The people of Latvia did not recognise the occupation regimes, resisted them and regained their freedom by restoring national independence on 4 May 1990 on the basis of continuity of the State. 8. If the Saeima makes a decision that involves expenditures not included in the Budget, then this decision must also allocate funds to cover such expenditures. 92. 44. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) is in continuous contact with the European Commission and the World Health Organization regarding the assessment of this outbreak. The Latvian government has so far strictly followed the advice of experts – epidemiologists, said Vinkele, adding that she does not see the basis for any change in this approach. 110. 43. Everyone has the right to own property. 77. Everyone, where his or her rights are violated without basis, has a right to commensurate compensation. The extent of, and procedures for, the utilisation of this right shall be set out in a specific law. 104. The law thus suspended shall be put to a national referendum if so requested by not less than one-tenth of the electorate. 73. 78. If no such request is received during the aforementioned two-month period, the law shall then be proclaimed after the expiration of such period. 102. Participation in the relief of disasters and their effects, and work pursuant to a court order shall not be deemed forced labour. No one shall be subjected to inhuman or degrading punishment. 29. The Saeima shall appoint parliamentary investigatory committees for specified matters if not less than one-third of its members request it. Torture or other cruel or degrading treatment of human beings is prohibited. The Saeima shall elect a Presidium that shall be composed of a Chairperson, two Deputies and Secretaries. The rights of persons set out in Articles ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, one hundred, one hundred and two, one hundred and three, one hundred and six, and one hundred and eight of the Constitution may be subject to restrictions in circumstances provided for by law in order to protect the rights of other people, the democratic structure of the State, and public safety, welfare and morals. [email protected], Government introduces strict measures from November 9 in effort to combat spread of coronavirus. Forced labour is prohibited. Latvia as democratic, socially responsible and national state is based on the rule of law and on respect for human dignity and freedom; it recognises and protects fundamental human rights and respects ethnic minorities. Šobrīd nedarbojas sekojoši e-pakalpojumi: — Saņemt e-konsultāciju no ģimenes ārsta The State shall protect the freedom of previously announced peaceful meetings, street processions, and pickets. Members of the Saeima may be arrested if apprehended in the act of committing a crime. Official language: Latvian National Institutions: Latvijas Valsts Prezidenta Kanceleja [State Chancellery of the President of Latvia] Saeima [Parliament] Ministru Kabinets [Cabinet of Ministers] Zemkopibas Ministrija [Ministry of [4 December 1997; 3 May 2007; 8 April 2009]. The provisions of this Article shall apply to Ministers even if they are not members of the Saeima. Atvainojamies par sagādātajām neērtībām. Decisions in court proceedings may be made only by bodies upon which jurisdiction regarding such has been conferred by law, and only in accordance with procedures provided for by law. A citizen of Latvia may not be extradited to a foreign country, except in the cases provided for in international agreements ratified by the Saeima if by the extradition the basic human rights specified in the Constitution are not violated. This right may be exercised by the President, or by one-third of the members of the Saeima, within ten days of the adoption of the law by the Saeima. Loyalty to Latvia, the Latvian language as the only official language, freedom, equality, solidarity, justice, honesty, work ethic and family are the foundations of a cohesive society. New elections shall take place not earlier than one month and not later than two months after recalling of the Saeima. 20. The Saeima shall be elected for a term of four years. Censorship is prohibited. Draft laws may be submitted to the Saeima by the President, the Cabinet or committees of the Saeima, by not less than five members of the Saeima, or, in accordance with the procedures and in the cases provided for in this Constitution, by one-tenth of the electorate. [Signs and Symbols] 112. 76. no. Government Debt in Latvia increased to 12755.90 EUR Million in the second quarter of 2020 from 11211.10 EUR Million in the second quarter of 2019. Although Prime Minister Krisjānis Kariņš (New Unity) is convinced that a state of emergency should be announced on Friday, the government's views differ, Latvian Television reported November 4. 46. The State shall ensure that everyone may acquire primary and secondary education without charge. — Izziņas pieprasīšana par privātpersonai uzliktajiem administratīvajiem sodiem. Persons belonging to ethnic minorities have the right to preserve and develop their language and their ethnic and cultural identity. 47. 67. Amendments to Article 18 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia shall come into force on 5 November 2002. 108. Ph. 105. The State shall protect human honour and dignity. 2. 53. Members of the Saeima shall not be arrested, nor shall their premises be searched, nor shall their personal liberty be restricted in any way without the consent of the Saeima. A reference to the State Chancellery of the Republic of Latvia is compulsory when the document is republished All human beings in Latvia shall be equal before the law and the courts. © 2020, Use of any material either in part or in full is allowed only with the written permission of 11. Every employed person has the right to receive, for work done, commensurate remuneration which shall not be less than the minimum wage established by the State, and has the right to weekly holidays and a paid annual vacation. The President shall be elected by secret ballot with a majority of the votes of not less than fifty-one members of the Saeima. ECDC and WHO have developed technical guidance to support the EU Member States in their response. — Tehnisku iemeslu dēļ iespējami traucējumi e-pakalpojuma "Informācija par sociālās apdrošināšanas iemaksām un apdrošināšanas periodiem" darbībā. X The Saeima shall be elected in general, equal and direct elections, and by secret ballot based on proportional representation. The age of retirement from office for judges may be determined by law. The Government of Latvia is the central government of the Republic of Latvia.The Constitution of Latvia (Latvian: Satversme) outlines the nation as a parliamentary republic represented by a unicameral parliament and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia (Latvian: Latvijas Republikas Ministru kabinets), which form the executive branch of the Government of Latvia. The working language of the Saeima is the Latvian language. Auditors General shall be appointed to their office and confirmed pursuant to the same procedures as judges, but only for a fixed period of time, during which they may be removed from office only by a judgment of the Court. The website uses cookies to offer you a better content. During wartime, the President shall appoint a Supreme Commander. Everyone has the right to receive a reply in the Latvian language. The first sitting of the newly elected Saeima shall be opened by the Chairperson of the preceding Saeima or by another member of the Presidium at the direction of the Presidium. ECFIN-105-2013-SI2.651674 "Communication Activities Relating to the Euro Changeover in Latvia". Government Debt in Latvia averaged 5921.84 EUR Million from 2000 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 12755.90 EUR Million in the second quarter of 2020 and a record low of 811.71 EUR Million in the first quarter of 2000. 2) defamatory statements about private or family life. The list of countries can be viewed on the website of the Latvian Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - The President has the right to take whatever steps are necessary for the military defence of the State should another state declare war on Latvia or an enemy invade its borders. Government Debt in Latvia increased to 12755.90 EUR Million in the second quarter of 2020 from 11211.10 EUR Million in the second quarter of 2019. The Constitutional Court is entitled to declare laws or other enactments or parts thereof invalid. All orders of the President shall be jointly signed by the Prime Minister or by the appropriate Minister, who shall thereby assume full responsibility for such orders except in the cases specified in Articles forty-eight and fifty-six. Thank you for using workplace!Please close this browser window! No person may be called to account for reporting the sittings of the Saeima or its committees if such reports correspond to fact. The President, upon taking up the duties of office, at a sitting of the Saeima, shall take the following solemn oath: “I swear that all of my work will be dedicated to the welfare of the people of Latvia. The Saeima may decide by a majority vote of not less than two-thirds of the members present to sit in closed session, if so requested by ten members of the Saeima, or by the President, the Prime Minister, or a Minister.
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