The association must take action in accordance with the procedures (if any) outlined in its rules. Example (c) a Secretary; and �xm��=���o���� )ڜ��o�b��2�~;��}.3s`�gϦ�.QM�}�F"�o)����$\ݕ���ʿK�A9ŷ�MCNT�?,��`�wo�v������Gh�� (i) the name of the person against whom the disciplinary action has been taken; and the outcome must be determined by an unbiased decision-maker. (a) the names of the members attending the meeting; and A�8�3����U���II��e�,�)�O������c:����,.�y6�]�(�ѧ4��������9�o8`��s�Ft�hd�S�2EV�p��$�&���'����l8�0�N��N���L`��[K��L�~�6����}@��d��pp �3� s���9!���8C��ϯ.��9 �ltwg� �����7��ҏ �dM`�����*K#��u�D_�4 ��JNͫޭ&�Y��c\Rv0�/0��\�'\�) (a) has a personal interest in the dispute; or (a) any members under the age of 15 years; and (2) The quorum for a committee meeting is the presence (in person or as allowed under rule 62) of a majority of the committee members holding office. (b) that the member has in common with all, or a substantial proportion of, the members of the Association. (3) A poll demanded on the election of the Chairperson or on a question of an adjournment must be taken immediately. endobj The persons who from time to time are members of the Association are an incorporated association by the name given in rule 1 of these Rules. (a) maintain the register of members in accordance with rule 18; and endobj "�;�Jn3���3n����DQQ��K��.�~�u?����Ͼ��}c�C�7�ں~�w���J��l���Ӵؔ�۸hN�K��'��"�.۰���hy����ڲ���$:�Ѩ� '��It;�����x�%S��r/v����0�̸�44�^g�[2m"d[0K=�,������O}עQAZѩ�:��k�u#�O�>�X�= UC��E_��D_� The name of the incorporated association is [to be completed] (the association). The members may wish to have more time to examine the financial statements submitted by the Committee at an annual general meeting. (7) A form appointing a proxy sent by post or electronically is of no effect unless it is received by the Association no later than 24 hours before the commencement of the meeting. (6) A form appointing a proxy must be given to the Chairperson of the meeting before or at the commencement of the meeting. In addition to certain matters specified in the Act, a special resolution is required—. Association Rules for Ultimate Victoria Incorprated Note The persons who from time to time are members of the Association are an incorporated association by the name given in rule 1 of these Rules. (a) in good faith in the best interests of the Association; and (e) setting out the member's appeal rights under rule 23. (2) The Committee may exercise all the powers of the Association except those powers that these Rules or the Act require to be exercised by general meetings of the members of the Association. Either way, the rules must address every item listed in Schedule 1 of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012. (b) at least 14 days' notice of a general meeting in any other case. If all efforts to settle a dispute have failed and the dispute relates to the rules or rights of members, an association member may apply to the Magistrates’ Court for an order to enforce those rules and rights. (c) otherwise ceases to be a committee member by operation of section 78 of the Act. (1) The procedure to be followed at a meeting of a Committee must be determined from time to time by the Committee. (b) a duty imposed on the Committee by the Act or any other law. (ii) the member has not, within 3 months after receiving that request, confirmed in writing that he or she wishes to remain a member. (ii) state the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution; and. <> If members wish to have the business reconsidered at another special meeting, the members must make a new request under rule 32. (a) in the case of a meeting convened by, or at the request of, members under rule 32—the meeting must be dissolved; Note (3) A member may not vote by proxy at the meeting. Your association may develop its own rules to suit its particular circumstances. (a) has become vacant under rule 56; or (4) The body to which the surplus assets are to be given must be decided by special resolution. (2) If a person ceases to be a member of the Association, the Secretary must, as soon as practicable, enter the date the person ceased to be a member in the register of members.
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