Every true child of God here on earth keeps God’s word in His heart. How? Of course, eventually Nathan the prophet confronts David, and David repents of his sin. Show Replies (1) Romesh July 31, 2018 6:43 pm Amen.was strengthened by this sermon. You don’t have to be rich, strong, full or powerful. “We have known & believed the love that God hath to us.” There’s a whole lot of difference between visitng a house once in a whole, & dwelling there. There is no Temple, and Shiloh, and other worship sites are prominent. Samuel has responded to God by saying what Eli tells him to say, “Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.” At least, that’s how I learned the story when I was a small boy. © 2019 – The Arthur W. Pink Archive | Powered by Tulip Publishing. In his autobiography titled ‘My Adventure in Faith’, in chapter 42, Pas. So, it cannot be that David’s heart is pure, or even obedient. That we should love one another. That means in view of what God’s love has already done for us, in view of God’s having sent His Son into the world, & also in view of making Him the propitation for our sins, in view of that we have boldness in the Day of Judgment. While he couldn’t understand the change of plan, he obeyed the voice of the Lord. But God rejected Eliab because "man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh on the heart" (text). It was not the way he thought God should answer. God however changed their plans. There is in measure, but only in measure, but the obedience of the heart is unrestricted, unlimited. Colton could preach the message to the crowd that was present! At a later date, when Mordecai was about to be hanged on a large gallows the following morning, due to a conspiracy by a wicked official named Haman (Esther 5:14), God planned a ‘Divine Appointment. God loved you & me before the foundation of the world, & when He bore our sins away by the sacrifice of Himself that was only a means to an end. Naaman was healed of leprosy because there was a maid in his house … At times, God brings change in His wisdom. It is faith that makes a man seek God for divine direction (Hebrews 11:6). It was a Saturday afternoon & since Sunday was a busy day, I was looking forward to a time of rest, before preparing for the Sunday. The unbelieving man replied, ‘Well, before God could answer the prayer, a guide came along & brought me to safety!’. On the other hand, when we come to verse 17 it seems equally clear that it is the child’s love for His parent that is spoken of. An unexpected crisis can truly be turned into a ‘Divine Appointment’ by the Lord. May we see with the eyes of God those around us. Philip was able to teach the scriptures to a palace official from Ethiopia and ended up baptizing him. 11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. This happened, not only through her meeting the King, but also by ‘unexpectedly’ meeting Gehazi, Elisha’s servant. Does God grant requests that God knows are not going to turn out well? James 2:21-22, “Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Despite that, the people said, “Yep, that’s what we want because we want to be like other nations who have kings.” That’s my paraphrase, but that sums it up. I spent 25 days in hospital & life as a whole & my future looked bleak. In 1 Samuel chapter 29, God had just helped David & his men to get out of what was a difficult situation in having to fight their own countrymen. It was truly an ‘Unexpected Divine Appointment’. No one else in his kingdom could have taken another man’s wife except David himself. 6 When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab and thought, “Surely the Lord’s anointed stands here before the Lord.”, 7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The change of plan had turned into a ‘Divine Appointment’! It’s a contradiction to our culture and every culture. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. God’s Restoration of the Lost Years : Sermon, Sermon : Four Steps to Win the Battle Over Worry (Matthew 6:25-34), Devotional : Building a City on Prayer – Part 3. Supposing at the present time your lot was cast in a foreign country where many wild beasts were prowling about day & night, how you would long for, & how deeply appreciate a dwelling place in which you would be secure. Sermon: The Difference in the Good Shepherd and the Hired Hand, Palm Sunday Sermon: On The Road To Calvary. It so happened that when she entered & cried unto the King (2 Kings 8:5), he was having a ‘spiritual’ chat with Gehazi, about all the things Elisha had done (2 Kings 8:4-5). My brethren could not see because I denied Thee, but Tou canst. In her desperation, this lady (with her son), went to see the King (2 Kings 8:3), hoping for a suitable answer; for maybe small mercies. “Whoseo keepeth His Word, in Him (not by him) verily is the love of God perfected.”. Not unfallen Angels, but fallen vile sinners deserving His holy wrath. Blessed in deed. Despite God’s objection, God gave Samuel permission to get them a king, but with some dire warnings first. Samuel talked to God about their request. That’s a simple statement, but a profound theological thought. God can see there a deep, genuine, longing & lasting desire to please Him. Similarly, in Acts 10, Peter hadn’t dreamed of ever going to a Gentile home to preach. But, Mordecai kept serving faithfully. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Your email address will not be published. Samuel asks Jesse, “Do you have anymore sons?”. But that’s not all. Are they speaking of God’s love for His people, or for their love to & for Him? Are you staggering in an unexpected crisis right now? Today, having initially been involved in the underworld, he now serves in the missions world, thanks to an ‘Unexpected Divine Appointment!’. Obedience is primarily a matter of the heart. Sermon: Even When We are Unaware, God is Still at Work! To rest upon, & lie down on when we are weary. Wood of Lebanon (Cedar) in Scripture speaks of durability, SSilver is the emblem of Redemption, Gold speaks of Divine Glory, Purple of Royalty; the Lord’s people being Kings & Priests unto God. God says to Samuel, “It’s not you they’re rejecting, it’s Me!” But then God goes on to grant reluctantly their request. The people of Israel know this. And that is the key to understanding this whole passage. As He is so are we. However, in this crisis situation, the Bible says, ‘David found strength in the Lord’ (vs 6). Which is the same kind of thing Jesus was saying when he said about 1,000 years after David: 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. The heart is in view here, that which God looks at, God sees in my heart this morning something you cannot see & something I cannot see. “Whoso keepth His Word.” I am well aware some will regard this as a dangerous statement. Mordecai, like any other man I’m sure, would have been rather disappointed. John 19:36 “For these things were done, that the Scripture should be fulfilled,” [The] Greek word for fulfilled in that place is the same word as is used for “made perfect” in 1 John 2:5. Samuel himself has heard the voice of God as a small boy in the charge of the priest, Eli. Eventually, he found himself, (thanks to the help of a Pastor friend at the event), on the stage of the well attended meeting. When you get to the midst, there all figures drop. (v17) “….become as He is, so are we in this world.” Not shall we –. Does God change God’s mind? That only makes this story better. David, God knows, will become powerful. Unfortunately, Saul isn’t working out and by this passage we read today, God has rejected Saul as king. God has imparted love to us, God has created a new heart in us, for what purpose? Answer: humans look on the outward appearance. Not our perfection, but our potential. After all, there’s nothing better than a first hand account! But, as powerful as he was, David was also able to see his own sin and repent. Any delay therefore, is uncomfortable. Because if you know the story of David, you will remember that after David has become king, when he was supposed to be out fighting with his men, he’s lounging around his palace in Jerusalem. 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