A woman is shown topless, and the main character drinks frequently -- the possibility that he's an alcoholic (or a "junkie") is discussed. Does exposure to violent media desensitize kids to violence? A couple kisses. Is Bath V Harlequins On Tv, Parents need to know that Logan Lucky is a comical caper movie from director Steven Soderbergh.It's a highly entertaining cousin to his Ocean's movies, with a more southern drawl (it's set in North Carolina and West Virginia, rather than Las Vegas). A woman who wears short shorts and tank tops is referred to as "sexy," but otherwise sex isn't an issue (though neither are central female characters -- or diverse ones). Female characters wear somewhat revealing outfits in some scenes. Blood is seen quickly flowing out of his stomach and staining his shirt. Language includes a use of "f--k," and a few uses of "s--t" and "damn." How does pride, greed or self-pity help them to rationalize their falsehoods? Inappropriate touching is mentioned. A man shoots wolverine in the leg with a harpoon, both brutal and bloody. The heist itself is largely nonviolent, but there's a minor bar fight, with some hitting, wrestling, and a few bruises. Does Gandia Die, We display the minimum age for which content is developmentally appropriate. Aga Khan Education Service, Kenya, Daughters Day Images With Quotes, His efforts also include writing and researching media in all its forms and observing how it effects society and culture. Characters are impaled; heads are severed. What Does G Day Mean For Birthday, How do you feel about these representations? Unlike almost all other superhero movies (except Deadpool), it's rated R, so expect a lot of very edgy material.The main issue is the extremely strong, bloody comic book violence, including characters being sliced through flesh and skulls, shot, shown in pain, and killed. Augsburg Vs Wolfsburg Prediction, ), though nobody seems to overdo it. Join now. Please try again later. Cleveland High School Football Schedule 2019, Toby Bailey Parents, Your privacy is important to us. Disney On Ice Schedule, this is without a doubt the most violent scene in the whole movie. 'Logan Lucky' is a cr... R: intense action, some violence and language. Families can talk about Logan's violence. Characters wrestle with the landscape on the exterior while wrestling with their pasts, fears, and desires on the interior. Comedy. A man is seen in his boxer shorts. And Adam Driver plays Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. Parents need to know that Logan Lucky is a comical caper movie from director Steven Soderbergh. How does pride, greed or self-pity help them to rationalize their falsehoods? Karoo Towns, New Mexico Da, A mutant clone is shot in the head with an adomantium bullet, we see half of his face explode, leaving a gaping hole in his face, gore and meat is all visible. He must protect her, as well as his mentor (Patrick Stewart) from the nefarious plans of criminals from the X-Men's past. Main character saves an Adamantium bullet, perhaps for his own suicide. There are several prolonged fighting sequences throughout. What's the appeal of movies about criminals? Liverpool Revenue 2020, Bhavnagar Medical College Quora, Parents and caregivers: Set limits for violence and more with Plus. Following in the steps of the Ocean’s movies and other recent releases, like the latest Going in Style, it’s the themes in this story that should be carefully considered. See something that needs to be addressed? This film shows a dark and depressing future, where all the other mutants are dead except wolverine, Charles and Caliban. Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. Browse titles with similar subject matter. Parents need to know that Logan is part of the X-Men series and is said to be Hugh Jackman's final appearance as Wolverine. A character fights 3 other men in a bar. Jimmy’s brother Clyde (Adam Driver) is an obvious first choice, despite his loss of a hand, also a sacrifice made on behalf of his country. And the men who created her are coming. One use of "f--k," plus a few uses of "s--t," "damn," "ass," "a--hole," "hell," "vagina." See our. Lots of branding at NASCAR race, stickers on uniforms and cars. While this acclaimed director is certainly skilled enough to produce an engaging movie, Logan Lucky is, essentially, a hillbilly remake of the Ocean’s movies he was remaking during the last decade. A song is referenced, after which a young boy claims the song's lyrics are metaphorically describing a vagina. Also "pendejo" and the racial slur "cholos.". Darryl Stingley Charlie Murphy, Then a woman arrives, asking Logan to look after a young girl named Laura (Dafne Keen) and take her to a safe place in North Dakota. The forest battle is pretty brutal, with Wolverine running and clawing through various mercenaries as he yells in anger. Patrol Cap Army, Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. This PG-13 film has numerous profanities, including a sexual expletive, crude finger gesture and a pickup truckload of scatological terms. The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points. How does the story depict people from West Virginia? What does the movie have to say about family? Coca-Cola, etc. How does the story depict people from West Virginia? How does pride, greed or self-pity help them to rationalize their falsehoods?
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