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Those numbers are almost too huge to comprehend. $2.36 billion: Net Profit to the Province, of which $2.2 billion went to the operation of hospitals and other provincial priorities and the balance earmarked to problem gambling prevention, treatment and research, local and provincial charities and Ontario’s amateur athletes, $265.6 million: in commissions paid to lottery retailers across Ontario, $199.4 million: for goods and services purchased from Ontario businesses to support gaming facilities operated by OLG, $146.3 million: to municipalities and First Nations that host gaming facilities and Charitable Gaming Centres, $137.3 million: to Ontario First Nations through the Gaming Revenue Sharing and Financial Agreement, $36.4 million: in Charitable Gaming proceeds distributed to participating local charities, $2.5 million: to community festivals and events. This is $8.3 billion more than was spent in 2003/04—an increase of 50 per cent. Crucially, the government must deal with these issues in the context of Ontario’s precarious fiscal position, which includes an $8.5 billion budget deficit. Appeared in the London Free Press, September 15, 2015, Report Card on Quebec's Secondary Schools 2020, Ford’s deficit-reduction plan reminiscent of Rae, McGuinty, Wynne years, Provincewide testing key to improvement in B.C. schools. Roughly 1%. If you break down the $4.1 billion in economic activity created by OLG between April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017, the contributions to the Province of Ontario are quite impressive. Elementary school teachers are engaged in a “work to rule” campaign and the possibility of a strike looms. As a result, per-student spending has increased by 57.3 per cent during this timeframe. Program spending in turn consists of three main types of expenditure: net expenditures on goods and services, transfers to persons, and transfers to provincial governments. ON National Basketball Association all-time scoring leaders 1946-2020, National Football League: Super Bowl wins by team 2020, Average ticket price for an NFL game by team, FIFA world ranking of men's national soccer teams 2020, Athletic footwear global market share by company, Health & Fitness Clubs - Statistics & Facts, Sporting Goods Industry - Statistics & Facts, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. The real amount? Please do not hesitate to contact me. Learn more about how Statista can support your business. All rights reserved. "Sales of lotteries in Canada in 2019 (in million Canadian dollars), by province or territory." Even though a new administration is promising a wave of change, it’s still going to require a lot of money to keep the country running. The Ontario government debt is the net amount of money the Government of Ontario has borrowed from the general public, institutional investors and public-sector bodies. M5V 2Z5, Niagara Health announcing new visiting hours for inpatients starting Monday, November 9th. The rest funds things like the Children’s Health Insurance Program and consumer health programs. Quick Analysis with our professional Research Service: Content Marketing & Information Design for your projects: * Quebec changed reporting on all games to a net basis (gross gaming revenue) in FY19. It’s important to note, too, that this doesn’t count spending on veterans benefits. St. Catharines (December 31, 2019). New, Figures and insights about the advertising and media world, Industry Outlook Consider that Ontario spent $25 billion on education in public schools in 2012-13, the most recent year of available data. But some say that federal involvement undermines community accountability and focuses more on enforcement than minimizing harm. Article content. As a result, per-student spending has increased by 57.3 per cent during this timeframe. Today is National Voter Registration Day! © 2020 Fraser Institute. The Fraser Institute is an independent, non-partisan research and educational organization based in Canada. Expert information about credit scoring, credit reporting and credit cards. A spokeswoman for Social Services Minister Todd Smith says the government wants to build a more sustainable and effective developmental services system and manage expenditures. The bulk of those dollars went to only a handful of spending categories. The government does plan to increase health-care spending in its term, by an average of 1.6 per cent every year. $39 per month* In 2013, that program’s spending was $17 billion, the lowest amount since the program started in 1998, according to the Congressional Budget Office — so that’s a promising sign for deficit hawks.
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