You’ll be needed to sell some stuff outside, totally focus on customer. With the dedication of work and seriousness, being a nurse can give you a pretty good salary, at least above the average. So serious almost 70 percent of education funds are allocated for teacher salaries. Even though the work of a nurse seems to just helping the doctors in treating a patient, but it’s actually not that easy. They are also the important people in the hospital. They need to learn about all information about health too, at least to prepare them to deal with the patients. 8 Folktales from Bali That Familiar With Tourism... 9 Famous Traditional Dances From South Sumatra. But, the test is very strict though. Some of the most common jobs are in food services and include food preparers. Teaching kids with creativity in creating learning methods that are understandable is also an important aspect. (October 15, 2020). Accessed November 07, 2020., World Bank. So, selling method or skill is the most important … But, the reward for it is always worth it. Fisherman is a term for people who work daily catch fish or other biota that live in the base, column or surface waters. That’s why, beside it’s a fun job because you can be in a place of event which located outside of the station and telling people about the event there, being a journalist is also a very risky job. The most popular jobs in Iraq is law enforcement, security jobs, crew jobs, and driver jobs. Browse through each of the sites for any English job opportunities in Indonesia. Struggling to get a job in Indonesia is not easy. 13 Most Common Jobs in Indonesia You can Find Everywhere Teacher. Street performer or in Bahasa Indonesia famous with “Pengamen” is a profession that you can find in any city center in Indonesia. Indonesian migrant workers or laborers are much invaded by the people of Indonesia. Of course, to get a high salary a.k.a money, one should work where the money keeps circulating. Waters that become the area of fishing activity can be freshwater, brackish water and sea. It’s a perfect place though for anyone who would love to spend their days outside the company. Not only high salaries but also allowances and career paths that are promising were seen in sight. And many companies require this rare skill in the world of IT. Their field of work is not just actually helping doctor, but also preparing anything and helping the patients. But, if you realize it, the need of IT keeps improving in this year and the future. Many people will think that studying accounting will lead to become a bank employess or clerks, which is not true at all. The waiter recorded the visitor’s order and then brought the food or drinks to the customer’s table. Please contact us to get started with full access to dossiers, forecasts, studies and international data. It’s pretty fair, because when you’re working in a Bank, especially government owned ones, you can have a proper salary and many supports for your very hard work. In Indonesia, this profession becomes the most chosen job to survive. In addition to being able to explore places of interest abroad turns out the salary offered is also quite large. They have to do a lot of research first about that particular disease to find the cure. Peddlers are traders who peddle their merchandise from village to village. Chart. and over 1 Mio. And also, don’t only look for a work that has a high salary if you don’t really have an interest in that job so you may not enjoy it fully. © -All Right Reserved. There is also a pension fund that will be obtained when the civil servants are no longer productive. After passing that test, you can finally work in the company again to be focused on company’s marketing strategy. The profession of singers is usually chosen by someone who is forced to sing because of unemployment. Pengamen is the most vibrant profession in Indonesia. Not imaginary if this profession became one of the most desirable professions. You should find a work that really suit you. Teacher is actually the person who is responsible for the success of their students. Our laptop, phone, and even some applications contained within our phone are of course important to support our life in this very modern life time. State-Owned Enterprises or abbreviated to SOEs are mushrooming everywhere even has amounted to more than 120 SOEs. The modern definition of nursing is defined as science and an art that focuses on promoting the quality of life defined by a person or family, through the whole experience of his life from birth to nurture to death. Here are the most common jobs in Indonesia. Of course after studying in elemntary school, and the going to the middle school, and then high school and finally a collage, we want to be something that we always wanted. That’s why, before the test actually happens, many people would like to study first in learning institutions, or by themself with reading books about the government test. Their success is actually back to what they are selling. After graduating school, many young people have trouble finding work because of limited skills. After applying and done some test and paying for administrastion, you’ll be transported to foreign countries to work at your new workplace. The Long Struggle of Indonesian Rupiah; History –... 5 Biggest and Most Valuable Startup Companies in... 12 Disadvantages of Globalization in Indonesia, 9 Mount With Active Volcanoes in Indonesia, Delicious 8 Local Cuisines in Papua to Pamper Your Taste Bud, 10 Tallest Buildings in Indonesia to Explore, 9 Native Animals In Bali That Almost Extinct. They can also provide industrial raw materials, such as cereals for alcoholic beverages, juice, and wool or cotton for weaving and clothing. This feature is limited to our corporate solutions. A doctor can’t just simply give a random medicine to the diseases that unknown to them. Working in a country of people seems very tempting. The teaching job in Indonesia has a pretty high level of security. The most common jobs can vary depending on location and the economy. 10 Facts of Javanese Traditional House Behind Its... 6 Etiquettes When Visiting Borobudur That You Should... Jember Fashion Carnival, Think Global and Act Local! When the product is in demand by the community, the selling is easy and the stress level will not be high. In Bank, there’s money coming in and coming out everyday. The remainder of jobs are in the industrial sector. New, Everything you need to know about the industry development, Find studies from all around the internet. This turned out to encourage the government to open a job vacancy for a position as a teacher at the school. Being a job with a very good level of wage is not the only thing that people will looking for. ", World Bank, Indonesia: Distribution of employment by economic sector from 2010 to 2020 Statista, (last visited November 07, 2020), Indonesia: Distribution of employment by economic sector from 2010 to 2020, Life expectancy at birth in Indonesia 2018, Median age of the population in Indonesia 2015, Gross domestic product (GDP) in Indonesia 2021, Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Indonesia 2024, Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Indonesia 2021, Indonesia: Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP 2024, Share of economic sectors in the GDP in Indonesia 2009-2019, Employment by economic sector in Indonesia 2020, Youth unemployment rate in Indonesia in 2020, National debt of Indonesia in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2024, Ratio of military expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Indonesia 2019, Ratio of government expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Indonesia 2024, Indonesia's budget balance in relation to GDP 2021, Total population of the ASEAN countries from 2008 to 2018, Life expectancy at birth in the ASEAN countries 2018, Gross domestic product of the ASEAN countries from 2010 to 2020, Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the ASEAN countries 2018, Trade balance of goods in the ASEAN countries 2019, Inflation rate in the ASEAN countries 2020, National debt of ASEAN countries in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2018, Cumulative cases of COVID-19 worldwide from January 8 to November 6, 2020, by day, Employment by economic sector in Syria 2019, Distribution of the workforce across economic sectors UAE 2016, Seniority in the company in France 2017, by business sector, Value of U.S. agricultural imports from Indonesia 1990-2019, Employment costs in the transport and storage sector in the UK 2009-2018, Number of job positions in the Malaysian agriculture industry 2015-2019, Number of migrants employed in services in Asia Pacific 2015 by country, Employment costs in the human health and social work sector in the UK 2009-2018, Number of dentists employed in Denmark 2005-2018, Infocommunication media industry employment in Singapore 2018 by sector, Tech sector as proportion of provincial employment in Canada 2015, Monthly number of vacancies in Finland April 2015-November 2016, Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, Tools and Tutorials explained in our Media Centre, countries in the world with the largest gross domestic product. 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