Is an active flying club at the Thomaston-Upson Co Airport. ARTICLE XV – AMENDMENTS. There are no fees or dues for this membership. The full Board is required to review these details and decide by vote to allow an alternate method of payment, or allow the member to resign and fulfill his financial obligation by approved means. Just submit your information and we'll do the rest. (Example: deductible insurance). Section 3: In the event of damage to any equipment of the Club, the following specific rules shall apply except when provided for elsewhere in the Club regulations: (a) If any accident caused through violations of Federal Air Regulations or local regulations, the member at fault shall be responsible for the uninsured portion of the damages. necessary to become an Active member in order to be approved by the Board and placed on the application/waiting list. No member can obligate the Club except as set forth in these By-Laws and other regulations of the Club. (b) Execute in the name of the Club all certificates of membership contracts, and instruments, other than checks, following their approval by the Board. (b) Any member is liable to the Club for any damage resulting from his own carelessness or negligence. Initiation fees, membership dues, rental fees and other financial assessments shall be determined by the Board. Section 6: All general membership meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, and minutes with attendance will be taken at all such meetings. It being intended that said club shall provide its members with the above without any monetary gain or profit to any of its members. This shall be the final regular meeting of the calendar year. In the event of the absence of both the President and Vice-President, at any regular or special meeting, a chairman shall be selected in accordance with the sequence of officers listed in the Constitution. If you are a member of the AOPA Flying Club Network, you'll receive a premium listing! Community Flying Clubs Flying Club Finder State List Click on a US state to see all of its flying clubs. Section 11: All checks must bear the signature of the Treasurer whose name appears on the bank signature card, Withdrawal slips must be signed by the Treasurer and one other Board member whose name appears on the signature card. Section 1: These By-Laws may be altered or amended by a majority vote of a quorum at a regular or special membership meeting, provided that the proposed amendment(s) shall have been presented to the members of the Club for at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the proposed amendment(s) is to be considered. NOTE: If a true financial hardship exists with a member, he or she should contact a Board member with the details of said hardship to see if satisfactory arrangements can be worked out to retain membership and/or fulfill the member’s financial obligation. Section 4: A Suspended Member shall be considered as one who has been temporarily denied all the privileges of membership in the Club by majority action of the Board. Section 2: A Charter Member is one who has founded the Club as of November 12, 1994, and is currently an active member. A called membership meeting may also be held upon the written request of one third of the membership. Section 1: The number of Active members shall be limited at the discretion of the Board, based on the amount of equipment and the average time the equipment is in use, so as to allow reasonable use by each Active member without undue restrictions. Current status of the company is Active/Compliance. He shall review each aircraft’s squawk log on a daily basis, and take prompt action to confirm and correct any listed problems by performing the work himself, or contracting with other qualified personnel. Section 9: Initiation fees of all members shall be payable when application for membership is approved. The company's filing status is listed as Active/Compliance and its File Number is K501070 . – NAME (c) Insure the compliance of appropriate directives in all areas of Club operation. Appropriate dues shall be payable upon receipt of statement, and will be considered to be delinquent on the first of the following month. Suspension shall begin on the first day of the month following the month in which the bill was presented, and continue until such time full payment is received, or thirty days, whichever comes first. He shall also maintain the proper maintenance records, be responsible for all papers required to be carried in the aircraft, and report monthly to the Board the status of all Club equipment. Upon dissolution of the Club, three members shall be designated as trustees who shall liquidate the assets thereof, as soon as practicable, and pay all existing debts and liabilities in proportion to the final available capital. – AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE PERFECT PRODUCTIONS 101 VISUAL PRODUCTIONS INCORPORATED, STATESBORO SIGMA CHI ALUMNI HOUSING CORPORATION, Hope Hospice And Palliative Care Services,LLC, INTERLINK UNIFORMS, INC. - PUBLIC SAFETY AND NURSING. A penalty of 10% will be added to the bill each successive month (10% of the delinquent amount) until the bill is paid. We are a small not-for-Profit flying club. If, by the end of this month, the member has not paid all monies, or the member has not made other arrangements with the board, the member will be terminated, and legal means of collection will commence. Do you want to start a club? Section 3: The Vice-President shall: act as President in the absence of the President, have complete charge of all elections in the absence of the President. It is about the same distance from Atlanta, Macon, and Columbus. Membership shall be effective upon the favorable recommendation by the Board. Section 3: All board matters requiring a vote, must have a Board quorum of at least 2/3 Board members. ARTICLE VII – DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS WEST CENTRAL GEORGIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. WEST CENTRAL GEORGIA HEAVEN'S SAINTS MOTORCYCLE MINISTRY, INC. WEST CENTRAL GEORGIA OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED. Section 1: It shall be the duty of all officers to conduct the activities of the Club in an efficient manner, serve on the Board of Directors, and safeguard the interests of the Club at all times. ARTICLE XIII – FLYING REGULATIONS, Section 1: Flying regulations and any other regulations deemed necessary shall be adopted by the Board of Directors and shall have the same force and effect as if published as a part of these By-Laws. Section 2: The Treasurer shall have the authority to obligate or expend funds for normal operating costs of the Club and for one-time obligations or expenditures up to $500.00. The Board shall set rates to be charged for flying time sufficient to cover cost of operation, maintenance and repairs. Section 9: The duties of members shall be to attend all meetings; to conduct themselves in a proper and fitting manner; to uphold the dignity of the Club at meetings and on the flying field; to be alert and mindful of the Club’s interest; to exercise caution and safety in flying; and to observe all Federal Aviation Administration, State, Local and Club flying rules and regulations. A two thirds in favor vote is required of that quorum to effect passage of a vote. Section 5: Upon approval of the Board, resignation shall become effective immediately but in no event before all money due the Club shall have been collected. Section 6: The Maintenance Officer shall originate and supervise all test, inspections, and major overhauls of each Club aircraft in the accordance with FAA regulations, performing such work as he is able to do within FAA regulations, his own ability and discretion, for the benefit of the Club from the viewpoint of safe operation. FLYING CLUB AND AIRCRAFT RENTAL: Once you are a certificated pilot our entire Cessna fleet is available for you to rent. Section 4: Resignations shall be addressed to the President who shall, not later than the next regular membership meeting, bring them to the attention of the Board for action. We have one aircraft and about 20 members. Section 6: Associate members wishing to become active members may do so by paying the difference between the current initiation fee and the amount of dues they have paid during the period of time they have been listed as Associate members. The account of the person at fault will be charged for this amount, and action will be taken to recover this amount from the person, if deemed necessary by the Board. It being intended that said club shall provide its members with the above without any monetary gain or profit to any of its members. Section 5: Any member of the Club finding it necessary to purchase parts or to have any repair work performed on the equipment of the Club, in an emergency or during a cross-country flight, may do so in his own name; upon presentation of a properly receipted bill for such sales and/or service, he shall be reimbursed or given credit by the Treasurer. He shall be responsible for notifying the board of any aircraft advisories, A.D.’s, etc. The company's registered agent is DEREK LANDSTROM, 239 STEEPLECHASE, Upson, BARNESVILLE, GA, 30204, USA The company's Secretary is DEREK LANDSTROM, 239 STEEPLECHASE, BARNESVILLE, GA, 30204, USA The company's CEO is DOUGLAS DORAN, 697 HWY 36E, BARNESVILLE, GA, 30204, USA The company's CFO is GREG BLOSSER, 1373 HWY 18 W, BARNESVILLE, GA, 30204, USA. Section 1: Membership will be on a voluntary basis and classified as Charter, Active, Associate, Suspended and Honorary. Section 10: Regarding any purchases made by the Club in excess of $500.00, The Board members must approve the purchase agreement. The amount shall be sufficient to cover costs and operating expenses. Each member shall share monthly dues, in an amount to be determined by the Board subject to two-thirds approval of the general membership present and voting. At the end of this thirty-day period, where full payment has not been received, the member will be considered terminated, and the Board will send the member a Notice of Termination, whereas legal means of collection will commence. He will do the same for any CFI’s to be used to train members in club aircraft. Section 5: An Associate Member shall be considered as one who has been favorably voted on by the Board of Directors and shall be entitled to all privileges and benefits within the power of the club to bestow, except those of operating club aircraft and voting.
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