Cosmic Balance. Call it being! That's why he chose you to protect the garden." However, his actions were a ploy for her to heal his injury and restore his power. Seeing the brothers firm refusal to kill Jack, God simply remarks "Have it your way" and kills Jack by smiting him with a snap of his fingers. Chuck, touched and clearly guilty Himself for losing faith in humanity, decides to help Sam and Dean deal with the Darkness after finishing His book. Castiel seeks the help of Sister Jo in trying to contact God, due her working as Joshua's right hand in Heaven before being demoted. Felt it. He states he was that excited after he was made into the scribe but God tells him it was because he was the nearest angel to the door and he was nothing special. After Castiel absorbs souls from purgatory to make him powerful, he takes on the role of God and begins to kill the sinful across earth. Fortuna reveals that God actually created the pagan gods to have someone to take the blame when things went wrong, but He hides behind whatever religion is most popular these days. He was aware that Lucifer would possess Sam and that this decision would lead to his downfall, something that Lucifer himself couldn't foresee. Chuck then smiles about how the story has been wrapped up, as he writes the final sentence. When Dean described God to Fortuna, she recognized him, suggesting that God has used this form for millennia.[10]. God ordered all of His angels to bow before humanity and love them more than Him, but Lucifer refused to bow down as the other angels did. This fairness seems to be shown by how God, while willing to forgive Metatron for his offences, refused to give back Metatron's powers. Lucifer would be kept imprisoned for eons in the cage, with the only way to free him was to break seals which acted as locks on the cage. If one of them dies, reality itself would cease to exist. While it has not been confirmed whether this is true, his dismissive reaction to Sam questioning him on it may suggest there is some truth to it, though at the same time he did seem offended when Sam appeared to believe Michael, but whether it was a faked reaction to keep his true intentions concealed remains unknown. Chuck is shown to still be alive, as he watches a stage production which has adapted his Supernatural stories. His sister couldn't resist destroying whatever God created, so God created four archangels and, with them by his side, waged war against her and eventually locked her away with a mark which he entrusted to his most loved and valued angel, Lucifer. The angel Joshua was the only known angel to have had conversations with Him prior to God revealing himself as Chuck Shurley to Metatron and the Winchesters. God tells them that Michael is in no condition to fight, and since archangels are the stuff of primordial creation, it would take time that they don't have to bring Gabriel and Raphael back, even for him. She tells God that she would rather die before going back to her prison before striking Him with tendrils of black smoke, terminally weakening Him and causing a disruption in the Cosmic Balance. He teleports them to Sam and Dean where they confront God on his return when they needed him most. However, Castiel showed the latter his memories of God's betrayals, such as God masquerading as Chuck, the Alternate Michael, the fight with the Darkness, and the murder of their nephew Jack. Amara heals Chuck of all His wounds and they decide to have a family meeting. Angered by their audacity, God tells them "Story's over, welcome to the end" before he disappears and unleashes the apocalypse on the world for the brothers' defiance against him. Chuck gives the location and wishes Dean luck on his endeavor. His rage is well-known even though he has only been seen by a few angels, to the point that the usual petty and arrogant Zachariah was terrified enough at the prospect of God unleashing his wrath upon him to immediately back down from pursuing Sam and Dean. Dean volunteers to use it while Sam and Castiel try to talk him out of it but are ignored. He tries to turn them into dust with a snap of his fingers, but God added a safeguard that would prevent him from doing that. They talk as they write and its revealed God left out of disappointment of his creations, he teleports himself and Metatron to a forest and talks. But upon Lucifer's defeat, nothing happened. Portrayed by Billie later reveals to the Winchesters of what God is doing and how he needs to be stopped. God reveals his list of responsibilities such as locking away his sister only for her to be free by the Winchesters who he has helped many times like saving them and constantly resurrecting Castiel for them. After collecting a few hundred thousand souls into a crystal, Rowena channels that energy into Dean since he is the only one with a personal connection to Amara to get close enough to her. We have a trinity here -- Chuck Shurley, Eric Kripke and God. Alias Raphael claims that God is dead, as this is the only explanation for the horrible things have happened on Earth over the last hundred years and God's continuing silence. If God were to die, then there would be a shift in the Cosmic Balance which would lead to the end of all existence. Chuck apologies to her for everything, but Amara doesn't want to hear it and tells Him that the real reason He banished her was because He couldn't stand holding in his ego. God Rob BenedictKeith Szarabajka (possessing Donatello Redfield)Luvia Petersen (in Sue Barrish's form). Grasping it in his hand, Castiel prays to God for help, but receives no response. Keep the adventures of the Winchester brothers going for his stories.Unleash a new apocalypse on the Earth.Destroy the Multiverse.Finish the Supernatural story and end the Winchesters for good (ongoing). Chuck's pseudonym is Carver Edlund, a reference to Supernatural writers Jeremy Carver and Ben Edlund. After being transported to BG's Canteen, Metatron quickly realizes that the bar is a construct created by God. He then disappears, leading viewers to believe he may, in fact, be God. After being denied entrance to Hell to study the Cage by a demon, Castiel is surprised by Chuck's sudden appearance, who tells Cas He is responding to his prayer. Call it grace! Rowena believes that with enough souls, she can build a bomb that should destroy her. His full potential remains unknown, but He is extremely powerful, and is thought to be omnipotent and omniscient. YangThe LightBeingCreationChuck ShurleyCarver EdlundFatherDadThe CreatorChuckles (by Metatron)Big Man (by Metatron)The LordThe AlmightyThe Big GuyThe Big DaddyDeadbeatDeadbeat Dad (by Dean)The Boss (by Joshua)The Man UpstairsThe Old ManAbsentee FatherWrathful MonsterChristo[1]Celestial Magnificence (by Donatello)Charles (by Rowena)Daddy, Daddy-O The Big Burrito, Captain G, The Eternal One, Pops (by Lucifer)Creator Of All Things (by Michael) Grandfather (by Jack Kline)Jesus, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Gaia, The Four Winds (by Pastor Joe)
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