Matthew points to "the narrow cynicism of Salisbury. Naoroji was elected for Finsbury in 1892 and Salisbury invited him to become a Governor of the Imperial Institute, which he accepted. Adopting a hands-off attitude to matters at home, his main interests lay in the direction of foreign affairs, especially British interests in Africa. Salisbury gradually developed a good relationship with Disraeli, whom he had previously disliked and mistrusted. Fort Salisbury (now Harare) was named in honour of him when it was founded in September 1890. Following Disraeli's death in 1881, the Conservatives entered a period of turmoil. I entreat honourable Gentlemen opposite not to believe that my feelings on this subject are dictated simply by my hostility on this particular measure, though I object to its most strongly, as the House is aware. For most of his time as prime minister he served not as First Lord of the Treasury, the traditional position held by the prime minister, but as foreign secretary. Salisbury and his wife had eight children: Salisbury served in a number of Conservative Cabinets: Secretary of State for India (1866 – 1867, 1874 – 1878), Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (1878 – 1880, 1885 – 1886, 1887 – 1892, 1895 – 1900). Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. It is the place where a new revolutionary spirit finds its instruments and collects its arms".[5]:501. He ended Britain's isolation through the Mediterranean Agreements (March and December 1887) with Italy and Austria-Hungary. However, his style was one of engagement without commitment. The battles were small operations; most of the 22,000 British dead were victims of disease. [38][39], The war had many vehement critics, predominantly in the Liberal party. While at Oxford, Salisbury was ill and depressed, perhaps an effect of the bullying, left early and received an honorary fourth class in mathematics conferred by nobleman’s privilege due to ill health. [5]:305–6, Salisbury became prime minister of a minority administration from 1885 to 1886. The depression of body and mind which they create is an almost insuperable obstacle to the action of any elevating or refining agencies". [5]:7, Robert had a miserable childhood, with few friends; he filled his time with reading. He was succeeded by his nephew, Arthur Balfour. 1 (1935), p.87-106, Salisbury: Victorian Titan, A Roberts (London, 1999), ‘Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne’ in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography by P. Smith, (Oxford, 2004), Lord Salisbury: A Political Biography by D Steele (UCL, 1999). In Europe, Germany was worrisome regarding its growing industrial and naval power, Kaiser Wilhelm's erratic foreign policy, and the instability caused by the decline of the Ottoman Empire. However, he came to regret this, saying in November 1894 that the LCC, "is the place where collectivist and socialistic experiments are tried. He served as prime minister three times for a total of over thirteen years. Maintaining the alliance forced Salisbury to make concessions in support of progressive legislation regarding Irish land purchases, education, and county councils. Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury KG GCVO PC FRS (3 February 1830 - 22 August 1903) was a Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.He was known as Lord Robert Cecil before 1865 and as Viscount Cranborne from 1865 until 1868.. Salisbury served as Prime Minister three times for a total of over thirteen years. When the discussion was at its height (very high) enter Arthur [Balfour] with explicit declamation dictated by GOM in Hartington's handwriting yielding the point entirely. The lessons to be learnt from Russell's foreign policy, Salisbury believed, were that he should not listen to the opposition or the press otherwise "we are to be governed… by a set of weathercocks, delicately poised, warranted to indicate with unnerving accuracy every variation in public feeling". [1], Historians agree that Salisbury was a strong and effective leader in foreign affairs, with a wide grasp of the issues. Salisbury's blindness to the middle class and reliance on the aristocracy prevented the Conservatives from becoming a majority party. The Conservative boroughs with populations less than 25,000 (a majority of the boroughs in Parliament) would be very much worse off under Disraeli's scheme than the Liberal Reform Bill of the previous year: "But if I assented to this scheme, now that I know what its effect will be, I could not look in the face those whom last year I urged to resist Mr Gladstone. He believed that there was "generally far more civility than I should be likely to find in the good town of Hatfield" and claimed this was due to "the government was that of the Queen, not of the mob; from above, not from below.
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