Last but not least, a retrograde loves to create confusion and discord (especially if you're dealing with an inner planet). Known as the master planet of karma, Saturnâs annual retrogradations invite us to reflect on duties and responsibilities; the rigidity of thought; how you deal with loss, depression and difficult times; self-imposed limits (both healthy and restrictive); and the restructuring of long-term objectives. It also refers us to excessive ambition; the obsession with power; the illusion of control; and the (symbolic) death of the ancient concept of success and destructive beliefs. © Copyright 2020 | Astrology Answers - All Rights Reserved. Or do we work to control – a strong Scorpio element – how we are perceived? However, if you'd much rather deal with monsters, demons, and ghouls than a planetary retrograde, you can breathe a sigh of relief. November is nowhere near as bad as October when it comes to the whole "retrograde" business. If you're unhappy with where things stand financially, make a plan and bring up your concerns after the retrograde ends. Mars is still in retrograde, we'll have not one but two Full Moons (the second being on Halloween) and to top it all off, Mercury Retrograde started on October 14. Mercury goes Retrograde in Scorpio (11º 40") on October 14 at 1:05 am Universal Time, and on October 13 at 9:05 pm EDT and 6:05 pm PDT. However, retrogrades often go out with a bang, so here's what you need to know: Fortunately, you're only dealing with what's probably your least favorite retrograde for the first three days of November. It'll then cycle back briefly into Libra at the end of its retrograde journey, which will shift a focus onto communication and understanding within partnerships. Be especially careful with your words during the final days of October and beginning of November, as tensions, past dramas, or general confusion could easily crop up between you and your boss, colleagues, or business partners. Scorpio “has no mouth, it cannot speak,” Rosenbohm explains. True, but consider: According to Rosenbohm, the first and last days of retrograde are the toughest and most pronounced as “the motion of the planet comes to an apparent halt.” Also, because Mercury takes a week or two to regain her former speed, we can expect things to stay slow until the retrograde shadow period ends on November 19. In Air sign Gemini, a sign of communication and activity, this retrograde can focus on the way we communicate with one another, get our point across, engage with each other and our communities, and how the lines of communication are doing in relationships. Are we forthcoming in sharing our vulnerabilities? Contact her at her website. A retrograde is when a planet undergoes apparent retrograde motion. This retrograde asks you to do some deep, spiritual healing and prioritize time alone, so you might want to temporarily step away from the group projects and post-work happy hours. While in Scorpio, revisit past challenging issues and enter the shadows so you can move forward with less heavy baggage since this is the last opportunity to do so (Mercury won’t retrograde in Scorpio again for some years). Mercury retrogrades 3-4 times each year for about 3 weeks at a time. Whereas a big part of its journey is around learning to be direct with its communication, rather than suggestive and in-direct. When Uranus is retrograde, it encourages you to embrace a deep change within. Your email inbox is a mess, your brain is in a fog, you're perpetually running late, and expressing yourself feels like trying to solve a riddle. In Scorpio, gossip can be used as a form of control, domination and revenge. Fittingly, this Mercury retrograde is “particularly not great, for sure,” according to astrologer, writer, and creative Kirah Tabourn, a.k.a. Other Scorpionic themes may include secrets, hidden trysts, power plays and manipulations coming to light. From a collective standpoint, both Scorpio and Libra are signs that deal with who we are and how we operate within our relationships. Neptune will station retrograde on June 22, 2020 at 20°57’ Pisces, and will station direct on November 28, 2020 at 18°09′ Pisces.. Neptune in Pisces by transit unleashes a tidal wave with the potential to disintegrate the structures that have been defining our identity. We’ve had this retrograde for the last decade or so since Pluto has been in Earth sign Capricorn. It’s a Capricorn year, for better or worse! The first Mercury retrograde 2020 starts in Water sign Pisces and goes back into Air sign Aquarius March 4th to end the retrograde. Aaron Wiggs’s biweekly event raised over $260,000 for good causes. Within the pop astrology community, Mercury Retrogrades appear to birth a maelstrom of well, almost panic. Things in your personal life will likely feel a bit messy, emotional, and out of control right now, Leo â so don't be too hard on yourself if you find that it's pulling some of your attention away from your career. So, there you have it! Uranus is the planet of abrupt change, eccentricity, and innovation. You\'ll receive the next newsletter in your inbox. The second of the retrograde 2020 planets will be Pluto. To her, this portends the possibility that ballots may go missing or that people may be “silenced by technical malfunctions.” An estimated 50 to 70 percent of votes will be cast by mail in this election; already, over 66 million people — roughly half as many as voted in 2016, period — have voted early, suggesting a mostly smooth civic process overall. Try to go with the flow of scheduling errors, and give yourself some leeway with transportation or meeting times in case you find yourself running late. People are misfiring their aggression and misbehaving and acting like babies.”. Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius refers to reviewing the responsibilities inherent in friendship relationships, or interaction with groups; the fear of social exclusion; and ask yourself whether the desire for independence hinders the formation of sincere and lasting bonds. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward in the zodiac from our view here on Earth. We’ve probably all heard the planet Mercury blamed for miscellaneous mayhem: My computer crashed, Mercury must be On the other hand, Saturn retrograde in Capricorn (01/07) imposes considerations on the restriction of the soulâs desires (privileging the material); lack of discipline or confidence in yourself; and conflicting relationships with authority figures or family patriarchs. Instead of taking a leap of faith or trying to implement a new career plan during the retrograde, hold off until the planet stations direct on November 3 to avoid hitting disheartening snags, Cancer. Even though five planets will be retrograde during November 2020, there's much more to the story than you think.
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