A Telework Assignment Log must be submitted for each day the employee is participating in the Telework program. Ensure the work takes precedence over family and home matters during home office hours. The employee is familiar with requirements pertaining to the security and confidentiality of data and information. The manager/supervisor retains the original signed form. Social engineering is when someone tries to trick you into doing something or giving away personal information. Teleworking is not a formal, universal employee benefit. The department recognizes the benefits of such work options for employees when both program and employee personal needs can be addressed. Detectors should be tested at the time of installation and on a monthly basis. The Call for Telework Data (Call) provides an electronic form to facilitate systematic collection of agency telework … The Telework Agreement may be cancelled at any time by either the employee or CalHR by written notification or at the discretion of the supervisor to include, but not limited to, the following: exceptional and verifiable needs of the department; change in the employee's work function, employee non-satisfactory performance, failure to maintain the acceptable leave balances, or abuse of the telework policy. Employees serving in a training capacity or providing hands-on service will not normally be approved to participate in the telework program on a regular, ongoing basis. Authorities. Teleworkers, like all State employees, are expected to adhere to all applicable laws, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures regarding information security: The following are basic information security guidelines: Failure to maintain a proper and safe work environment, in accordance with this policy, may be cause for terminating an employee from the telework program. Official websites use .gov What should your telecommuting policy include? Most provide an option to check and install updates automatically. Careful consideration must be given before approving a telework schedule for any employee whose leave balances are consistently at or just below the required 40 hour minimum. ) or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. Battery operated detectors should be cleaned and equipped with fresh batteries as recommended by the manufacturer. What portion of the job relies upon access to photocopiers, fax capabilities or other specialized equipment? � Supervisor completes the Supervisor's Checklist. The detector must be placed in a location, which monitors the work area, and any electronic equipment used to support teleworking. Assist CalHR employees and management in understanding the Telework Policy and Procedures; Maintain and update CalHR's Telework Policy and Procedures as needed. Special project work which requires a period of uninterrupted time. containing all confidential information to CalHR for proper handling or disposal, if necessary; and. Has the employee completed training for and demonstrated an adequate level of skill in use of the computer and software that will be used for teleworking?
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