See the state section SPILL PREVENTION—SPCC PLAN for additional guidance. District Office or Field Inspector to determine what should be done. Environmental & Public Health Information, Environmental Complaints Permits & Certifications, Environmental Complaints & Local Services, Tier II Reporting & Community Right-to-Know, Oklahoma Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Commission (OHMERC), Industrial Radiography Certification Exam, Radiation Management Advisory Council (RMAC), Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM), OK Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act, Arsenic and Lead Contamination in Oklahoma Soils, Bioremediation of Excavated Petroleum Contaminated Soil, Disposal Requirements and Options For Hazardous Dental Wastes, Groundwater Modeling and Contaminant Transport, Hydrochloric Acid or Sulfuric Acid Spills from Trucks or Tank Cars, Management of Waste Aerosol Cans by Business and Industry, Proper Handling and Disposal of Vehicle Wastes, Risk-Based Decision Making for Site Cleanup, Risk-Based Levels for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH). Spills most commonly involve crude oil, Inspector within 24 hours of discovery. does not only rely on the internet for promoting awareness, you will find us at trade shows, conferences and exhibitions specializing in oil spills and hazmat. Tel +1 (918) 437-9999 Tulsa, OK 74107 Tulsa, OK 74116 Fax +1 (918) 295-8607 Tel +1 (580) 227-3646 OKLAHOMA CORPORATION COMMISSION Oil and Gas Conservation Division P.O. remediating the site. Tel +1 (800) 700-0777 Tel +1 (877) 437-7455 Fax +1 (405) 843-4687 Fax +1 (405) 213-0380 does not only rely on the internet for promoting awareness, you will find us at trade shows, conferences and exhibitions specializing in oil spills and hazmat. Web Determine the area and depth of soil affected, as well as any impacts to water, Report the spill (if required to be reported) to the OCC and other agencies, as appropriate. information about the above topics. Web, Clean Harbors Environmental be reported to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality. An incident number will be assigned, which will be used for tracking purposes. beneficial use(s). Oil Spill Reporting Exemptions Properly Functioning Vessel Engines. Facilities must immediately report the accidental release of any substance subject to regulation from the Consolidated List of Lists that is equal to or exceeding the corresponding reportable quantity (RQ). EPA provides several exemptions from the oil spill reporting requirements. In addition, a spill of any hazardous substance used in exploration or production activities that meets Assess the site impacts. This free access encourages viewers to come back time and again, this shown by the large number of user sessions we experience every month. Designated hazardous substances and their reportable quantities can be found at Reg. Web, A Clean Environment Co If, after cleanup, there are no soils with a significant hydrocarbon stain and/or odor. 24-Hour Environmental Emergency Response Services, Remediation, Haz/Non-Hazardous Waste Transportation, January Environmental Services, Inc Tel +1 (918) 627-2671 This could involve the use of temporary dikes, Oklahoma. Tel +1 (405) 232-5737 Oklahoma generally follows federal Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan regulations. Land and water emergency response, containment, recovery, cleanup, disposal, Environmental Remediation Specialists Web, MP Environmental Services, Inc Web, Sooner Emergency Service Inc Spills that are the result of motor vehicle accidents should be reported to the Oklahoma Highway Patrol. Fax +1 (580) 668-2960 Fax +1 (918) 836-9197 Tel +1 (580) 668-2597 is a unique web site that offers unrestricted access to key information required by oil spill responders. Oil and hazmat spill response services including transportation and disposal, Hull’s Environmental Services, Inc condensate, salt water and drilling mud. can be obtained by contacting the OCC Field Operations Department at (405) 521-2240. Attachment 2 contains the reporting format and list of items required per NTL-3A for the MUE. emergency pits, or containment booms on water. This includes rents, bonuses, and administrative fees. A verbal spill report must be made to the appropriate OCC District Office or Field Tel +1 (918) 388-0970 They will assign an incident number and give consultation on Tel +1 (405) 373-4585 Tulsa, OK 74107 Web Any facility owner/operator who is subject to the SPCC rule must comply with the reporting requirements found in §112.4. Tel +1 (888) 50 IMMIX Any spill to land must be reported to the OCC if it amounts to ten or more barrels of any substance Tulsa, OK 74115 Web, SET Environmental, Inc. Tel +1 (918) 583-2021 Oil and gas operations: Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 165:10-7-5 amended, Storage tanks: OAC 165:29-1-1 to 165:29-5-4, Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) Petroleum Storage Tank Division (PSTD), Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 6. Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Stop the spill at its source to prevent further discharge or release. Tel +1 (800) 879-2010 Fax +1 (405) 232-5736 Oklahoma has stricter requirements than the federal requirements for reporting oil spills. is available on the OCC web site at or Web vegetation and animals. This may involve shutting • Administration and enforcement. ACME Environmental, Inc Oklahoma City, OK 73114 Tel +1 (918) 836-7184 Fax +1 (918) 836-9197 Web Oil spill response organization ( OSRO) and manufacturer of oil spill equipment. Web 24-Hour Environmental Emergency Response Services, Remediation and Haz/Non-Hazardous Waste. Web Fax +1 (918) 388-0971 Emergency Response, industrial services, vacuum trucks, waste transportation and disposal, Sisk Environmental Services Inc. Guthrie, OK 73044 Tel +1 (580) 668-2347 Tel +1 (405) 670-2030 The OCC District Office will likely close a spill incident upon reported to the District Office, which will assign an incident number. Muskogee, OK 74401 If there are complex or unusually extensive impacts, or surface water or ground Tel +1 (405) 872-1400 Tel +1 (800) 259-8347 these substances that comes in contact with water must be reported. Web, Environmental Remediation Specialists Once these action(s) are performed, an Web, Action Environmental, LLC Fairview, OK 73737 24 Hour Environmental Emergency Response, Oil spill response organization (OSRO) #009, A Clean Environment Co When the surface is revegetated or otherwise restored to the beneficial use(s). OCC Strategic Why not take advantage of this high level of interest and get your company in front of all these spill professionals! Tel +1 (888) 637-8009 If soils are impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons or brine, the site should be used or produced in petroleum exploration or production. This work is supported through minimal set up fees and advertising. Also see the state section CONTINGENCY PLAN for the provisions of a hazardous waste facility contingency plan. CWA. the U.S. Coast Guards National Response Center. Some states require reporting of spills of any amount regardless of the federal reportable quantities. Oklahoma City, OK 73128 Published by the U. S. Department of Energy in cooperation with the Oklahoma Corporation If your ship is involved in a marine pollution incident involving pollutants other than oil, NLS or harmful substances in packaged form, or if you witness a seafarer or ship polluting, or observe pollution in the marine environment that may be ship sourced, you should report this to us by submitting an online marine pollution report or by calling our incident response telephone number. Also see the state section RELEASE NOTIFICATION for additional reporting requirements for petroleum spills. ACME Environmental, Inc Tulsa, OK 74115 Tel +1 (918) 836-7184 Fax +1 (918) 836-9197 Web. Refer to the map below that shows district boundaries. Environmental & Public Health Information, Environmental Complaints Permits & Certifications, Environmental Complaints & Local Services, Tier II Reporting & Community Right-to-Know, Oklahoma Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Commission (OHMERC), Industrial Radiography Certification Exam, Radiation Management Advisory Council (RMAC), Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM), DEQ Spill Reporting Written Follow Up Form, DEQ Highway Spill Clean-up Contractor List, If the release of an Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS) occurs, immediate notification to local and state officials is, If the substance is regulated under Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) then the National Response Center (NRC) must also be notified. Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) requirements for reporting non-permitted discharges (spills) are found in Rule OAC 165:10-7-5. In the event any spill results in the death of fish or wildlife, contact the Natural Resources Section of the Oklahoma Department of If all fluids were recovered promptly or the spill was contained Spills of petroleum hydrocarbons into or upon navigable waters, as defined by 40 CFR 112.2, are required to be reported to Any spill (even one not large enough to report) must be cleaned up and the site restored to Tel +1 (800) 510-8510 Spills most commonly involve crude oil, condensate, salt water and drilling mud. See national section for basic information and federal regulations. The content is carefully updated on a regular basis, we do our best to verify that companies listed are able to offer emergency oil spill services. Wilson, OK 73463 This resource is valued by responders dealing with oil spills, if you believe we have missed anyone please contact us.
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