The state of Kentucky defines suitable employment as any job in which the applicant already has experience or training and … Our State Health Operations Center is operating at Level 1, its highest activation level. KCC services are free. In the state of Kentucky, there are specific cases in which an unemployment compensation extension may be made available for individuals who need more than initial 26 weeks of benefits. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware of fake unemployment filing websites designed to steal your personal information or charge you a fee. Announced unemployment eligibility has been expanded effective immediately due to COVID-19. If you were in the US Military: Copy of your DD214 Member 4. • How can I extend unemployment in Kentucky? Be willing and able to seek out and accept any suitable employment. Only trust unemployment insurance-related emails that are sent from an address. In order to hold eligibility for an unemployment extension an applicant must: Be willing and able to seek out and accept any suitable employment. A new window will appear with our browser requirements. Copyright 2020 by If you worked through a skilled trade union: Name of contractor. The Kentucky New Hire Reporting Center P.O. Extensions are set into effect when the state’s unemployment rate reaches peak levels, leaving many applicants wondering how to get an unemployment extension. The state of Kentucky defines suitable employment as any job in which the applicant already has experience or training and is physically and mentally capable of performing. The CARES Act flowchart goes through the unemployment insurance categories of claims and the process for the claims. Federal unemployment extensions typically fall into two categories: If an applicant is looking to receive Extended Benefits, it is important that he or she has already exhausted the time limit of their original benefits. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware of fake unemployment filing websites designed to steal your personal information or charge you a fee. If you want to report issues or provide suggestions, please contact us via email. Kentucky State law determines eligibility of Unemployment Insurance in Kentucky, the amount of compensation, and the amount of time benefits can be collected. If you worked for a Temporary Agency: Name/Address of Temporary Agency. Submit the required number of weekly employment applications, as well as keep a record of the names, numbers, and contact information of all jobs applied to. Example:, Social Security OR Alien Registration Number, The reason you are no longer working for EACH employer. The Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) is responding actively to the COVID-19 situation. The 4 quarters in your base period are the 1st 4 of the last 5 complete calendar quarters. Governor Beshear’s Executive Order means that the seven-day waiting period is temporarily suspended., To File Your Unemployment Insurance Claim You Will Need The Following, Filing Your Mass Electronic Claim (E-Claim), U.S. Department of Labor Veteran Programs, Social Security & Ticket-to-Work Services, Community Rehabilitation Services & Supported Employment, Independent Living Services and Older Individuals Who Are Blind Services, McDowell Center for the Blind Residential and Day Programs, Statewide Council for Vocational Rehabilitation, English as a Second Language (ESL) Resources, Carl D. Perkins Vocational Training Center, Center Contact Information and Directions, Center Contact Information, Directions and Tours, Kentucky Business Enterprises Training Program, Updated Information on Substitute Teacher UI and PUA Eligibility, Weekly Unemployment Insurance Benefits Calculator, How Do I Upload A Document(s) to My Profile?, How to Upload Documents to your KY Unemployment Insurance Profile Video, File or access your unemployment insurance claim, Direct deposit - set up or make changes, COVID19 - Unemployment Insurance Frequently Asked Questions. When you make a UI claim, your benefits will be calculated under the … If you are laid off due to the Coronavirus outbreak, you may be eligible for unemployment insurance. Underneath the word “Claimant,” click on the blue link that says “Unemployment Benefits – Internet Claim Filing.” 3. Click HERE to learn more. The Unemployment Benefits calculator is intended to be a quick reference for determining your approximate potential benefit amounts. In order to hold eligibility for an unemployment extension an applicant must: If an applicant fails to maintain his or her eligibility, then the applicant may be disqualified from receiving any unemployment compensation extensions.
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