We’re protecting you. The pilot includes five applications filed with the OEB that are currently before a panel of Commissioners. Toronto, ON. Tuesday, October 13, 2020. She was appointed Chief Operating Officer in November 2017. Counsel completed a two-year project for the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) in relation to the Minister’s direction to the OEB to engage with Ontario’s First Nations and Métis communities on the proposed Energy East Pipeline. We are an independent public agency based in Toronto. Toronto, ON. Lawyer (on secondment) Canadian Securities Transition Office. Commissioners make independent decisions on applications and other hearing matters that come before the OEB and to which they are assigned by the Chief Commissioner. When setting RPP prices, the OEB typically includes an amount to recover the entire difference between what RPP customers have paid for electricity since prices were last set and what the actual supply cost was over the same period. Toronto, Canada Area. A dedicated volunteer, she chains the Board of charity ArtHouse for Children & Youth, which delivers arts programming free of charge to vulnerable and disadvantaged children and youth in Halton Region. Mr. Janigan has taught courses and seminars in consumer protection law and regulation at Carleton University and in the LLM program of Osgoode Hall. The Chief Commissioner is responsible for ensuring the efficiency and timeliness of the OEB’s adjudication work. We are an independent public agency based in Toronto. His community involvement includes serving as a build committee member for the Lake of the Woods Museum and Arts Centre (MUSE). Mary Anne Aldred joined the Ontario Energy Board as General Counsel in November 2006. Commissioners make independent decisions on applications and other hearing matters that come before the OEB and to which they are assigned by the Chief Commissioner. Henry Knubley is a senior advisor and consultant on strategic planning and innovation. Dr. Elsayed holds a B.Sc., M.Eng and Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering and is an active member of Professional Engineers Ontario. Natalie MacDonnell. The Ontario Energy Board works to ensure a sustainable, reliable energy sector in Ontario. Associate General Counsel at Ontario Energy Board. We’re protecting you. Ian Richler. Richard Lanni Senior Legal Counsel at Ontario Energy Board. Prior to joining the OEB, Mary Anne was a lawyer and regulatory affairs advisor for over 12 years with Hydro One and the former Ontario Hydro where she held the roles of Assistant General Counsel, Senior Legal Counsel and Director, Transmission Regulation. Counsel completed a two-year project for the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) in relation to the Minister’s direction to the OEB to engage with Ontario’s First Nations and Métis communities on the proposed Energy East Pipeline. Previously, Ms. Anderson was the Chief Regulatory Officer of Hydro Ottawa. He served as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Waterloo and a Teaching Master at Conestoga College. Ms. Anderson has a BSc. On October 1, 2020, Bill 87 was proclaimed in force, amending the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998.
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