The state’s Public School System Stabilization Fund, a reserve for K-12 districts and community colleges, has $377 million — which amounts to less than 1% of their state funding. inewsource is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The city of San Diego estimates it must slash $47 million to $67 million in spending, San Diego County may have to cope with $100 million in new costs and San Diego Unified is staring down at least $124 million in cuts – an especially dire challenge because the reserve fund has nothing to spare. The cuts disproportionately affected low-income students of color. Race, class, generation, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and geography all affect point of view. Newsom’s Budget Deal Means for Reopening California’s K-12 Schools “Usually in a recession, what happens is our budgets get reduced and we end up with more students, because students come back to school during a recession,” Murillo told inewsource. San Diego voters approved Measure E, to exempt construction height restrictions in the Midway District. Jennifer Bowman is an investigative reporter at inewsource, covering mostly education. Nearly $10 billion of that comes from Proposition 98 funding, which requires about 40% of the state’s general fund go to K-12 school districts and community colleges. As an education reporter, I'm always looking for stories about learning. Vista Unified also filed as a qualified district. Get the day's top news — ranging from local to international — straight to your inbox each weekday morning. The state budget gives schools a short-term financial breather and enacts sweeping requirements for how schools will operate this fall. Cookies are files with small amount of data, which may include an anonymous unique identifier. Twitter is both amazed by and concerned for CNN anchor John King, who has been on a marathon educating viewers with his magic electoral map. Most of those students were already used to online learning long before the era of COVID-19. Move over, chartthrobs King, Kornacki. If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at or call us at 619-594-5100. Now a nonprofit might challenges the measure. The district said in its most recent budget that it has suffered from drops in student enrollment, rising pension costs and state funding formula issues. Transparency is key to building credibility. He has produced investigations for print, radio and TV on topics including political corruption, transportation, health, maritime, education and nonprofits. Community college enrollment has plateaued statewide. But that was before the pandemic. “One of the things that I think many of us (at local community colleges) will work very hard on is educational access, trying to make sure that we can keep as many classes moving forward so that students have the ability to stay in school.”. The $2.2 trillion federal coronavirus relief bill has given San Diego County’s eight community colleges more than $46 million, half of which must be used for emergency financial aid grants to students. Want more KPBS news?Find us on Twitter and Facebook, or sign up for our newsletters. “Students should have access to the classes they need to continue their academic progress. Her reporters produced award-winning investigations covering large and small local governments. Despite consumers stocking up on alcohol at home, the rise in retail and online sales has not been enough to offset the closure of bars and restaurants. inewsource will not hesitate to report on its donors when events warrant. In its letters, the county office advised several districts that they should be making budget cuts soon to reduce these deficits. All but one of the 42 school districts in San Diego County are expecting to spend more than they take in, either this year or in the next two school years. Our Editorial Independence Policy details the firewall between journalism and revenue. Savings may help, but the money could run out quickly. She believes the charter program are better equipped to handle budget cuts than traditional schools. Tax-exempt status as a 501c3 was granted by the IRS on Sept. 15, 2010. inewsource is funded primarily by individual contributions and foundation grants. San Diego Community College District planned to eliminate 900 class sections, and Southwestern College in Chula Vista had already cut non-personnel expenses by 25%. If journalists speak with sources who are not politicians, public figures or those not commonly interviewed by journalists, staff should explain clearly that information discussed will be on the record and for publication.There are times, however, when information may be critical for a story but cannot be found or verified by other means. The temporary protections arrive as schools logistically plan to physically reopen campuses that meet social distancing guidelines. All receive a copy of these ethical standards. For the second year in a row, Sweetwater Union High School District was the only one in the county to file a “negative” certification, meaning it won’t meet its financial obligations this year or in the next two years. It is incumbent upon reporters to fully background their sources to uncover conflicts of interest or slant prior to using them in a story. Evans said the district could balance its budget by forgoing raises, but “we would be putting San Diego Unified in a disadvantageous position” for attracting teachers to the district. We’re watching these 10 election 2020 standouts. While some schools in other regions are seeing upticks, the number of students has declined in San Diego and Imperial counties by nearly 4 percent in recent years, according to the state Legislative Analyst’s Office. 2020-21 Budget Letter and Assumptions (PDF) Unrestricted Programs, Juvenile Court and Community Schools, Special Education Operating and Master Plan (PDF) Special Funds (PDF) Special Projects (PDF) Education Protection Account (EPA) Funds.
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