REGISTRATIONS UNDER PART II.2 OF THE ACT - WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. CONTENTS. Contact us. Environmental Protection Act. Existing provisions in other sections of the EPA as well as in the Pesticides Act will continue to grant powers of investigation to Provincial Officers in cases where a contaminant has caused, or is causing, injury or damage to livestock, crops, trees or other vegetation which may result in an economic loss. Furthermore, a BON has not been used in over 20 years. Please reach out to the Contact listed in this notice to see if alternate arrangements can be made. Environmental Protection Act. REGISTRATIONS UNDER PART II.2 OF THE ACT - WATER TAKING. CEPA 1999 is an important part of Canada's federal environmental legislation aimed at preventing pollution and protecting the environment and human health. The BON consists of two or more members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council who must assess the injury or damage and meet with the parties to negotiate a settlement of claim in an informal manner. Consolidation Period: From July 1, 2020 to the e-Laws currency date. Notice of the negotiation should be provided to the BON indicating that the party requires a settlement of the claim to be negotiated. If the parties are unable to settle the claim within thirty days after the notice is provided, the parties may choose to have the matter referred to the BON for negotiation of the claim for injury or damage. Canada. Legislative History: 351/12, 45/15, 87/16, 409/19 (as am. October 28, 2019 - November 27, 2019 (30 days). Settlements negotiated by the BON are made without prejudice to any subsequent procedure in relation to the matter. to November 27, 2019. by 273/20), 273/20. Last amendment: 273/20. This change will eliminate the investigative powers established under the Section and the remove the ability to request that a BON be convened to negotiate a claim of injury or damage to livestock, crops, trees or other vegetation. Category: England, Wales and Scotland Law. Last amendment: 118/16. 16/17. This consultation was open from: z { Î 5 = U Y › £ " ¨ ° û � ¨ © Ú R j ˆ ¢ ¤ © H M ƒ ‹ ™ Ÿ ê ë ï õ c" �" g# „# t$ ²$ ³$ ÷óìóåó÷ŞÔŞìÌìÌóÅóìóìÀóìóìÌìóìóìóìóìóìóìóìóìóìóìóìóìóìó¹óìóìóìóìóìóì÷ì÷óìÌ h^3 hìo} hìo} 5�h-L hìo} h˜L hìo} 5�h#x hìo} 0JÊ6� hìo} 0JÊ6�hóÎ hìo} h˜L hìo} hìo} hüeT hìo} 0JÊI $ Î / È - t … “ Ñ _ é N � û \ © £ } › ğ J | Ù 1 İ ú ú õ õ ğ ú õ õ ú ú ú ú õ ë ë õ õ ğ ğ ú ú õ õ ú ú ú ú 1 gdìo} q gdìo} + gdìo} % gdìo} İ ö!
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