[9] Isabel’s marriage to Gallego produced a son, Juan de Andrade Gallego Moctezuma, born in 1530. English thesaurus is mainly derived from The Integral Dictionary (TID). However, Gallego died shortly thereafter. ○ Wildcard, crossword Cortés regelde het huwelijk van Doña Isabel met zijn naaste collega Alonso de Grado in juni 1526. He quickly married her to another associate, Pedro Gallego de Andrade, and the child, christened Leonor Cortes Moctezuma, was born a few months later. Her inheritance from her father included Chapulguacan also call … The Spanish and, later, Mexican governments, paid royalties in the form of a pension to the descendants of Doña Isabel until 1933 and a Count of Miravalle, the descendants of Moctezuma, still exists in Spain. Biography Doña Isabel married in succession the Aztec emperor Cuauhtemoc, first conqueror Alonso de Grado (died ca. Moctezuma tivo dezanove fillos, sendo Chimalpopoca o seu favorito. Her will reveals her to have been a decisive and strong woman who was generous and thoughtful. Aínda que se sabe pouco de Isabel á parte duns poucos feitos da súa vida, parece que foi máis que un simple peón nas mans da realeza azteca e dos conquistadores españoil. She seems to have been more than a mere pawn in the hands of Aztec royalty and Spanish conquerors. See if you can get into the grid Hall of Fame ! Voorafgaand aan die huwelijken was ze een Azteekse prinses geweest die niets bezat behalve haar voornaam. [13] Isabel's last husband, Juan Cano, died in Seville in 1572. Join Facebook to connect with Isabel Moctezuma and others you may know. Cortes took her into his household and she soon became pregnant. She was only about eleven or twelve years old at the time of her third marriage. Haar verzet tegen slavernij is de laatste tijd een onderwerp van belangstelling geworden. The Miravalle line of Spanish royalty began with Isabel's son, Juan de Andrade. Every indication is that Doña Isabel, the former Aztec princess Tecuichpotzin, was devout in her new religion. O 28 de febreiro de 1525, Cuauhtémoc foi sentenciado a morte e executado na forca, pois Hernán Cortés sospeitou dunha posible rebelión dos mexicas durante a expedición a Hibueras. Congratulations on this excellent venture⦠what a great idea! When the last Aztec Empress was born in the early 16th century to the Great Moctezuma II, all she had was her distinguished name. Isabelâs marriage to Gallego produced a son, Juan de Andrade Gallego Moctezuma, born in 1530. However, Gallego died shortly thereafter. Ondanks de groeiende wet die de inheemse slavernij in Nieuw-Spanje trachtte te beperken of uit te bannen, die haar man moest afdwingen, had zij, als inheemse adel, het speciale voorrecht om de slaven die ze bezat voorafgaand aan de verovering te behouden en ze te behandelen 'in haar traditionele manieren. The result after years of litigation was that Arias de Sotelo's claim was dismissed, and Tacuba was divided between Cano and Andrade.[12]. She even had limited power to adapt the rules in the land of her encomienda. In 1532 she married her sixth husband, Juan Cano de Saavedra, by whom she had three sons and two daughters: Pedro, Gonzalo, Juan, Isabel, and Catalina Cano de Moctezuma. Cortés returned in 1521 with a large group of Spaniards and Indian allies, mostly from Tlaxcala, to attack Tenochtitlan. O seu testamento revela que foi unha muller forte, decisiva e xenerosa. [15] Isabel's last husband, Juan Cano, died in Seville in 1572. [8], Isabel had close contact with the new laws through her husband. She seems to have made the transition from Aztec princess to Spanish doña successfully. Photo by Thomas Ledl CC BY-SA 4.0. She seems to have been more than a mere pawn in the hands of Aztec royalty and Spanish conquerors. Choose the design that fits your site. Traxectoria A caída de México-Tenochtitlán. Every indication is that Doña Isabel, the former Aztec princess Tecuichpotzin, was devout in her new religion. Doña Isabel and the conquest of Tenochtitlan, Conversion to Christianity and Dynastic union to Spain, Doña Isabel and the conquest of Tenochtitlan, Conversion to Christianity and Dynastic union to Spain, Himmerich y Valencia located only three Indians in his analysis of 506, Kalyuta, Anastasya. First, she was married to the Aztec emperor Atlixcatzin, but he died shortly after, making her a widow at about 10 years of age. Isabel Moctezuma has Mexican ancestry. A última edición desta páxina foi o 12 de agosto de 2020 ás 11:02. As a deathbed wish, 20 percent of her estate was to be given to Leonor, her out-of-wedlock child by Cortés. Being that she was the daughter of Moctezuma and his principal wife Teotlalco, Tecuichpotzin was recognized as the legitimate heir to the house of her father. Her will is one of the few existing indicators of her personality. For several months they lived in Moctezuma's palace. He was her sixth and final husband. âLos Herederos de Moctezuma.â, Sagaón Infante, âTestamento de Isabel Moctezumaâ, en Anuario Mexicano de Historia del Derecho, 10, Sagaon Infante, Raquel, âTestamento de Isabel Moctezuma.â, Chipman (2005), 68; Sagaon Infante, Raquel, âTestamento de Isabel Moctezuma.â. De oorzaken van deze verandering van hart zijn onzeker, maar legden de basis voor een recente beschrijving van haar als een anti-slavernij "activiste" en een moeder van inheemse onafhankelijkheid in sommige ideologische sferen. The romance, if there had been one between Cortés and Doña Isabel, quickly soured. Libros Relacionados. Teotlalco was de belangrijkste vrouw van Moctezuma en dus had onder Moctezuma's dochters Tecuichpotzin het primaat. [9] Despite the growing body of law trying to limit or extinguish native slavery in New Spain that her husband was charged with enforcing, she, as native nobility, had the special privilege of retaining the slaves she owned prior to the conquest and treat them "in her traditional waysâ. Her son, Juan Cano Moctezuma, married into a prominent family in Cáceres, Spain where the Palacio de Toledo-Moctezuma still exists. El registro es gratuito. Her descendants were the most prominent example of her day of mestizaje â melding Spanish and indigenous Mexican ancestries â that would characterize the future of Mexico. Isabel Moctezuma lo escribio el autor Eugenio Aguirre, y fue peusto en venta por la editorial Martnez Roca. Ze had een buitenechtelijke dochter, Leonor Cortés Moctezuma , met conquistador Hernán Cortés . She was instructed in Christianity, converted to Catholicism, probably in 1526, and baptized as Isabel, the name by which she would thereafter be known. Moctezuma. Cuauhtémoc and his court attempted to flee Tenochtitlan by boat, but they were captured by the Spanish. Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid): Espasa Calpe. He was her sixth and final husband. To make squares disappear and save space for other squares you have to assemble English words (left, right, up, down) from the falling squares. Every indication is that Doña Isabel, the former Aztec princess Tecuichpotzin, was devout in her new religion. He quickly married her to another associate, Pedro Gallego de Andrade, and the child, christened Leonor Cortés Moctezuma (Isabel also had a half-sister named Marina or Leonor Moctezuma) was born a few months later. When Moctezuma was taken a hostage and killed, the Aztec people took Tecuichpotzin and married her to her uncle, Emperor Cuitláhuac. Among the others were her half-sister Leonor (or Mariana) Moctezuma, and Juan Sánchez, an Indian governor in Oaxaca. Cortés keerde in 1521 terug met een grote groep Spanjaarden en Indiase bondgenoten, voornamelijk uit Tlaxcala , om Tenochtitlan aan te vallen. However, by the end of her life she freed them all in her testament. She directed that her Indian slaves be set free, one-fifth of the estate be given to the Catholic Church, and that all her outstanding debts, including wages owed to servants, be paid. Her descendants were the most prominent example of her day of mestizaje – melding Spanish and Indian ancestries – that would characterize the future of Mexico. The title of Duke of Moctezuma de Tultengo still exists. He was murdered by the Spanish. ”Ze had zelfs beperkte macht om de regels in het land van haar encomienda aan te passen. [7] Do matrimonio naceron dúas fillas, a primeira de nome Leonor que casou con Juan de Oñate e a segunda de nome Isabel que casou con Cristóbal de Zaldívar.[8]. Os descendentes de Isabel e do seu medio irmán coñecido como Pedro “o Príncipe” foron recoñecidos pola coroa española, e outorgóuselles o título de Condes de Miravalle. As a deathbed wish, 20 percent of her estate was to be given to Leonor, her out of wedlock child by Cortés. Tips: browse the semantic fields (see From ideas to words) in two languages to learn more. Get XML access to fix the meaning of your metadata. Cuahtemoc and his court attempted to flee Tenochitlan by boat, but they were captured by the Spanish. At her birth, which came in either 1509 or 1510, she was named “Tecuichpotzin Ixcaxochitzin,” which means “Lord’s Daughter” in the Nahuatl language. Ze maakte van dit voorrecht gebruik en bezat haar hele leven een groot aantal inheemse slaven. Hernán Cortés and other Spanish conquerors entered Tenochitlan on November 8, 1519, and quickly took Moctezuma as a hostage, leading to his death either at the hands of the Spanish or his own people. Isabel's laatste echtgenoot, Juan Cano, stierf in Sevilla in 1572. The encomienda consisted of the city of Tacuba (about eight kilometres or five miles) west of Tenochitlan (now called Mexico City) and was the largest encomienda in the Valley of Mexico, an indicator of the importance Cortés gave to Isabel. By the time she died at the age of 50, she had survived five husbands, mothered seven children, built a large estate and established a line of nobility that still endures today. The Spanish and, later, Mexican governments, paid royalties in the form of a pension to the descendants of Doña Isabel until 1933 and a Count of Miravalle, the descendants of Moctezuma, still exists in Spain.[7]. 423â424; Chipman 70-73. Her sons, Pedro and Gonzalo Cano, became prominent citizens of Mexico City. Ze had sieraden en andere luxe artikelen aangeschaft en verzocht om veel daarvan aan haar dochters te geven, en dat andere eigendommen zouden worden verkocht en een derde van de opbrengst naar haar dochters zou gaan. Dezember 1550 oder 8. Part of the marriage arrangement was the granting of a large encomienda to Doña Isabel. [7], Cortés arranged the marriage of Doña Isabel to his close colleague Alonso de Grado in June 1526. Dit was blijkbaar een bruidsschat, aangezien Leonor getrouwd was, of binnenkort zou trouwen, met Juan de Tolosa in Zacatecas . Doña Isabel Moctezuma (born Tecuichpoch Ixcaxochitzin; 1509/1510 – 1550/1551) was a daughter of the Aztec ruler Moctezuma II. uitbreidt, zal vrij zijn van alle dienstbaarheid en gevangenschap, en als vrije mensen zullen ze doen wat ze willen, want ik houd ze niet als slaven; dus als ze (slaven) zijn, zal ik en beveel voor hen om vrij te zijn ". En Isabel Moctezuma Eugenio Aguirre ha dado voz a Tecuichpo, hija predilecta de Moctezuma, para recrear con la fidelidad de un experimentado cronista los pormenores de la vida cotidiana azteca antes de la llegada de los españoles y los avatares de un encuentro que daría origen al mestizaje. [14] Both daughters were well-educated, as presumably were her sons. 1531), and conqueror Juan Cano. Haar landgoed was groot en bestond niet alleen uit de encomienda, maar ook uit persoonlijke bezittingen die ze had verworven tijdens haar huwelijken met de Spanjaarden. Moctezuma tuvo diecinueve hijos, siendo Chimalpopoca su favorito. Doña Isabel Moctezuma (born Tecuichpoch Ixcaxochitzin; 1509/1510 â 1550/1551) was a daughter of the Aztec ruler Moctezuma II. Doña Isabel bore a son with her fifth husband and named him Andrade Gallego Moctezuma. | Last modifications, Copyright © 2012 sensagent Corporation: Online Encyclopedia, Thesaurus, Dictionary definitions and more. “The Household and Estate of a Mexica Lord: ‘Información de Doña Isabel de Moctezuma’’’, Sagaon Infante, Raquel.
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