The flexibility of the technology in handling almost any organic wet sludge, combined with its self-generating heat energy capability, positions it as a genuinely cost-effective and realistic solution to deal with the negative environmental impact and health risks associated with organic waste disposal. His two younger brothers soon joined him and one of them, Albert, started his own publishing house in 1837, even though he was just a teenager at the time. As the challenge of global warming is posing a serious threat to the environment, many tech entrepreneurs are coming up with concepts focused on sustainability. It's a joint project between: Copyright © Considering that Swedes represent just 0.13 per cent of the global population, the Nordic nation has a disproportionate amount of influence on global innovation. If that’s true, the Swedish spirit of innovation may just be a force of nature. Smart City Sweden is a state-funded initiative and export platform for smart & sustainable city solutions. 0. Sustainability consultancy that help clients towards sustainability and increased profitability. » Onsite processing helps avoid costly transportation (and the resulting GHG emissions) of high-water content sludge to offsite disposal. One example is the development of breathalyzers, where a driver is required to blow into a mouthpiece to measure the level of alcohol in their blood before starting the vehicle. At the same time, those harsh winters are given as an explanation for the high degree of creativity in Sweden. The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket) also strengthens competitiveness and facilitates entrepreneurship around Sweden. Some argue that the long, cold season encourages would-be innovators to stay indoors to hone their skills and develop their ideas. A-Antennas is a high-tech company, developing and manufacturing antennas and other antenna related products for the wireless communication industries. Let’s look at three now iconic companies whose founders brought skills and ideas from different countries to Sweden: publishing house Bonnier, sweets manufacturer Cloetta and food corporation Felix. 5 ‘Green’ tech startups you need to know about in 2019. by Editorial team. He had a passion for gherkins and canned goods as well as a vision to develop the food of the future. At you’ll find information about Swedish embassies and their activities. This is more than many other countries, as shown in the chart above. AB Ph Nederman & Co is a global supplier of working environment solutions. But it also contains valuable inorganic components such as nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus – a mineral designated as a critical raw material by the European Commission. A single OxyPower HTC™ plant can convert 30,000 tons of sludge – the amount generated from the treatment of wastewater from 300,000 people – into 5,000 tons of biocoal – while at the same time eliminating pathogens, removing pollutants, increasing biogas production, eliminating greenhouse gas emissions and saving money. The Swedish green model means integrating business and sustainability. The Swedish target is to decline emission of climate gases 63% from 1990 to 2030 and international transportation excluding foreign flights 70%. Visit for information on how to trade with and invest in Sweden. In solving one problem we create another: sewage sludge contains hazardous substances, emits large amounts of greenhouse gases, and is increasingly expensive to handle due to stricter environmental regulations. It aims to get all of Sweden connected to high-speed internet by 2025. The Swedish Energy Agency invests in research into solar power, solar photovoltaics (PV) and solar fuels, and also offers investment support to private, public and commercial actors. It is based on the idea that no one should be killed or seriously injured as a result of traffic accidents. A analysis does asbestos analysis for the identification of asbestos in various materials and dust. The government has created an office of life sciences dedicated to developing a national strategy for the life sciences to further promote the field. The process mimics and accelerates the natural process that transforms organic material into coal over millions of years. The energy value of biocoal is similar to standard wood chips, making it an attractive biofuel for incineration in power plants, and its granular particle structure simplifies the recovery of phosphorus from the ash after incineration. In 2016, the government also adopted a new broadband strategy. Absolicon Solar Collector AB is listed Swedish technology company, specialized in concentrated solar thermal heat. Sweden’s persistent, dark and cold winters might be a tough selling point. Silicon Canals 2014-2020 | Website: Bright Idiots. The more we reduce water pollution by increasing wastewater treatment, the more sludge is produced. Swedish society has long been fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. This was a game-changing move, as it raised the overall level of education among the people, and became a vital component in Sweden’s journey from poor agricultural nation to prosperous innovation leader. October 9, 2019. in News, Energy, Scaleups, Startups. At the core of the OxyPower-HTC technology is a specially designed high-temperature, high-pressure reactor that converts sludge into a carbon-based slurry containing tiny granular particles. Felix was also founded in the 1870s by a young entrepreneur from Czechoslovakia called Herbert Felix. Another cited challenge is the weather. This website is administered by the Swedish Institute. Go to to discover the wealth of tourist attractions that Sweden has to offer. The chocolate brand they started has since developed some of Sweden’s most popular sweets. » Produces an odour-free biocoal – a high-energy, bio-based fuel. » Instantly halts natural decomposition, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from sludge. It is a challenge to make the technology commercially viable. ABB is a global leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. Guided by a vision of people’s well-being in a sustainable future, the Regin Group creates technical solutions within building automation that optimize the energy consumption in buildings. Sweden’s vital startup scene has garnered much international attention, but the country has a long history of innovation. While Sweden has made progress in enhancing sustainable timber harvesting, bad practices remain, according to the WWF. AB Electrolux is a producer of household appliances and appliances for professional use, selling their products in more than 150 markets world wide. A dry, carbon-based material easily compressed into briquettes or pellets for transportation, biocoal has only 20-30 % of the original bulk of the sludge. Sweden has been proactively pursuing and practicing policies that have encouraged research and development in water purification, sanitation, sewage and wastewater treatment, waste management and waste-to-energy, production of biofuels, as well as generation of renewable energy from wind, biomass and solar power. SHARES . Sweden has also achieved high rankings in innovation surveys such as the Global Innovation Index and the Legatum Prosperity Index. Claims range from EUR 72,000 to EUR 198,891,500 with an average amount in … C-Green’s OxyPower HTC™ plant at Stora Enso’s fluting mill in Heinola, Finland, is the world’s first hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) facility using the innovative OxyPower process. Green technology and life sciences are two fields in which Swedish researchers and companies excel. Due to Covid-19, there are currently restrictions on travels to and from Sweden. To strengthen Sweden’s competitiveness, the Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen) funds research and competence development at Sweden’s university colleges and new universities. C-Green is an innovative process engineering company with a complete solution to efficiently convert large amounts of sludge into biocoal. A cookie is stored on your device to give you a better experience of the website. Sweden’s long-term focus on education and research has also had a major impact on the capacity for innovation. Sweden’s transition to right-hand traffic in 1967, which was a complex manoeuvre. We use cookies to improve your experience on our website and to collect data for statistics. The welfare state has been key to developing Sweden’s low-stakes business environment. Together with its Nordic neighbours, Sweden has emphasised that green growth can drive transition through technical innovation rather than pose a risk. Hammarby Kaj 18, 4th floor Sludge – a semi-solid byproduct of processes carried out by industry, agriculture and municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWWTPs) – is produced globally in the hundreds of millions of tonnes each year. 120 30 Stockholm, Sweden 720. Swedish life science research hubs H2 Healthhub, Digitalisation, Urban Planning, Smart and Sustainable Buildings, Mobility, Data Collection, Management & Sharing, Climate, Energy & Environment, Energy Production, Electrification, Social Sustainability, Methods and Processes for Sustainability, Smart Grids, Climate, Energy & Environment, Waste-to-energy, Water, Climate, Energy & Environment, Waste Management, Waste-to-energy, Climate, Energy & Environment, Energy Efficency, Smart and Sustainable Buildings, Smart Grids, Climate, Energy & Environment, Energy Efficency, Smart Grids, Climate, Energy & Environment, Air, Energy Efficency, Climate, Energy & Environment, Energy Efficency, Climate, Energy & Environment. Sweden has encouraged research and development. By clicking 'Accept', you agree to our use of cookies and similar technologies. The fact that there is a social safety net to fall back on if a venture fails to take off, offers the freedom for entrepreneurs to experiment and take risks. C-Green’s OxyPower-HTC . Want to stay on top of the latest rounds, coolest tech and hottest startups? Sweden is a large country, stretching far from north to south. Green technology and life sciences are two fields in which Swedish researchers and companies excel. click to accept cookies, This website uses cookies to ensure the best possible experience. Challenges include relatively high taxes and labour regulations. The majority of Green Technology Commercial Disputes were predominantly registered under the SCC Arbitration Rules (81%), while the rest were registered under the SCC Rules for Expedited Arbitration (19%). Absolent AB is a supplier of air cleaning equipment for collection of oil mist and oil smoke particles in industrial operations. Sweets manufacturer Cloetta started with the three Swiss Cloëtta brothers, who settled in Malmö in the south of Sweden in 1873. Evergreen Solutions focus is on standardised plants which are available in sizes for up to 400 people. This involves adapting society to cope with environmental changes already underway. Electricity sector in Sweden is the main article of electricity in Sweden. Sweden tops the European Innovation Scoreboard, an index published by the European Commission. For updated information on what applies to your country, please visit, official emergency information from Swedish authorities. In 1842 the country introduced compulsory schooling for 7- to 13-year-olds. 3 September 2020. Subscribe to our free, daily news blast and stay up-to-date! More info, Swedish battery tech company Nilar secures €47M from EIB to fuel manufacturing, R&D, & commercialisation, Google-Fitbit merger: 5 things you need to know, Europe enters ‘golden age of entrepreneurship’ as its tech ecosystem is now worth €618B – 4x more than 2015: Report. This content is blocked. The World Wildlife Fundhas reported 2000 forest-dwelling species are threatened in Sweden, from birds such as the white-backed woodpecker to species of lichen, moss and fungi. When it comes to research and development (R&D), Sweden proves its commitment by investing, as a rule, more than 3 per cent of the country’s growth domestic product (GDP) in R&D.
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