284 State Street If a person plans to hunt, fish, or trap in another state, and they have a license suspension in Maine, it is their responsibility to contact the other state to see if they can legally hunt, fish, or trap in that state. Spay or Neuter Certificate (if your dog has been "fixed"). Print a copy of a previously purchased license/permit. The Superpack license also includes one free chance in the moose lottery and entry into a special category in the annual any-deer permit lottery. The online services listed below allow nursing professionals to update their license information any time day or night. Destroying or tearing down a property posting sign (loss of hunting and fishing license). Illegally hunting/possessing wild turkeys including using illegal hunting methods. Hide Dealers License: See Prohibition Regarding Selling of Wild Animals. MAINE STATE BOARD OF NURSING Main Menu. This service is available to any resident or non-resident sportsperson looking to hunt or fish in the State of Maine. Prohibition Regarding Selling of Wild Animals, Resident Lifetime License Application (PDF), NonResident Lifetime License Application (PDF), Lifetime License Application: Maine Resident (PDF), Lifetime License Application Nonresident (PDF), Nonresident/Alien Hunting and Fishing License Application (2019) (PDF), Nonresident College Student License Application (2019) (PDF), Nonresident Landowner Verification Form for Opening Day of Deer Hunt (PDF), Suppressor Permit Application and Release Form (PDF), Resident Hunting (includes bear & turkey permits), Nonresident Hunting (includes bear & turkey permits), Nonresident Small Game (includes turkey permit), Combination Hunting & Fishing (16 and older), Combination Fishing & Archery (16 and older), Serviceman (resident) Combination Hunting & Fishing, 3-Day Small Game* Hunting (valid for 3 consecutive days), Pheasant Permit (Cumberland and York Counties), State Migratory Waterfowl Permit (16 and older)****, Taxidermist, Hide Dealer, and Guide Licenses. This service allows you to renew a variety of Maine marine licenses (see list at right) at anytime, day or night. The license also includes the following permits: bear hunt, bear trap, muzzleloader, migratory waterfowl, pheasant, spring and fall turkey, coyote night hunt, crossbow, one expanded archery antlerless and one expanded archery either sex. Get unlimited free license reprints, 24/7/365. Conviction of violation of 17A MRSA while on a hunting or fishing trip or in the pursuit of wild animals, birds or fish and when the wounding or killing of a human being has occurred. Archery Licenses: To obtain an adult archery hunting license, you must show proof of having held an adult license to hunt with bow and arrow in any year after 1979, or successful completion of an archery education course. Maine Resident Military Currently Stationed Outside of Maine: Residents who are on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and permanently stationed outside of Maine may purchase either a hunting, fishing, trapping, or combination hunting and fishing license for the Maine Resident Serviceman combination price upon verification that Maine is their home of record and that they are permanently stationed outside of Maine. This online service allows for the renewal of licenses under the Division of Environmental Health, Health Inspection Program. Questions about this Service? License, permit and fee information. : Non-Subscriber Maine Marine License Renewal Big Game Harvest Report Cards will always expire on June 30 of each year. If you are licensing a wolf hybrid, service/search or rescue dog or obtaining a kennel license please contact your municipal office. Fees listed do not include the agent fee. Maine is a participating member of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact, an agreement that recognizes suspension of hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses across member states. Physical Address: Services that require a fee will be processed through Maine.gov’s secure payment server. Welcome to the Maine Marine License online renewal service! For detailed information on the following licenses, contact the Department at (207) 287-5232. Email us, Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Opportunities for People with Disabilities, Rulemaking Proposals Open to Public Comment. Fax: (207) 287-8094 or (207) 287-6395 A person may not obtain an apprentice hunter license more than five times. All dog renewals must be completed by January 31, 2021. In general, anyone who hunts wild birds or animals in Maine needs a hunting license. Revenues derived from these sales support, in whole or in part, the operations of the agency. You will have to provide your pending... license number to login. Federal Migratory Waterfowl Permits can be purchase at your local post office. All rights reserved. Please contact the Board of Nursing if you need assistance. Buy Hunting and Fishing Licenses Online or Download Mobile App Search Hunting and Fishing License Websites by State or Province Choose your state from the drop down and buy your fishing or hunting license online today. Lifetime license information. The Superpack license includes muzzleloader, crossbow, migratory waterfowl, pheasant, spring/fall turkey, bear, coyote night hunt, and three expanded archery antlerless permits. Maine law requires all firearms, archery, crossbow, or trapping license applicants to complete an approved outdoor safety course, unless they have previously held an adult license. : Non-Subscriber Hunting & Fishing Licenses Agency: IF&W Description: Purchase hunting and fishing licenses online. For information on becoming a volunteer instructor, contact your local Regional Safety Coordinator or the Recreational Safety Division Office. Junior and Adult Hunters: Hunters under age 16 must possess a junior license, and those 16 and up need an adult license. Your login information will determine the marine licenses you are eligible to renew. Taxidermist License: Allows a place of business to lawfully possess fish or wildlife for the sole purpose of preparing and mounting them and to also buy, sell or barter raw, untanned hides or heads of wild animals.
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