As the operation of the ship is directed from the bridge or flying bridge above it, there should also be clear, open passage from one side of the vessel to the other. ARE YOU TALKING TO ME? Formed by bringing the end of a rope around, near to, or across its own part. Son cadre juridique est complexe et les règles sont variées. Framework built around a deck hatch ladder, leading below. A pipeline that crosses over a tank providing a transit for cargo without tying into the vessel. An elastic packing material used for making joints watertight. Any materials used to block or brace cargo to prevent its motion, chafing, or damage and to facilitate its handling. Placed at right angles to the eel, such as a transverse frame, transverse bulkhead, etc. Undernearth the surface of the water. A standard of measurement used in container transport based on the dimensions of a container 20 ft long ´ 8 ft wide ´ 8.5 ft high; (6050 ´ 2440 ´ 2590 mm). Vessel designed to ride on a cushion of air formed by downthrusting fans. Signal halyards, lights, etc. To cover with water. See also Abeam Athwart. As the bottom of the ship was always covered with sharp barnacles, this was a severe punishment used aboard sailing ships long ago. To return to a normal position, as a vessel righting after heeling over. Covered tunnels within a ship through which the tail shafts pass. Deadweight. A strake which ends before reaching the stem or stern post. That part of a ship adjacent to the midship section. - Suite The galley smoke-pipe (cook’s stove pipe), named after The English sea captain who was noted for the scrupulous cleanliness and shine of the brass aboard his ship. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Cubic space occupied by one ton (2,240 lbs/1,000 kgs) of cargo. A propulsor installed near the bow to provide a transverse thrust component enhancing manoeuvrability. The name given a pulley or sheave, or system of pulleys or sheaves mounted in a frame, and used to multiply power when moving objects by means of ropes run over the sheaves. A term applied to plates fitted on a forward weather deck to form a V-shaped shield against water that is shipped over the bow. A small line thrown to an approaching vessel, or a dock as a messenger. Flat-bottomed floating structure with a shallow draught. The flat circular piece secured on the top of the mast. Guys are employed in pairs. A plan showing the shapes and sizes of all plates of the shell plating. A line at which a shearing cut is to be made. Because Ripple Rock’s peak sat just 10 feet below the surface at low tide, it turned an already dangerous stretch of water into a maritime obstacle course. An imaginary line describing the lowest portion of a vessel’s hull.
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