View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Pyke the Bloodharbor Ripper. Vote Now! However, if you go to... MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Vote Vote. Patch 10.22 Over the course of 3 games my supports have been Jinx, Kog'Maw, and Lucian. Our authors will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to play Pyke, and of course, win the game! You must be logged in to comment. Hard poke in lane and never stops hitting you. Pyke dashes behind the furthest enemy, creating an afterimage that deals magic damage and stuns enemies it passes through for a few seconds. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Pyke.Find the best Pyke build guides for S10 Patch 10.22. MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Find the best Pyke build guides for S10 Patch 10.22. Rating Pending. [10.22] EUW Rank 1 Pyke In-Depth Guide Ultimate Ferrari Sup. Just had a 24/0 game yesterday. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) Pyke's You can find detailed breakdowns of each matchup on CounterStats, and you can also check out some Pyke guides to see how to build and play against other champions you may find yourself up against! Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? I am level 7 Pyke main and i am usually good with him but when it comes to hooks and saving others i'm dumb,i mean i learned the basics and all of that but i still think i'm bad even at level 7... Is pyke mid still good and viable in your opinion. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! Our authors will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to play Pyke, and of course, win the game! Did this guide help you? Why is it that when I play and pyke gets banned, my support immediately thinks that is trolling time. Why is noone playing it? The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Pyke build for the S10 meta. Instead, he gains (7.145% bonus health) bonus attack damage. This counter data is for Pyke Support in Plat+ games. You may also Sign In using your Social Media. You may also Sign In using your Social Media. Please login or register. Learn more about Pyke's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! x. Pyke build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. Pyke mid By HypercarryGOD | Updated on January 6, 2020. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Tap: Pyke thrusts his harpoon forward in a line after a 0.25-second delay, dealing 115% damage and slowing enemies by 90% for 1 second. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Pyke. If you are already familiar with how to play Pyke this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch 10.22. +6 Armor. Pyke's cannot gain max health from items, instead, he gains 1 bonus attack damage for every 14 points of health increase. Find the best Pyke build guides for League of Legends Patch 10.22. For me its woking great. The win percent shown is the enemy champion's win rate against Pyke. Did this guide help you? Which of the champion's in the tags would you like to see a build for. Is this becouse I am in low elo(Bronze) and he isnt good in high elo? Learn more about Pyke's abilities, skins, … Pyke Build Guide for League of Legends. Pyke build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s10, s9 - … League of Legends Premiere Pyke Strategy Builds and Tools. If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! Pyke Build Guide by HypercarryGOD. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Pyke build for the S10 meta. Pyke will store a percentage of the damage he takes from champions as grey health on his health bar. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. When you're starting a game of League of Legends you should always keep in mind if you'll be at an advantage or disadvantage against your opponent, so you can know whether to bully them or play safe. After a 0.75-second delay, Pyke strikes all enemy champions in an X, blinking to and executing targets below 250-550 (based on level) (+0.8 per bonus attack damage) (+1.5 per 1 lethality) health while dealing 50% of the amount as physical damage to enemies not within the threshold for execution. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) You may also Sign In using your Social Media. Below you can find the most recommended rune build for Pyke Support, as determined by LeagueSpy's calculations of thousands of Plat+ League of Legends games. First cast: Pyke charges for up to 2 seconds, increasing Bone Skewer's range. [10.22] Bizzleberry's Season 10 Support Guide, [10.12] Sink em’ all - Indepth Pyke Mid Guide. This has an upper cap. If you're looking for the best rune build for Pyke we've got you covered. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Good to support a gank for pyke or save him. You can also find other League of Legends Champion Guides. diamond. You must be logged in or register before you cancast your vote. Pyke can still move while channeling but is pacified and slowed by 20%. Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? You can even win prizes by doing so! Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Pyke build guides on MOBAFire. * Each section of the build is rated independently of the others. MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Pyke's health cannot be improved except through growth (per level). Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. So when Pyke's abilities were released the other day, the description for his ultimate mentioned that the ally who most recently assisted also gets kill gold and credit. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! MOBAFire shows the top rated guides per patch, but can also be sorted by other criteria such as all-time score, author rank, or newest guides. ACTIVE: Pyke either stabs enemies in front of him or pulls an enemy towards him. Pyke dives into spectral waters, entering camouflage and gaining 40% (+1.5% per 1 Lethality) bonus movement speed decaying over 5 seconds. You must be logged in or register before you cancast your vote. [10.19] Hanjaro's Pyke: Support your way to Challenger! Damage: 150 / 250 / 450 Stun duration: 2 / 2.5 / 4 COOLDOWN: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8. This is still seen on the Pyke reveal here on Mobafire. Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? Find Pyke's relative advantage in their most common matchups! No longer has bonus damage and is single target as of 9.13. If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. Can you help me to be better with Pyke as a support? If Sivir can be execute by Pyke's R can she still cancel it with her E ? Rune data is provided by, Pyke's Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continuecreating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. He can windwall pyke's E so he doesnt get stunned. 3,802 Views 2 Votes 0 Comments Guide Discussion More Pyke Guides. counter data is provided by Low pick rate fortunately. Pyke dashes, leaving behind a drowned phantom. On being unseen by enemies, he will consume the grey health and heal himself for the same amount. Find the best Pyke build guides for League of Legends Patch 10.22. However, if you are a new Pyke player we highly recommend reading through some of the guides above to learn why these runes are strong on Pyke! Check Pyke's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more. You must be logged in or register before you cancast your vote.
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