B2 Kings Hwy Station - Kings Plaza. 5257-5259, 5264-5266, 5270-5284, 5294-5297, 5325-5328, 5336, 5341, 5344, 5350-5351, 5353, 5872, 5880, 5894-5895, 5931-5964, 5969-5972, 5977, 5979-5980, 5985 (81), 3063, 3065-3072, 3074-3085, 3087-3112 (47), 6791-6792, 6794-6795, 6798-6800, 6802, 6804, 6806-6807, 6809-6811, 6814-6818, 6820, 6823, 6826-6827, 6830, 6832-6833, 6837-6838, 6840-. Nashville MTA offers Nashville and surrounding counties transportation solutions - commuter rail connections, express buses, vanpools, carpools, employer programs. of Human Services, Aldridge Apartments/Eagle Ridge Apartments. MTA provides equal employment opportunity to all individuals regardless of their race, color, creed, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by state, federal, or local law. Home. Metro-North Railroad. As a result, New York City has the slowest buses of any major city and a network that is not truly connective. Detailed information on the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island Express Bus Network Redesigns can be found below. New York City has changed exponentially since the last time we thoroughly examined the bus network. This Bus will NOT enter Heritage Park/ Walmart Super Center. Watch the demonstration VIDEO HERE. All South Saginaw buses departing the MTA Transfer Center will follow current routing via South Saginaw to Holly Road to Genesys Health Center. via Bay Ridge Pkwy / 86th St / Avenue Z. B6 Bath Beach - East New York. The Bronx and Queens pages include ways to provide comments about the current redesign process. Queens. A message to everyone (friends + family included), 3175-3176, 3179, 3255, 3264-3269, 3271-3278, 3305, 3307-3314, 3316 (28), 3367-3374, 3393-3415, 3417-3418, 3420-3455, 3457 (70), 4070, 4086, 4089, 4094, 4098, 4337-4338, 4341-4342, 4414-4415, 4417-4420, 4422-4423, 4450, 4453, 4533, 4540-4543, 1202-1203, 1208-1209, 1212-1213, 1217-1247, 1255, 1257, 1262, 1265, 1269, 1272-1276, 1278-1284, 1286 (55), 5770-5786, 5790-5792, 5795, 5797-5798, 5801, 5804, 5806-5810, 5860 (31), 5252, 5301, 5312-5324, 5930, 5981-5984, 5986 (21), 4365-4391, 4405, 4421, 4424, 4444, 4580-4587, 6791-6792, 6794-6795, 6798-6800, 6802, 6804, 6806-6807, 6809-6811, 6814-6818, 6820, 6823, 6826-6827, 6830, 6832-6833, 6837-6838, 6840-6843, 6793, 6796-6797, 6801, 6812-6813, 6821-6822, 6828-6829: units in-storage (10), 3961, 3966-3967, 3969, 3972-3975, 3978-3983, 3991-3992, 3997, 4099, 4101, 4103, 4105-4107, 4109, 4113, 4134, 4138-4139, 4170, 4220-4221, 4227, 4430, 4534-4539, 4544-4557, 4588-4589, 7090-7107, 7110-7133, 7137-7149, 7151-7159, 7193-7197 (67), 7685-7691, 7693, 7697-7698, 7734-7737, 7779-7801 (37), 4226, 4228, 4231, 4234-4244, 4331, 4333-4336, 4339, 4408-4412, 4590-4630 (66), (7615-7621, 7623-7633, 7636-7638, 7640-7648, 7651-7656, 7658 are still SBS wrapped). This page is updated frequently. MTA Home; NYC Subways and Buses; Long Island Rail Road; Metro-North Railroad; Bridges and Tunnels; MTA Capital Program; Schedules; Fares & Tolls; Maps; Planned Service Changes ; MTA Info; Doing Business With Us; Transparency. Monday through Saturday after 6:30 p.m., buses will run the regular route. New York City Bus Schedules. 2400-2405, 2407-2409, 2412, 2414-2417, 2420, 2424, 2426-2429, 2434-2437, 2441. We’ll let you know when we resume so we can continue our work to create a better bus network together. This will be a collaborative process among MTA New York City Transit, the New York City Department of Transportation, and the public to ensure all affected residents have a say in their redesigned networks. Ensuring programs and services are accessible, What to do if you leave something behind on the MTA, Designed for use by persons who are unable to use fixed route bus service, Trip planner, Real-Time Arrivals, Service Alerts, Maps & More, Routes designed to run primarily during peak periods with selected stops, Free Seasonal Trolley service around Downtown Flint, transportation services serving the elderly and persons with disabilities. We're also working with our City partners to take a multi-pronged approach to keep bus lanes clear. The Borough Bus Network Redesigns are on pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mass Transportation Authority ⢠1401 S. Dort Highway ⢠Flint, MI 48503 ⢠CUSTOMER SERVICE: (810) 767-0100, 1401 S. Dort Highway ⢠Flint, MI 48503, If you have a suggestion on a change you would like to see on an existing route, or a new route that needs to be added, we would like to hear from you. 6521-22, 6555, 6557, 6568-6569, 6573, 6576, 6580, 6582, 6584, 6594. Only express bus routes. Primary fixed routes are designed to travel major traffic arteries leading to secondary arteries where all major businesses, shopping centers, hospitals, colleges and other institutions of our community are located. Thank you for visiting our MTA Bus Operations roster webpage! Borough bus service guides. via Bay Pkwy / Avenue J / Flatlands Av. To go to the Flint City Farmer's Market, take MTA Primary routes 1-12 to the transit center. Saturday and Sunday: Buses do not stop at Sam's on the way to Genesys. via 86th St / Ocean Pkwy. Manhattan. via Avenue R / Avenue S. B3 Bensonhurst - Bergen Beach . Welcome to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority Bus Operations Depot Roster. New York MTA Bus Operations Depot Roster. Queens Bus Service Guide. Brooklyn. Primary fixed routes are designed to travel major traffic arteries leading to secondary arteries where all major businesses, shopping centers, hospitals, colleges and other institutions of our community are located. Queens Bus Network Redesign (In Progress), Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign (In Progress), Staten Island Express Bus Network Redesign (Complete), Learn more about bus lanes and how they are enforced by NYPD. At no point is this roster 100% accurate as there are constant changes within service. Manhattan Bus Service Guide . Only buses leaving Genesys stop at Sam's. (10:30pm is the last bus out of downtown). Monday through Saturday after 6:30 p.m., buses will run the regular route. This page is updated frequently. To go to the Flint City Farmersâ Market, take primary route buses 1-12 to the Downtown Transit Center. 5787-5789, 5793-5794, 5796, 5799-5800, 5802-5803, 5805, 5811, 5813-5815, 5818-5819, 5822-5823, 5831-5833, 5285-5293, 5298, 5300, 5302-5311, 5332-5335, 5337-5340, 5342-5343, 5345-5349, 5352, 5870, 5896, 5917, 5921-5922, 5929, 5965-5968 (47). 3976-3977, 3984-3990, 3993-3996, 4043-4051, 4063-4069, 4091, 4096, 4100, 4104, 4114, 4406-4407, 4425-4429, 4431-4435, 4441-4442, 4445-4448, 4451-4452, 4516-4518, 4520, 4523, 4525-4529, 4531-4532, 4572, 4577-4579, 7108-7109, 7134-7136, 7183, 7185-7186, 7188, 7190-7192, 7245-7252, 7258, 7260, 7262-7303 (64), 4436-4440, 4443, 4449, 4513, 4519, 4521-4522, 4530, 4558-4571 (26), 6690-6691, 6693-6710, 6713-6716, 6718-6727, 3841-3859, 3861-3862, 3864-3875, 3894-3900, 3948-3959 (50), 3960, 3962-3964, 3968, 3970-3971, 3998-4019, 4040-4042, 4053-4059, 4071-4085, 4087-4088, 4090, 4092-4093, 4095, 4097, 4102, 4108, 4110, 4229-4230, 4232-4233, 4245-4278, 4330, 4332, 4340, 4343-4364, 4396-4404, 4413, 4416, 4455, 4514-4515, 4524 (145), 4669-4670, 4672-4675, 4684, 4691, 4693-4694 (10), 3800-3801, 3803, 3805, 3808, 3817-3818, 3823-3825, 3863, 3901-3921, 3940-3944 (37), 4111-4112, 4115-4122, 4124-4127, 4136-4137 (16), (4950 is equipped with luggage racks for M60 TESTING), 6129, 6132, 6140, 6144, 6146, 6148-6167, 6195-6223, 6033, 6035, 6037, 6039, 6041, 6043, 6045, 6047, 6049, 6051, 6053, 6055, 6057, 6059, 6061, 6063, 6065, 6067, 6069, 6071, 6073, 6075, 6077, 6079, 6081, 6101, 6105, 6121, 2823-2824, 2843, 2848, 2850, 2852, 2856, 2858-2859, 2861-2862, 2871, 2878, 2895, 2897, 2905-2907, 2910 (19), 7484-7507, 7546-7551, 7568-7571, 7694-7696, 7699-7705, 7753-7778, 7835-7838, 6511, 6513-6514, 6532, 6540-6541, 6544, 6548, 6600, 3802, 3804, 3806-3807, 3809-3816, 3819-3822, 3826-3827, 3860 (19), 3965, 4052, 4060-4062, 4123, 4128-4132, 4222-4225, 4392-4395, 4454, 4456-4468 (33), *SAA= Service As Assigned is the term for a express bus to cover a route for a reason given, 8189, 8193, 8202-8203, 8205-8258, 8261-8262, 8300, 8318-8323, 8399-8400 (69), (The S79 Select Bus route uses units from the 2019 order), 2608-2631, 2674-2694, 2741-2750, 2757-2765 (63), Sign in|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, 8107-8116, 8184-8188, 8190-8192, 8194-8201, 8204, 8260, 8263-8299, 8301-8317, FARE COLLECTION HAS RESUMED ON LOCAL/LIMITED BUSES AS OF MONDAY, AUGUST 31st. Read through the report, share your comments and get details about the public input sessions here. Staten Island. A map of the Staten Island bus routes. Nashville MTA Maps and Schedules - bus maps, bus schedules All South Saginaw buses departing the MTA Transfer Center will enter Heritage Park/Walmart Super Center, then stop next at the Grand Mall rear entrance. Text / Mobile; About; Contact; Developers; Help; Routes. For languages other than English, use the Google Translate tool at the bottom of this page. The securements are virtually autonomous, granting you the independence of being able to secure your wheelchair with the simple push of a button. The MTA is an Equal Opportunity Employer: MTA provides equal employment opportunity to all individuals regardless of their race, color, creed, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by state, federal, or local law. * Notice: When boarding the Express bus (other express depots as well), unlike standard and SBS fare, the fare DOES NOT accept coins. We're out in the Bronx and Manhattan meeting with different Community Boards and hosting pop-up events to talk about what's in store for Bronx bus service. The MTA is installing new QUANTUM wheelchair securements in our Gillig buses to assist passengers in Wheelchairs. We released the proposed Draft Plan for the Queens Bus Network. Long Island Rail Road. To go to the Flint City Farmer's Market, take MTA Primary routes 1-12 to the transit center. At no point is this roster 100% accurate as there are constant changes within service. Read through it to get a better understanding of how well the buses perform and why it's vital we redesign the network to improve service. This will go a long way toward helping us meet our goal to speed up buses by 25% over the next five years. 3961, 3966-3967, 3969, 3972-3975, 3978-3983, 3991-3992, 3997, 4099, 4101, 4103, 4105-4107, 6490, 6499 off list, 6505, 6808, 6839 at Eastchester Storage, 6128, 6130-6131, 6133-6139, 6141-6143, 6145, 6147, 6169-6182 (29), 4104, 4114, 4406-4407, 4425-4429, 4431-4435, 4441-4442, 4445-4448, 4451-4452, 4516-4518, 4520, 4523, 4525-4529, 4531-4532, 4572, 4577-4579, 7508-7519, 7706-7724, 7738-7752, 7802-7820 (65), B24, B32, B39, B47, B48, B57, B60, B62, Q59, 7520-7530, 7692, 7725-7733, 7821-7834 (35), 7160-7182, 7184, 7187, 7189, 7255-7257, 7259, 7261, 7346-7365 (62).
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