He was found guilty for the murder of his pregnant wife and two daughters. As for mega churches, I am pretty sure Jesus was the first one to start that concept and look what happened to him… All the hate and slander just adds fuel to the fire at Elevation. The letter “G” figures prominently in Freemasonry. 15 To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled. No-one is perfect, I have been attending this church . Dr. James Dobson's Family Institute has won the big legal victory, securing the right to, Bill Wiese, the author of "23 minutes in hell" shares in the video below how he believes there is one word that truly can change your life. I have listened to Mr. Furtick’s messages online and everything inside of me tells my Spirit that this man is a false prophet. I also agree,and well stated, about the supernatural growth! This makes Mississippi a state with one of the strictest laws regulating abortion in, The five-year legal fight against the Obamacare abortion coverage mandate which was forcing Christian organizations to violate their biblical values is finally over. Please people….There is a letter in the Hebrew alphabet called “daleth”; it is the same letter in greek called “delta”. The holy spirit keeps telling me something is not right. View all posts by lance goodall. He is a wolf in sheep clothing. However, occultist, and 33rd Degree Mason, Arthur Waite, quotes Eliphas Levi [also 33rd Degree], telling us that the letter “G” stands for Venus, and that Venus’ symbol is a lingam, a stylized phallis. It's not sus, CBN News reports that another student who survived the Parkland shooting has taken their own life. Forgot to include the second link. The microcosm and the macrocosm are connected. They both mean “door” and is represented with /by a TRIANGLE…..The thing is, instead of looking the dark side of the story, why don’t you look the bright side of it? Prints of his paintings are available on our Bakesale and on his art website stevenkozar.com. Steven Furtick has a church, he has regular attendees, he writes books, he’s a great speaker, he has music/worship albums, preaches from the bible, but he is still an impostor. I was just watching Steven’s sermon on youtube for a few minutes and then realised the icon of the church and I tried to ignore it but I just couldn’t get it out of my head. This happened after the church's God's Voice conference that to, An 85-year-old man was brutally attacked outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in San Francisco, California. Apostasy, Christianity, Deception, Doctrine, End Times, Hillsong, Illuminati, Mega Churches, New World Order. Constant begging to bring new ppl into the church as well as tithing. MATEO 13-13 “Por eso les hablo por parábolas: porque viendo no ven, y oyendo no oyen, ni entienden. Our calling is to change the world. Furtick moved to Charlotte and launched Elevation Church after working as music director at Christ Covenant Church in Shelby, North Carolina. This term, “generative principle”, is code for the sex act. https://www.praisecharts.com/songs/details/72954/with-you-paradoxology-sheet-music. The symbology or the logo used by Elevation Church is clearly mystical, occult and Egyptian! In December of 2012, in the name of their Revocable Trust, the Furtick's took out a construction mortgage on a… When pastor John MacAthur was asked about Furtick in a 2012 conference he simply stated "Unqualified," and it appears that this remark was the inspiration for Furtick's book title. I avoided him then but now I know for certain that that man loves Jesus genuinely and God is using him mightily for his purposes. Philippians 1:15-18, Ty very well said!!!! Christopher Watts last year strangled his wife, Shanann, and smothered his two daug, The Galilean expert on ancient burial caves, Eldad Keynan, recently discovered intriguing and unique findings that shed light on the early development of the Jewish Christians and on their distinctive beliefs. According to the public record, on June 26, 2012, Steven Furtick and his wife Holly purchased 19.25 acres of land in Union County, just outside of the city of Charlotte, and Mecklenburg county for $325,000. Jesus Christ will give you revelation through the Holy Spirit. Also, a good site to check out is the following one. People ask Jesus into their hearts each and every week! What we are looking at here in the following picture are the inverting of letters to make them be an ‘mirror’ image of each other. HMB – please dont miss the point because you have seen some good fruit. . He isn’t the one saving souls. She took screenshots of many well known Christian leaders who displayed these continuously (they were not just one time occurrences). He is the one that has taught me the value of a true relationship with Christ by emphasizing that Christianity is of the heart. From the very beginning, the degree of Entered Apprentice, we are told that the Square teaches us to square our actions with all mankind and the Compasses teach us to circumscribe our desires and keep our passions in due bounds. This article is spot on. As a marketing guy, I find their logo simple and impactful. so we stoped and have not been back since. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Move on it! John MacArthur's Church Attacks Steven Furtick: "He's Unqualified" Elevation Church pastor Steven Furtick has just released his new book 'Unqualified,' and many appear to be loving it. He co, Vimeo, one of the most popular social media video site has removed multiple videos from Oklahoma's Fairview Baptist Church's account after the church uploaded videos condemning homosexuality. There are mega churches deceiving people in huge numbers now. Thank you. As they mature in hearing the Spirit, He will lead them out. Pastor Steven started to become more and more arrogant and sermons started to repeat themselves. "Pastoral qualifications aren’t a mystery—they’ve been clearly and definitively spelled out in Scripture," he writes of Furtick's assertion that we can be unqualified and in ministerial leadership. Like being on a Dr.Phil show. Most Christians would argue that we are all unworthy and in need of God's grace in order to be qualified. Their sexual union produces the Triad [#3], which is “represented by the letter ‘G’, the generative principle”. She has screenshots of several present day ministers with their secret hand signals (she only includes them if they are repeated throughout sermons…not once or twice). I am not here to convince you, but you would be prudent to consider there is a deeper meaning to many a triangle. I have been a follower of Christ for over 30 years….most in the Charlotte area. by Berean Examiner, Steven Furtick is Looking For Favor by Do Not Be Surprised, Why narcigesis doesn’t work: Furtick claims to be “the son of God” by Churchwatch Central, Furtick to Kids: Memorize the Code by Berean Exaniner, Are T. D. Jakes and Steven Furtick Heretics? I have not seen that in the music of these people. F is for failure. The circle, triangle and dot symbol can be found within many old texts, and is often attached with esoteric movements. It’s not a secret nor should it be. I like Manuel’s tip on ” door”- common sense – but it is true about the pyramid – as per Jonathan Kleck the pyramid is your enemy; I think that if truth is what is being pursued, then you will receive the truth; if any darkness is in the person- because they are not taught about repentance then they will do the enemy’s stuff; the young people need Pastor Furtick- the more mature believers will need more meat such as Eric Jon Phelps and Christian Pinto teaching about anti-christ and who the enemy is. Steven Furtick Says House Is From God, Apologizes for Controversy 4:00PM EDT 10/28/2013 Gina Meeks Pastor Steven Furtick apologized to his congregation Sunday for any uncomfortable conversations they may have had as a result of recent controversies surrounding his newly built house. hope this helps. steve furtick. ES UN ENGAÑO TOTAL Y UNA DESFACHATEZ! I remember years back people used to tell me that Nigeria’s Prophet TB Joshua was Occultic. that’s what kinda bugged me. Steven Furtick Work. Does this concern you that Elevation has this featuring so much in the service? Reply. Yet, I listen to him and he has a way of saving souls. Thanks for this important news – is there a link or some other reference, Hillsong wouldnt see it, because they under the same influence, Excellent article. Thank you so much for sharing this truth! The very same discernment I had before I attended for the first time. Please partner with us by clicking one of our friendly yellow buttons. Project Veritas Whistleblower Goes Public, Pennsylvania Election Fraud, Software ‘Glitch’ In Michigan Erroneously Gave 1000s Of Votes To Biden; Up To 47 Counties Compromised, Voter Fraud: Trump may Invoke Fourteenth Amendment to Strip College votes from States Engaged in an illegal INSURRECTION, BREAKING: Intelligence expert Steve Pieczenik claims 2020 election was a “Sting Operation” to Entrap Democrats, BREAKING: “Operation Scorecard” CIA-Run Vote Theft Software in EVERY Swing State…“glitches” Switched Votes from Trump to Biden, Word of the Lord on USA Presidential Election 2020 (Short Version) - Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, Software 'Glitch' In Michigan Erroneously Gave 1000s Of Votes To Biden; Up To 47 Counties Compromised, Joel Osteen & Carl Lentz -- Marketing the Gospel, World Leaders Planning New Lock downs - “World Debt Reset Program” includes Universal Basic Income and Vaccination. During the sermon, he said, "Revival is sustainable if there's relationships. If you feel funny in your Spirit act on it don’t wait to try and figure it out. A Bible that is approximately 150 years old, however, survived the fire and another fire from earlier this month, with the pastor declaring i, Mother to Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow, Pam Tebow wants women to know they have the God-given power to influence lives—no matter what age they are. It scared me when i saw the the symbol. He does not have any tattoo on his body. I would encourage all believers (and myself) -excluding those who feel the divine calling to expose error in the church – to focus on the mission God has before you….to proclaim and LIVE the truth of God’s kingdom to those you are in relationship with, in your neighborhood, your church, your city. When combined with these individual’s churches’ logos, a pattern starts to emerge that they have contracted with the Illuminati. light? In American Lodges the Holy Bible will remain open on the altar as well. ", "So not only does Furtick completely miss the point of John MacArthur’s critique, he is also tone deaf to the clear instruction of Scripture. There are a few other indicators as well. Let’s rock onward in that direction. I remember late 2017 God used me and my wife to lead to deliverance a young lady who had been in Satanism and had 5000 demons residing in her. The song is a nothing more than a sophisticated mantra, which all Christians should stay away from. Most of the journalists remain in denial that Mueller's team found no evidence of collus, Candace Cameron Bure accepted the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Award for Favorite Funny TV Show this weekend. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I’m sorry to have to be the one to set you streight but God the Father has used Steve’s messages in a very powerful way in my daughter’s life in the past few weeks. 174, 181. It is clear satanic, NOT. I love you, Elevation loves you, and most importantly God loves you! He states [page 631-32 in Morals and Dogma ] that the Monad [#1] is male, and the Duad [#2] is female. God Bless you Jane in Jesus name. Although we are Pirates, we respect your privacy and your info will be safe. Concerns About the Ministry of Steven Furtick, Steven Furtick Teaches That God Breaks the Law, Furtick Listed Among Top "Oprah-Certified" Gurus.
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