(b) Where possible, the Department will develop joint permit application forms to facilitate the submission of information on related activities of a project regulated under statutes and regulations administered by the Department and other Federal and State agencies, in order to reduce duplicate and repetitious application requirements. The Water Obstructions and Encroachments Section of the Division of Wetlands, Encroachments and Training develops and coordinates regulation, policy, program guidance and procedure for the regional implementation of the Chapter 105 Waterways and Wetlands program, including coordination with Federal Clean Water Act, Section 404 requirements. (7) Consistency with State and local floodplain and storm water management plans and programs, the State Water Plan and the Pennsylvania Coastal Zone Management Program. (a) The Department may grant a permit if it determines that the following applies: (2) The proposed project or action complies with the standards and criteria of this chapter, The Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § § 679.101679.601) and The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. § § 691.1691.1001). (b) No changes in the maps, plans, profiles and specifications for work covered by a permit which would affect flood flows or structural stability of the project during flooding events shall be made except with the written approval of the Department. The Department may, if it finds there is reasonable cause to suspect the existence of conditions which could cause floodwaters or materials carried by floodwaters to endanger or cause damages to people or property, order the owner to conduct such investigations, studies, tests and analyses as may be required to properly evaluate the safety of the structure. ActThe Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § § 679.101679.601). (2) Repair the highway obstruction or obstruction under plans submitted to and approved by the Department. The Department may waive specific requirements of this section if, upon review of the data submitted, it is determined that the information is not necessary. (a) Application for permits under this chapter shall be submitted to the Department in writing, upon forms provided by the Department. Any such notice shall be subject to the procedure for appeal and hearing before the Environmental Hearing Board as provided by section 503(b) of The Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.503) section 1921-A of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § 510.21) and 2 Pa.C.S. The purposes of this chapter are the following: (1) Encourage planning and development in floodplains which are consistent with sound land use practices. (e) Applications for permits under this chapter shall be accompanied where applicable by an erosion and sedimentation control plan for all earthmoving activities in the floodplain. (5) The need for the proposed highway obstruction or obstruction to be located in the floodplain and alternatives in location, design and construction which are available to minimize the adverse impact of the project. (c) The requirement to provide notice of commencement of work and status reports shall be identified in conditions of the permit or by order of the Department. The revised Environmental Assessment Form and Instructions can be accessed through the Department's eLibrary web site at (c) A copy of the permit and the acknowledgement, or a certified notice of the location of the permit and acknowledgement, shall be available at the work site for inspection upon request by any officer or agent of the Department or any other Federal, State, county or municipal agency. (5) The highway obstruction or obstruction shall not increase velocity or direct flow so as to result in erosion of the floodplain. (v) Transportation of natural or artificial gas, crude oil, gasoline or petroleum products, materials for refrigeration, or other fluid substances by pipeline or conduit. (f) Each application shall be signed by the owner of the highway obstruction or obstruction or the persons exercising primary responsibility for the highway obstruction or obstruction. 3156, unless otherwise noted. (2) Any obstruction constructed, owned or maintained by a public utility. (6) Provide for and encourage local administration and management of floodplains. PADEP.gov. Specific design criteria of this section may be waived or modified where the applicant demonstrates and the Department determines that: (1) There are unique physical circumstances such as exceptional topography or other natural or man-made conditions such that the criteria cannot be reasonably applied. (2) Plans showing the location, size and height of the proposed highway obstruction or obstruction and detailing the topographic features, elevations, and nearby structures so as to enable an appraisal of the hazard potential of the obstruction. Copies of such records shall be provided to the Department on request. At all times during the construction of any highway obstruction or obstruction the permittee shall follow the erosion and sedimentation control plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 102 (relating to erosion control) and submitted as part of his application. (e) In addition to complying with the requirements of this chapter, hospitals, nursing homes, jails, and development which has been determined as dangerous to human life must also comply with 16 Pa. Code Chapter 38 (relating to floodplain management) adopted by the Department of Community Affairs under sections 207 and 301 of The Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § § 679.207 and 679.301). (3) There must be provisions for continuous access during the 100-year flood. No part of the information on this site may be reproduced for profit or sold for profit. (a) All work undertaken under a permit issued under this chapter shall be conducted in accordance with the maps, plans, profiles, and specifications as approved by the Department. (a) Permits may be reissued in a new name if there is a change in the name of the owner. (b) If such work is not completed on or before the dates set by the Department, unless extended by the Department in writing, the permit shall become null and void without further notification being required. (d) Whenever the Department determines that an application is incomplete or contains insufficient information to determine compliance with this chapter, it will notify the applicant in writing.
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