Meanwhile, many forward-thinking cities are gearing up to decarbonize their buildings. By integrating, during the high-level segment, the organization of an event on local government, opened by the UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, this COP will be considered by the local authority associations mobilised in this negotiations, an important moment of recognition of the key roles of cities and regions in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions and in adapting their territories. +INFO, 2010 - By signing the Global Cities Covenant on Climate or “Mexico City Pact,” local leaders showed their commitment to comprehensive strategies that can mitigate emissions and help cities adapt to climate change. The Mexican Presidency, host of the COP 16, had work hard all year long to rebuild trust between Parties but also to reinforce the place and role of the different stakeholders in the negotiation process. The outcome document of the COP 21, the Paris Agreement, approved by the Parties, states that global warming should be limited to below 2 degrees Celsius, but strives to pursue a 1.5-degree target. Furthermore, some major developed countries renewed their position not to commit to the second phase of the Kyoto Protocol. - Manaus, Brazil: As capital of the Amazonia region, Manaus is particularly concerned by the inclusion of a special chapter on the Amazon area in the international negotiations. 0000019061 00000 n Ronan Dantec, Deputy Mayor of Nantes and UCLG spokesperson raised the need to access finance and launch financiable projects, and in particular mitigations projects in the framework of the Clean Development Mechanisms. Over the past two years, since the Trump administration pulled the nation out of the Paris climate accord, many have set emissions-reduction goals or strengthened plans they already had on the books. Sarah Calkin, deputy editor. In July 2015, civil society representatives and local and regional governments from around the world met in Lyon to prepare for COP21. The efforts of the Mexican Presidency are in line with the strong support the Mexican State has always been providing to local and regional governments since Poznan for their formal recognition in the texts, alongside the other members of the environmental integrity group, Switzerland and South Korea. In theory, they can simply y, walk, or swim to new habitat. We need cleaner vehicles and fewer of them on the road to truly transform transportation, which accounts for 29 percent of U.S. emissions. In the wake of an especially destructive hurricane season, conservationists and urban planners are grappling with how to protect coastlines—and are increasingly looking to nature for inspiration. Seattle requires large commercial developments to discourage solo vehicle travel by providing things like bike racks and transit passes; since 2010 downtown car commuters have declined, while transit riders have grown by 40,000. Regretfully, the outcomes lack references to local climate action despite the recent formal acknowledgement they have obtain in the Conference on Biodiversity and in Rio+20 outcomes and the very strong statements delivered by countries including US, EU, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia at numerous sessions before and during the Conference. Intervention of the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities Constituency at the Closing of the Technology Mechanisms Workshop, Outcomes of the COP 16: Cancun Agreements (29 November-10 December 2010). After a not very promising start, important achievements for local governments have been reached in Cancun: for the first time ever in UN climate documents, local governments are officially recognised as "governmental stakeholders", which strengthen their role in fighting climate change. For this reason, the inclusion in the preface of a clear reference to the Agenda 2030 was welcomed. 0000010901 00000 n Today one in five species in the United States is in danger of extinction, due in large part to habitat loss and fragmentation, and only 41 percent of existing natural areas across the country are connected enough to let plants and animals move as the climate shifts, according to a 2016 study. - The Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanisms has been strengthened to drive more major investments and technology into emission reduction projects in the developing countries. Climate change Around 230 councils have declared a climate emergency. Led by the City of Nantes, these local governments are following the international negotiations and advocating the interests of local governments in the different fields. Although climate change is a global issue, many critical actions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to promote resilience can … If the Cancun Conference has shown the common political will of all the Parties to save the negotiation process under the UNFCCC and has come to some important decisions, it has also contributed to establish a clear recognition of the cities, local and subnational governments. Marginalized communities tend to be more transit-dependent, while also having less access to alternative transportation options. This successful advocacy work has reinforced our role in the negotiation process, with the recognition of local governments as governmental stakeholders in the Cancun agreements, adopted in December 2010, and has opened access to international financing mechanisms for cities through the city wideapproach programme (see intervention of the LGMA in the opening plenary of CMP7 delivered by Yoro Ba, Deputy Mayor of Dakar, Senegal and representative of United Cities and Local Governments, November 30th, 2011). Audubon does not participate in political campaigns, nor do we support or oppose candidates.”. The National Climate Change Response itself will … Intervention of the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities Constituency at the Opening Plenary of AWG-KP Councils are taking action to reduce their own carbon emissions and working with partners and local communities to tackle the impact of climate change on their local area.
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