May we be wise to separate ourselves from the crowd so that we may hear His voice and not the shout from the masses. How much more should we? The answer is found in the fact that Jesus is both God and man. Though prayer is a discipline we must improve on for the Lord, it is also, as Goldsworthy argued in Prayer and the Knowledge of God, “the fruit of what Christ has done for us.”. Prayer does the same for us today if engage in it with the right motive and attitude of heart, it becomes the bridge between the natural and supernatural world. Stop right where you are in stores and on parking lots, take a person’s hand, and ask God to bless them. What Does It Mean to "Pray Without Ceasing"? 160.064.010 Torrey: p132, T:VI(3), P:1 POINT 10: Jesus Christ went out into a mountain apart to pray. But He said to them, “Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth.”. Given that Jesus told his disciples to pray for workers, it seems likely that Jesus was praying for workers, too, specifically, the workers who would be his apostles. Larry and his wife, Melanie, have six children, all of whom are involved in the ministry, and 15 beautiful grandchildren. Your email address will not be published. Jesus had the weight of the world on his shoulders, and yet he prayed. But do we talk about prayer more than we actually pray? Jesus had a church to establish, and so he prayed. He now travels around the world speaking to ministry leaders. Sit with others and listen and ask questions (Luke 2:41-50). In that sense, Jesus’ prayer life is rooted in his divinity. Thanks for joining the list! Christians throw statements like this out all the time, don’t they? Begin a life of prayer now, a habit of prayer that will go the distance. Copyright 2008 Robert Velarde. Did Jesus need to pray in order to make the right decision? Jesus prayed: “In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God.”. Jesus went to the Jordan to receive power. Because in the place of prayer he had received instructions for his next ministry assignment based om His purpose and so he had to move on. Perhaps it’s not a stretch to say that in Luke 6:12 we see something of divine sovereignty and human responsibility. Mark 1:35 NKJV Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed. Packer got it precisely right in Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, “If you are a Christian, you pray; and the recognition of God’s sovereignty is the basis of your prayers.” Convinced that God is powerful and in control, believers go to him in prayer, entrusting the nuts and bolts of their daily lives into his omnipotent hands. “Gethsemane prayer” comes at the moment when our will crosses God’s will. We are to plead with God faithfully, fervently, and passionately (see Luke 18:1-18). Through prayer and this is one great example. I intentionally do not look at social media or news first so that my mind is uncluttered and focused. We pray to confess our sin because we are to be aware, daily, of our need for forgiveness. The first thing Jesus does after praying is gather together his disciples and choose the twelve (Luke 6:13-14). The Gospel writers tell us of more than 25 times that Jesus prayed—many of them in private times of focused intercession. When it is “all on the line” for your health, your marriage, or a child, it is critical to stop dead still, lift up your eyes, and verbalize your total dependence upon Him. Larry is currently the Director of Pastors University. These apostles would go on to preach and write the words the Spirit would use to build the church (Eph. Just about every morning, the Lord wakes me up early. The response that Jesus gives is very unexpected. If you have observed influential leaders who have imploded and want to be a “long term leader,” this blog is for you. Instead, I’d like you to reflect for a few moments on the life of Jesus. Having stayed up all night talking to his heavenly Father, Jesus was ready to pick twelve men to serve him on earth. 1. Because he is fully man Jesus felt the need to sleep and rest. If we want to learn how to maintain the same kind of prayer life, there's no better teacher than Jesus. Jesus prayed, the Father answered, and Jesus chose the twelve. Prayer will never again be a sentimental excursion or an instinctive hitting of the panic button. What Can We Learn about Prayer from the Way Jesus Prayed? The first time we hear about Jesus praying in the book of Luke is when he was baptized by the John the Baptist and something supernatural happened. Prayer is necessary. Mark 1:38 NKJV Why? He blessed His disciples. Use of this Website assumes acceptance of Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. If even the Son of God needed to pray, how much more do we stand in need of prayer! Your prayer life is the most important part of your Christian life. He once rebuked his disciples for failing to stay awake and pray (Mark 14:37). That is grace. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. This is a reasonable conclusion. May we like Jesus find instruction on what our assignment in through the relationship we have with the Father in the closet of prayer. It shouldn’t be this way. In the morning a long while before day light, Jesus rose up to pray all alone, away from the disciples and away from the crowds. He will never leave you or forsake you. He returned from the desert 40 days later “in the power of the Spirit.”. I Typically Send Out A Weekly Email With My Latest Blog. He studied philosophy of religion and apologetics at Denver Seminary and is pursuing graduate studies in philosophy at Southern Evangelical Seminary. We have to take care of the kids. That’s the chink in the armor of our sanctification that I’d like you to think about for a moment. If you are struggling with prayer, here are ten lessons directly from Scripture about when and how you should pray: 1. He sought a place of quiet. Let's focus on five lessons we learn from Jesus on prayer. We need more than lessons to pray better. The most cynical among us might wonder, “Is he really praying for me?” And yet, whatever the quality of someone’s follow-through, he tells us he’s praying because he believes prayer matters. I’m hopeful that his example and ultimately his sacrifice will motivate you to be more faithful in prayer. We have to take care of the kids. So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. We talk about prayer, we study prayer, we say our prayers, but how many of us actually seek earnestly for God to teach us to pray? "The Life of Jesus provides the model for our prayer lives. Reminds me of the book of Acts when they were all in one place in one accord and in prayer and the Holy Spirit fell on them in the form of tongues of fire. And yet, the truth is that we need prayer as surely as we need sleep and food and rest. Seeing how spectacularly well Jesus prayed may be demoralizing for some of us, reminding us of the many ways we fall short. I found Jesus with Love – Pastor James Okumu, Luke 3:21-22 NIV He stepped out and selected the men he believed best suited to do the work he needed. 160.064.000 Torrey: p132, T:VI(3) Topic 64: Where Jesus Christ Prayed. As a boy, Jesus took the opportunity of being in Jerusalem to sit with the teachers in the temple. It sometimes seems the church is in a similar situation today regarding prayer. We have to work. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”. Jesus standing at the tomb of a dead man was pretty impossible! And so it is with us. Even Jesus recoiled at death. Lessons from the Prayer Life of Jesus. Instead, I’d like you to reflect for a few moments on the life of Jesus. I love how Goldsworthy put it: "How we view that relationship will determine, in turn, how we come to God in prayer and with what confidence. This is about real life lessons that can be applied to your life in an instant, and I highly recommend that you take them and apply them to your life immediately. As we learn from the prayer life of Jesus – and there is much to learn – we need to keep this overarching principle in mind. Jesus prayed because he knew no decision is outside the will of the Lord. We have to have some down time, don’t we? Each of us relies on God, and we demonstrate this reliance by praying. There’s much to learn from this passage beyond the significant Lord’s Prayer that follows it.
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